
Boxing: Gather the micro-power of charity to help the community with good governance

author:Quality Binzhou

From 2024, the Pugu Community of Bochang Street will begin to promote the work of the Community Charity Fund, aiming to promote the integration of charity resources in the community, provide a "doorstep" platform for residents in the jurisdiction to participate in charity, and open up the "last mile" of community charity. It is expected that by the end of this year, the community charity fund will make great progress, and in the near future, the Pugu community charity fund will also cover every community in the jurisdiction and establish a variety of charity projects.

How can community charity funds connect community resources horizontally and vertically to benefit community residents? The Pugu Community plans to take the following steps to promote grassroots social governance and create an atmosphere for everyone to participate in charity, and explore its future development direction.

Boxing: Gather the micro-power of charity to help the community with good governance

Smooth channels for participation in charity, and leverage small resources to provide large services

In the Spring Festival of 2024, in order to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, express New Year's blessings, create a festive, joyful and peaceful festive atmosphere, enhance neighborhood feelings, and enrich the cultural life of community residents, on January 31, Pugu Community, Bochang Street, carried out the New Year blessing party and mass celebration activity of "Taste Chinese Taste and Book Chinese Feelings". The funds for the activity relied on the Pugu Pugu Community Charity Fund of Bochang Street to raise donations, and also invited special people and special families and residents in the jurisdiction to participate. This activity reflects that the establishment of the community charity fund has opened up channels for residents to participate in community charity, so that residents can give better and better quality of love; On the other hand, residents will be more proactive and motivated when they understand that the donations will be used to help special people in their own communities. The establishment of the community charity fund has changed the simple donation of money and materials into the provision of charitable services, and has realized the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the people.

Boxing: Gather the micro-power of charity to help the community with good governance
Boxing: Gather the micro-power of charity to help the community with good governance

To create a "reservoir" of love, "micro funds" also have great power

The Community Charity Fund is like a reservoir where little love is accumulated over time and ultimately benefits the residents of the district. Judging from the advanced work experience in other places, the community charity fund will greatly enrich the ability of the community to serve the residents and enhance the residents' recognition of the community. Using the charity fund, Pugu community regularly cooperates with community medical insurance stations, medical institutions, and caring merchants to carry out various charitable activities. On the basis of continuing to improve the rules and regulations and operation processes, the Pugu Community Charity Foundation will "cross the river by feeling the stones" on the one hand, and carry out targeted training on the other hand, so as to improve the ability of the members of the Community Charity Foundation in terms of operation management, project management, resource mobilization, etc.

Boxing: Gather the micro-power of charity to help the community with good governance

The focus of the community charity fund is at the grassroots level, and the core is to provide good services, which needs to continuously stimulate the internal vitality and initiative of the community, expand the path for social forces to participate in grassroots governance, and create opportunities for social forces to participate in grassroots governance. The Community Charity Fund is not only a platform for charitable donations, but also an effective means to enhance community service capabilities, enhance community connections, and realize the cohesion of community charity.

Boxing: Gather the micro-power of charity to help the community with good governance