
10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

author:Military Coffee

The chaos in the Middle East continues, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is still in full swing, and Israel is also ready to strike at Lebanon. Iran's mission to the United Nations said that if Israel launched a full-scale aggression against Lebanon, a "war of annihilation" would begin. The United States Government is looking for solutions to the conflict between Israel and Lebanon. You must know that the massacre of Gaza itself has made the whole world very angry, except for the support of Western countries, Israel has been condemned by almost the rest of the world, but Israel still goes its own way! Israel's so-called self-defense has long since turned into a massacre, and now it is going to strike at Lebanon, which will only cause dissatisfaction among more countries!

10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

The Houthi raids on the surrounding ships are still continuing, and now the Houthis have their own supersonic missiles, which also makes the US aircraft carriers very jealous, so the US aircraft carriers have long slipped away! Whether it's Iran and Israel or Syria and Israel, the love-hate entanglement between so many countries makes the Middle East chaotic, and it will be very difficult to avoid conflict and war! Syria itself is right next to Israel, and Syrian airfields are not without a lot of Israeli air strikes, but Syria can't do anything about it. Syria is also one of the key areas for the competition of various forces, the United States has not stolen Syria's oil in Syria, and the United States and Russia have also fought in Syria.

10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

According to a report released by the Russian News Agency, the military aircraft of many NATO countries once again provoked the Russian military aircraft in Syria, although such provocations will occur frequently, but the two sides still do not want to make a big deal about it, in case there is really an air war, both sides are bound to have a lot of casualties! Major General Yuri Popov, deputy head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria, said that foreign military aircraft continue to provoke Russian military aircraft, and such provocations will only increase tensions between the two sides! And the military aircraft of many NATO countries obviously have a numerical advantage, but the Russian Su-35 fighter should not be underestimated, but every time it is the NATO military aircraft that launches a provocation, such a provocation is very dangerous, once the gun is misfired, then the two sides are likely to fight!

10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

According to Major General Yuri Popov, in the Tanf region, two F-15 fighters, two Rafale and two Typhoon fighters of NATO countries, as well as four A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft, carried out up to 10 deliberate provocations against Russian military aircraft during the day, and such violations are very likely to cause air battles! So many violations in a row, it is clearly a deliberate provocation! You must know that the Rafale fighter and the Typhoon fighter are among the strongest fourth-generation and a half generation fighters in Europe, and they are at the same level as the Su-35, so so many NATO military aircraft continue to put pressure on Russia, which will indeed lead to the intensification of contradictions between the two sides!

10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

You must know that the United States has many military bases around Syria, including F35 fighters and F22 fighters, both of which are fifth-generation fighters, and Russia has not formed a real combat effectiveness before the Su-57, it is difficult for the Russian Air Force to deal with these two fifth-generation fighters, even if the Su-35 fighter has the power of a war, but it is probably not an opponent at all! Therefore, Russia does not dare to rashly start a confrontation with the fighters of Western countries in Syria, after all, the strength does not allow it, unless the Su-57 can form a strong combat force! This time, 10 foreign planes of Western countries violated the law and provoked Russian military aircraft 10 times, apparently deliberately!

10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

What is even more unexpected is that in the sky above the village of Ace-Suholi in Homs Province, at an altitude of almost 7,500 to 8,500 meters, an MQ-9 drone of the coalition forces and the Su-35 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces approached dangerously again, and the Su-35 fighter flew normally in Syrian airspace as planned. Everyone knows Russia's toughness, and has always liked to show off its muscles, in the face of the continuous provocation and approach of the MQ-9 drone of the coalition army, can the Su-35 still bear it?

10 foreign aircraft provoked 10 times in a row, and the MQ-9 directly approached dozens of meters, and the Su-35 could still bear it?

The Su-35 fighter cruised normally with live ammunition, and in the face of the MQ-9 drone that continued to approach, the Su-35 could launch missiles to shoot it down, but I didn't expect the Su-35 to endure it and didn't choose to shoot it down violently! The Su-35 pilots took a very professional attitude and directly evaded it, avoiding the possibility of collision between the two sides! Such a result may also be expected, once the Su-35 fires, then it is very likely to be retaliated by a variety of allied fighters, and the U.S. F22 and F35 may also participate in the war, in order not to make things bigger, the Su-35 can only choose to forbear!