
Gan Hongyu died, died in the year I loved him the most. So I found countless stand-ins like him

author:Little Plum pushes the book

Gan Hongyu died, died in the year I loved him the most.

So I found countless stand-ins like him, with similar eyes, similar noses, and similar mouths.

Until I met Yu Haokong, he was the most similar to Gan Hongyu, and even the mole at the corner of his eye was exactly the same.

I chased Yu Haokong for three years.

In the past three years, I have been warm and gentle with him.

He also gradually moved me from the indifference and humiliation at the beginning.

Just when everyone thought I would be with Yu Haokong.

Gan Hongyu is back.

Gan Hongyu died, died in the year I loved him the most. So I found countless stand-ins like him


"Come and pick me up."

Yu Haokong's voice carried a hint of drunkenness, and his tone was unquestionable.

The phone hung up, and an address was sent to my phone.

Without hesitation, I hurriedly grabbed a coat and went out.

In the bar, men and women danced closely, and all kinds of noisy music made me frown.

Passing through the crowded crowd, I came to Yu Hao's box where I was empty.

I stretched out my hand and pushed open the door of the box, and there were many people sitting inside, most of them were Yu Haokong's friends of wine and meat.

Except for Lin Xue'er, who was nestled in Yu Haokong's arms.

This person who was guessed by Yu Haokong's friends to be the most likely to become Yu Haokong's girlfriend.

When they saw me, the crowd instantly cheered.

"I'll just say it, she's definitely coming, she's Brother Hao's most loyal licking dog, and she can't get rid of it hahaha. I've won, you guys drink and drink!"

The losing man looked at me and rolled his eyes: "I said Tao Mixia, don't you have dignity?" I'll go, I'm really convinced of this woman! If I lose, I thought you should at least have a face. The woman who sticks to this level is also powerful.

"It's the first time I've seen this kind of epic licking dog! Hahahaha."

I stood uneasily, clasping my fingers tightly, and turned my head to look at Yu Haokong.

Tried to ask for his help.

"Haokong, I'...... I'll pick you up......

But Yu Haokong didn't seem to hear what I said, didn't look at me, and even directly ignored my existence, with a hint of drunkenness on his face, a pair of long arms took Lin Xue'er beside him in his arms and kissed ambiguously.

The music was still, and the sound of the two kissing fiercely reached everyone's ears.

Everyone turned their attention to them.

Started to heckle, as if he had forgotten that I existed.

But Lin Xue'er didn't, and looked at me with a flaunting gaze.

Showing off that I am always her defeated subordinate, showing off Yu Haokong still chose him after all.

"Yu Haokong, you...... Why did you do this to me?"

I asked with tears in my voice, and my body trembled uncontrollably.

Hearing my voice, Yu Haokong ended the kiss and hugged Lin Xue'er affectionately in his arms.

"Just kidding, oh...... By the way, I made a bet with them that if you're willing to listen to me, go outside and do a striptease in the lobby, and I'll win.

"Don't you love me? I want to win, can you go?"

Yu Haokong's tone was gentle, but he said the most cruel words.

I've been chasing Yu Haokong for three years, and I try my best to meet whatever he asks, and I've always thought that this is just because Yu Haokong cares about me.

But now such a naked humiliation makes me cold.

Untenable, he retreated again and again.

"Yu Haokong, I love you, can you treat me like this?"

Yu Haokong looked at me with a smile and stopped talking, just quietly waiting for my movements.

A new round of bets began in the box, and it was still my bet.

Bet on whether I'm willing to go out and undress for Yu Haokong.

I bowed my head in disappointment, reached open the door to the box and left the bar.

It's just that after I left, Yu Haokong's face became impatient, and he pushed Lin Xue'er away with some irritability.

Staring thoughtfully in the direction I left.


When I got home, I took my mobile phone and sent a circle of friends, accompanied by a photo of Yu Haokong's side.

"I really love you so much, don't leave me, okay?"

In the photo, this face is handsome and handsome, and it is my favorite face ever.

As soon as the circle of friends was issued, Yu Haokong immediately came to the news.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, let's spend it together?"

I hooked the corners of my mouth and replied, "Okay! I've learned a lot of your favorite dishes these days, so I'll cook them for you tomorrow, okay?"

There was a long pause, and then he replied, "Hmm."

On the second day, I got up early and came to Yu Haokong's house.

Began to prepare for Yu Haokong's birthday dinner today.

Because Yu Hao has a bad stomach, I often come to his house to cook for him before leaving.

Even if he eats casually every time, he and his friends go to celebrate.

But every year for his birthday, I still prepare for him.

Serving the last dish on the table, I picked up my mobile phone and called Yu Haokong, wanting to ask him when he would finish.

The phone was filled with music over and over again, and no one answered until it stopped.

I sat on the couch and waited.

The clock on the wall ticked and turned, and it was still quiet outside the door.

The night gradually flooded the entire sky.

Turn on the phone again, and my circle of friends has been updated.

The latest one is the back of Lin Xueer and a man's ten fingers clasped together.

"Celebrating the birthday of the person you love the most is the happiest day in the world."

I gave it a thumbs up.

Then open the chat window with Yu Haokong and delete the friend.

The phone is blocked.

got up and cleaned up all the breath of life left by Yu Haokong's house.

Couple cups, shoes, and all the clothes.

The action is done in one go.

opened Yu Haokong's door and was about to leave, but he didn't expect to meet Yu Haokong, who was a little drunk.

The two were gorgeously dressed, and it was obvious that they had just had a romantic party.

Lin Xue'er turned her head to look at the door: "I've prepared so many delicious foods, but now that Brother Ah Hao and I are back, you can leave."

"By the way, these are the wages you pay Brother Hao as a nanny these days."

Lin Xue'er took out a hundred-yuan bill from her bag, threw it in my face, and then scattered it and landed on the ground.

Just like my love for Yu Haokong, I was trampled underfoot.

I turned my head to look at Yu Haokong, who had his eyes closed, his eyes were scarlet, and his tone was a little choked:

"So...... Yu Haokong, you think so too? You've always treated me as a babysitter for your family?"

Yu Haokong opened his eyes slightly, looked at me fixedly and didn't speak again.

"Originally, I thought ...... I've been by your side for three years, and there will be more or less my place in your heart, and now it seems that ...... All this is my own doing."

After all, tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"Good! I'm not such a cheap person."

I raised the phone in my hand: "Phone, WeChat, I blocked you, I won't bother you in the future."

Lin Xue'er was very satisfied: "Then you don't hurry up, stay here and hinder me and Brother Hao's eyes."

"Brother Hao, let's go home."

With a bang, the door slammed shut.

Downstairs, I wiped the tears from my face and hooked the corners of my mouth, looking up at the room that lit up again.

casually threw all the things from Yu Haokong's house into the trash.

Then he turned and walked away.

This bureau has just begun, and I believe that Yu Haokong will come to me soon, and I am sure that he will not be able to do without me for the past three years.

He likes me, but he is unwilling to admit that he will like me, after all, liking someone means being bound.

He is such a man who yearns for freedom.

So Yu Haokong enjoyed my company, and humiliated me all the time to prove to everyone that I liked him and not that he pestered me.

And Lin Xueer, she never understood.

The way to subdue Yu Haokong, the sea king, is not to be coquettish in front of him, and you can take him by being coquettish.

It's about leaving him inseparable from himself, and then disappearing completely.

If you obey him too much, you won't be able to take him.


I really completely disappeared into Yu Haokong's world.

Not a trace was left.

In order to know Yu Haokong's whereabouts before, he added a lot of friends.

Now they are all blocked next to each other.

I quit my job and just told my colleague that I wanted to go to Yunnan to relax.

But he did not say where he was going to Yunnan.

When I stay in Yunnan, I drink tea every day and occasionally chat with the handsome tourists around me.

Life is not comfortable.

It didn't take long for Yu Haokong to start trying to contact me, but I ignored me.

Shut down directly in the back.

My colleague told me that my boyfriend was crazy about looking for me, and he came to the company and begged them for a long time before telling him my whereabouts.

When I talked about the thirtieth handsome tourist, Yu Haokong appeared.

is not as chic as in the past, he is always carefully dressed up on weekdays, and now he looks a little embarrassed.

The clothes are tinged with a faint yellowish color, and the hairstyle that is always meticulous is very flamboyant at the moment.

"Tao Mixia, if you want to be my girlfriend now, maybe I can consider it."

Xu is showing weakness to a woman for the first time, and the whole person is a little awkward, but the whole person is still a little arrogant.

I snorted lightly, Yu Haokong thought that it had always been me who couldn't live without.

"No need, I bless you and Lin Xue'er. Three years is enough time, and now I don't want to waste a single minute of my time with you."

I turned to leave, and the handsome guy I was chatting with was inviting me to have a drink in the evening.

I responded with a smile.

Yu Haokong saw that I immediately followed a man away, and he was a little panicked in an instant, and stretched out his hand to pull me tightly: "Tao Mixia, I'll give you the steps and hurry down, don't be satisfied."

I changed my face and shook his hand away, "I don't want this step, you ...... I don't want it either."

Yu Haokong's face was a little ugly, and he explained to me in disbelief.

"What...... What do you mean? Don't you love me?

"Three years...... We don't want it for three years, don't you say you don't want it?

"Do you still care about Lin Xue'er? I just wasn't sure what I wanted at the time, I thought you were the same as those women in my heart, but since you left, I realized that you are different from them.

"I know I'm wrong, isn't that okay?"

"Oh, but now you're like them."

I pointed to the handsome guy I had just accosted, "No...... They might be cleaner than you."

Yu Haokong's face was a little pale: "Xia Xia, I know that I wasn't so clean before, but I promise that there will only be you alone in the future, you see I don't know where you are in Yunnan, I have been looking for you for twenty days, I am so tired, I really want to eat the food you cooked, shall we go home?"

I looked at him steadily, just like he did when he hugged Lin Xue'er and looked at me that day.

"Not good! Yu Haokong, don't you understand what you said just now? Now it's me! No! Want! You! That's it!"

I said it word by word to Yu Haokong.

Yu Haokong was silent for a while, and his increasingly ugly face still forced himself to smile: "It's okay, I'll chase you this time."

In the following days, Yu Haokong put down everything and stayed in Yunnan with me.

He began to change.

From me annoying him, to him annoying me.

These days, I don't have a good face for him, and he doesn't want to think about it.

"Xia Xia, how can you forgive me......

I looked into the distance, counted the time, and it was time to go back.

I looked at Yu Haokong.

"Lahei Lin Xue'er, no longer contact her, even your family's business must be cut off completely, so I will consider whether to be with you."

Yu Haokong and Lin Xueer are two world friends, and the two are childhood sweethearts, Lin Xueer loves Yu Haokong miserably.

In this way, I want Lin Xue'er to have no way out.


Yu Haokong did not hesitate and agreed decisively.


On the third day after I went back, I received an overwhelming amount of abuse from Lin Xue'er in phone calls and text messages.

"You slut, you dare to provoke Brother Ah Hao to block me.

"Slut! I'll kill you!

"Brother Ah Hao will only be mine, you don't really like Brother Ah Hao at all, why do you occupy him?"

I swiped my phone and replied, "But your brother Hao is planning a confession for me!" It's tomorrow, do you want to come and see?"

After coming back, Yu Haokong mysteriously told me to surprise me.

But he didn't know that I had been waiting for this surprise for a long time.

Day 2.

I was brought to the scene by Yu Haokong's friends.

The flowers were shining, and Yu Hao was standing in the center with my favorite sunflower in an empty tailoring suit.

The screen behind us is the past of the two of us.

I was taken to the center of the field.

Yu Haokong looked at me with a moved expression: "Xia Xia, I couldn't see my heart clearly before, which made you suffer a lot of harm because of this, but at this moment, I, Yu Haokong, will definitely treat you well after this promise and will not do anything sorry for you." Xia Xia, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I looked at everything in front of me and didn't say a word.

Because I'm waiting for someone.

A hurried voice suddenly came: "I don't agree!"

It's here!

"I don't agree with you being together!"

It's Lin Xue'er.

I hooked the corners of my mouth.

It's finally here.

"Brother Hao, it's not you she likes at all, Tao Mixia just uses you as a stand-in for the person she likes.

"Brother Hao, look!"

The screen behind me began to show me and Gan Hongyu, and Gan Hongyu's appearance was eight points similar to Yu Haokong.

"Sister Xia Xia, are you still blaming me? Brother Blame Hongyu lost his life to save me, so he wanted to rob Brother Ah Hao to take revenge on me, right? In addition, Brother Ah Hao is somewhat similar to Brother Hongyu, so you will naturally regard Brother Ah Hao as Brother Hongyu."

Lin Xue'er stepped forward and grabbed my hand tightly, pleading bitterly.

"But now Brother Hongyu is not dead, he is back, I will give him back to you, can you give Brother Ah Hao back to me?"

I turned my head to look at Lin Xue'er.

"Where are the others now?"

Lin Xueer handed me an address.

The address was my rental house with him before.

I laughed out loud!

Where did he get his face Gan Hongyu.

But now that I'm back, I should pay back everything I owe.


I turned to leave.

Yu Haokong grabbed me tightly, his eyes were slightly red, and his tone was incredulous: "What Lin Xue'er said is not true, right? Am I really a stand-in for this man? Xia Xia, you really like me in the past three years, right?"

"No, how could I not like you!"

I gently stroked Yu Haokong's face and explained.

Hearing my words, Yu Haokong showed a relaxed smile: "I knew that Xia Xia you wouldn't lie to me!"

"Brother Hao, she lied, she didn't like you! She just used you as a stand-in for Brother Hongyu, and she deliberately approached you when Brother Hongyu had an accident."

Yu Haokong had already asked someone to control Lin Xue'er.

"Shut up!"

Yu Haokong scolded loudly.

"Xia Xia said that he likes me, he must like me, Xia Xia won't lie to me."

Hearing Yu Haokong's words, I smiled happily: "Baby, didn't you promise me not to see her again last time? I don't like her."

Such an affectionate title made the corners of Yu Haokong's mouth rise uncontrollably.

"Okay, no! Throw people out!"

Lin Xue'er was thrown out heavily, and the whole person was embarrassed.

And I'm going to meet the old man, too.


Rent inside the house.

Gan Hongyu sat in our familiar chair.

With one last hope, I asked, "Where have you been? Why did it disappear?"

Gan Hongyu was a little dissatisfied with my attitude, after all, I had always been obedient to him before, and I rarely had such an indifferent tone.

"There was a man who wanted to assault Cher, and I helped because I didn't want to accidentally beat someone to death. I thought I was going to go to jail, so I went to hide for a while, but some time ago the police contacted me, I am a hero, I am not guilty. The one who is guilty is that man, who is extremely obscene, this kind of person should not live in this world, and maybe his family is not good!"


What is a good person and what is a bad person.

My only hope was lost.

I clenched my fists, my nails digging deep into my palms, but I couldn't feel the pain.