
My mother killed Qin Youchuan's childhood sweetheart, Shen Moli, and poured him to drink the love wine and give it to me

author:Little Plum pushes the book

My mother killed Qin Youchuan's childhood sweetheart, Shen Moli, and poured him to drink the love wine and send it to my bed.

At that time, I only had the heart to detoxify him in my eyes, and let him vent and eat.

After a night of affection, Qin Youchuan left the Prime Minister's Mansion like crazy, asking for a decree to conquer the border.

After he returned victorious, the Prime Minister had already fallen.

Qin Youchuan imprisoned me on the bed.

Let me get pregnant, miscarry, pregnancy, miscarriage......

Until I finally died of blood.

When I opened my eyes again, I was dressed in red and was preparing to go to Qin Youchuan's twenty-fifth birthday banquet.

My mother killed Qin Youchuan's childhood sweetheart, Shen Moli, and poured him to drink the love wine and give it to me


Qin Youchuan hadn't stayed for three days, except for eating, drinking, and Lazar, he hadn't stopped.

I lay on the couch, feeling pain and despair.

With a "poof", a warm current flowed out of his body.

Qin Youchuan finally stopped.

Tinnitus, dizziness, and a fluttering body.

When I was unconscious, Qin Youchuan shook my shoulders and shouted with grinding teeth, "Wen Mei'er, you are not allowed to die without my permission!" You must not die!"

I can't count the number of times, he said so.

The body is getting lighter and lighter, and the pain gradually disappears.

Re-one-eyed eyes.

The mother smiled and held a pair of high-quality jade jewelry.

"Mei'er, wear this pair and go again, Qin Youchuan's poor boy won't be shocked to lose his big teeth."

I haven't seen my mother for ten years.

My mother smiled so beautifully.

At the moment, I just want to hold her.

In the last life, the first thing Qin Youchuan did when he returned from a great victory was to divide my mother's five horses into corpses and avenge his childhood plum Shen Moli.

Tears silently wet my mother's clothes.

Thinking that I was still suffering from Qin Youchuan's indifference, she patted my back and said softly.

"Mei'er, after tonight, Qin Youchuan is yours. The daughter of the daughter of the dignified prime minister, he is just a boss, and he doesn't take my daughter in his eyes!

"Tonight, you'll be able to take him down."

"No, mother! No, you must not move Shen Moli!" I cried and wiped away my tears, "I...... I'm on my own!"

My mother was calmed by the perseverance in my eyes, and rubbed my face with satisfaction: "Oops, my Mei'er has grown up! I know how to rely on myself......


In my last life, as the daughter of the Prime Minister's house, I have always been clothed to reach out for food and open my mouth.

Even the man who is happy only needs to tell my mother, and the next day, the man will be sent into my room.

I thought that the men in this world should be like flowers on the side of the road, let me pick them.

Until, when encountering a hard bone that is difficult to gnaw, Qin Youchuan.

The first time I met Qin Youchuan was in my father's schoolyard.

Dressed in black, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, he is holding a bow and arrows, and the arrows are not missing.

Like a god, sacrosanct.

But I wanted to see him on the couch, drunk and sinking.

When my mother saw me looking at him stupidly, she knocked him unconscious and put him in my bed that night.

Qin Youchuan lay on the bed, closed a pair of peach blossom eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "You kill me!" I'm not going to have sex with a slut like you!"

Growing so big, it was the first time I was scolded by a man.

My heart hurts a little, and there is something strange.

Pulling away the dagger, I didn't kill him, I just untied his ropes.

"Qin Youchuan, you remember, I'm Wen Mei'er, I like you.

"I don't like to use force, sooner or later, one day, you will beg me to go to your couch!"

Qin Youchuan didn't say a word, looked at me with disgust, picked up the clothes on the ground, slammed the door and left.

In the following ten years, Qin Youchuan tied my hands and feet every time he forced me to go to bed.

He bit every inch of my skin and asked me:

"Wen Mei'er, this is what you want, isn't it? Well? What are you frowning for? Are you comfortable? Yes! I will fulfill you! Huh?"

I remember every night of pain and humiliation, and I remember his anger and catharsis in every inch of my conquest.

I didn't dare to beg for mercy, I was afraid that my mouth would not be a moan of pain, but an instinctive charm......

Even if my belly was high, Qin Youchuan never let me go.

He just went mader and crazier, grabbed my ankles and pushed harder and harder.

"Wen Mei'er, you are not worthy, you are not worthy of being a mother! Your mother is even less worthy! Children don't deserve to live, they don't deserve a femme fatale like you!"


Painful memories swept over layer by layer.

In this life, I don't want to, let alone have any intersection with Qin Youchuan!

"Mother, I don't like Qin Youchuan anymore, it's just a little general, mother, his birthday is not worthy of me to go in person!"

I coquettishly hugged my mother's arm: "Mother, I just don't like it suddenly, don't force me to stick his cold ass!"

My mother shook her head helplessly, rubbing the hair on my forehead: "Okay, it's all up to you......

I took my mother and accompanied her to visit her favorite Emerald City.

Bought a carriage of Emerald back.

After ten years of captivity, I was finally able to breathe freely and spend my money freely.

My mother and I bought a new carriage and listened to the pleasant sound of the "jingling" of the cart full of jade in front of us.

The mood is extremely refreshed.

Return to the Prime Minister's House.

As soon as I got out of the carriage, I heard the sound of horses' hooves approaching behind me.

My mother turned around and gently squeezed my arm, her voice trembling with excitement: "Mei'er...... Qin ...... Qin Youchuan!"

Following his mother's gaze, Qin Youchuan was riding a horse, dressed in a crimson official uniform, and his eyes were like torches.

Leng Buding, when I saw him again, I was still so frightened that my legs almost weakened, and if I hadn't held my mother, I was afraid that I would have fallen to my knees.

Ten years of fear followed, I took my mother's arm and hid behind me.

My mother thought I was shy, patted my hands, and asked Qin Youchuan with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, are you here single-mindedly, or are you passing by?"

I didn't dare to look at him, let go of my mother's arm, pulled my leg and wanted to go home.

Qin Youchuan called behind him, "Miss Wen, three days ago, you handed over the prayer post, why haven't you gone to the banquet today?"

I stiffened up and pulled out a smile, "Well, I'm not feeling well today, my mother will go out with me for a walk. Here, I wish Gongzi Qin a blessing like the East China Sea Shoubi Nanshan."

Qin Youchuan turned over and dismounted, and paced to me: "Oh? I wonder if Miss Wen can attend today's dinner?"

My mother immediately happily pushed me into Qin Youchuan's arms: "Go, go, of course!" Mother go back and tidy up your things, don't get in my way!"

After speaking, the mother took three steps and made two steps, ran back to the house, and closed the door.

I didn't have time to push Qin Youchuan away, so he grabbed his wrist and threw him into the saddle.

"Qin Youchuan, what are you doing? I'm going home!"

Qin Youchuan neatly turned over and got on the horse, imprisoned me, and slowly spoke with a warm tone close to my ear.

"Wen Mei'er, you've been reborn too, haven't you?"

The body suddenly froze, the hands and feet trembled unconsciously, and the skin around the body began to tighten.

"Heh, you're still so sensitive...... Wen Mei'er, even in this life, you still owe me! I won't let you go!"

I stiffened, and the horse jolted, as if to signal something to come.

No, no!

Today, I am still the daughter of the prime minister's house, I still have my mother and father, and I have relatives.

I can't go back!

Qin Youchuan rode his horse quickly, and within a short time, he arrived in front of his mansion.

He rolled over and dismounted, with a smile on his face, and reached out to hug me.

I kicked him in the face with my feet, grabbed the reins, and slammed the horse's belly.

When the horse was in pain, he neighed and galloped out.

Qin Youchuan's roar came from behind him: "Wen Mei'er, you come back for me!" You can't escape! You'll never escape!"


I whipped the horse harder and harder, and only when I was far away from Qin Youchuan could my heart stop trembling......

I remember that on Qin Youchuan's birthday, there was another big event.

The princess was kidnapped in the night market in the eastern suburbs, and after destroying her innocence, she committed suicide.

For this reason, the emperor boycotted the dynasty for three days, killed all the bandits in the cottage on the outskirts of Beijing, and vented his anger for the pearl of his palm.

In this life, if I can save the princess and make a great contribution, I will definitely be able to keep my family safe.

He will not become a prisoner on Qin Youchuan's couch......

When I arrived in the eastern suburbs, the lights were on, and the bustling crowd filled the entire market in a row.

Turning over and dismounting, I huddled in the crowd, looking for the princess.

Sure enough, I saw the princess at the juggling place.

She was like a little swallow that had just come out of her shell, screaming and making noise.

Although she is dressed in men's clothes, the proud curve of her chest still completely sets off her daughter's body.

Just ten feet away from her, a tall man was staring at her.

If you don't look at juggling, but you want to look at a woman who is a man on the surface, it must be a bad intention......

Not good! The princess is in danger!

I walked over quickly and grabbed her sleeve: "Princess, I am the daughter of Prime Minister Wen, Wen Mei'er."

The princess looked at me warily, and her dark eyes looked at me.

Noticing my priceless jade hairpin ring, she let her guard down.

I put it in her ear and told her, "Princess, the slave wants to take you to a good place. Have you ever been to the Green House? The top girls are all stunning in the country."

The princess clapped her hands for joy and followed me along.

I protected the princess, and in my afterglow I noticed the men who were getting closer and closer behind me.

The man is eight feet tall, and I can't help the princess when I stack him.

To be tough is to find death.

So, just as the man was about to grab the two of us, I stumbled and knocked a jade stall to the ground.

"Jingle bell" jade hairpin ring, shattered to the ground.

The man's hand took the opportunity to grab the princess's shoulder as well.

The princess exclaimed, "Ah—you presumptuous!"

When I got up from the ground, I was stopped by the vendor: "Lose money! Lose money!"

I pointed to the tall man, "You go to him, I'm just the maid who accompanies the young lady, he is the butler!"

The vendor immediately grabbed the man's trouser waistband and entangled it, asking for silver taels.

Although the hawker was not as tall as him, he was a man, and the onlookers were coaxing, and the man couldn't mediate for a while.

I took advantage of this gap and ran to the princess: "Quick! Come on! That's the brothel man, catch the one who will be sold!"

The princess turned pale with fright, grabbed my hand, and ran after me.

I didn't think about it, and ran to the position of the horse, but I didn't see the shadow of the horse.

The man behind him had already broken free from the vendor and came to us.

"Stinky, dare to spoil my good deeds! I'm going to drive two carts with one horse today, and see if I don't kill you!"

The princess was paralyzed with fright, and her whole body hung on me, unable to move.

I dragged her as slowly as a turtle as hard as I could......

When I looked down again, the princess had fainted.

Oh my God, is it possible, am I going to kill myself with the princess in this life?

"Hehehe, little lady, don't struggle, brother, I can turn the car, I'm afraid I can't turn you two? Come on......

I didn't dare to listen anymore, and I desperately dragged the princess, the only straw.

"Wen Mei'er, did you run so fast to have a tryst with this little white-faced person? Can't I satisfy you yet?"

As if I had been struck by lightning, I looked at Qin Youchuan who walked out from behind the man in amazement.

Why did he come along?


It's okay, Qin Youchuan's martial arts are superb, and he is the most suitable for heroes to save beauty.

Naturally, the beauty I'm talking about is not me......

The tall man turned around and saw Qin Youchuan, but he became more and more excited, and his mouth kept foul language.

"Damn, Lao Tzu is really lucky today, this rabbit seems to be more handsome than these two little ladies, come on, brother, I love you......

As he spoke, he stretched out his big fan-like hand and grabbed it towards Qin Youchuan.

Qin Youchuan frowned, kicked away in disgust, and hit the man all over the ground with three or two blows.

The man covered his bleeding mouth: "If you don't do it, you won't do it, you will beat people!"

After saying that, he stumbled away.

Qin Youchuan glanced at the man's back viciously, and then looked at me again.

"This time, your taste has become a lot heavier! Wen Mei'er, let me tell you, you don't want to go to another man's couch except me!"

I was overwhelmed by the princess, and I was willing to provoke Qin Youchuan, so I could only slowly drag the princess away.

What Qin Youchuan couldn't bear the most was that I was silent.

He chased after me in three or two steps and pressed my shoulder: "What are you doing to stun this little white face again? Are you still doing all that? Wen Mei'er, haven't you been enough by me?"

This man is really a urinary tube, either sassy or yellow.

I took a sharp breath, dragged the princess up, and pushed her into Qin Youchuan's arms.

"Qin Youchuan, since you and I both have a chance, let's not interfere too much!

"In the last life, what I owe you has been paid off, and in this life, I want to live by myself!

"Also, thank you for making a righteous move, and this person will repay you. We're clear!"

Qin Youchuan subconsciously took the princess, and the back of his hand also touched the softness of her chest.

In an instant, he knew that he had wronged me, and the corners of his mouth twitched to say something.

However, I didn't care what he thought.

"What did you do to save this woman? Huh?"

Qin Youchuan in the previous life was sad about his loss and Shen Moli's death, so naturally he didn't remember this major event.

I smiled and pointed to the princess in his arms, "Qin Youchuan, your blessing is behind."

Isn't it a blessing to be a colt?

It's just that how can Qin Youchuan explain to his childhood plum Shen Moli?

It's not about me!


Without waiting for him to continue to ask, I had already ridden Qin Youchuan's horse and left.

It wasn't until I returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion that my heart fell to the ground.

Three days later, the emperor announced to the world that the princess was married to Qin Youchuan.

My mother told me about this carefully, for fear that I would not be able to make a big fuss in the palace.

Qin Youchuan is handsome and incomparable, presumably the princess woke up from a fainting and fell in love with him at first sight.

Only then did he beg the emperor to grant him a marriage.

I smiled faintly and took a sip of tea: "Very good! In the future, my mother doesn't have to tell me about Qin Youchuan again. I really don't care."

"By the way, the emperor said that he could fulfill one of my wishes, right?"

As one of the princess's lifesavers, I also have a reward.


"Lord of the county.

"I want to recognize King Ye as my godfather."


Seven days later, the canonization ceremony.

My mother and father accompanied me into the palace together.

Unexpectedly, the new horse master Qin Youchuan was also there.

His cheeks were slightly sunken, and there was a big cloud of black blue under his eyes, as if the horse master was singing every night, and his energy was low.

It seems that the princess is very happy with him.

King Ye is nearly sixty years old, and he only has a youngest son, Qi Zhen, who is only twenty years old.

As the daughter of Xiangguo, I have the ability to save the driver, so he is naturally happy to recognize a cheap father.

In this way, it is really as he said, "The children are all right."

In fact, only Qin Youchuan and I knew why I was like this.

Back then, it was King Ye who framed his father for corruption and bribery.

If I were his goddaughter, then the Prime Minister and him would be in the same breath, one with glory and one with loss.

King Ye won't frame his father.

Daddy won't die unjustly.

King Ye was very happy, took me and Qi Zhen's hands, and said with tears that he died without regrets.

I squeezed out a smile and looked at the imperial nobles in the palace, and my mother and father nodded with satisfaction.

Everything, it seems, is perfect.


Qi Zhen crossed over to King Ye and said to me, "Sister, my mother died early, and I met you at first sight, can you chat with me?"

His eyes were slightly red, and his wet eyes were harmless to humans and animals.

King Ye put my hand into Qi Zhen's hand: "Okay, good! You two sisters and brothers have a good relationship, and this king will die without regrets!"

I can't remember how many words King Ye said, "Die without regrets", I only dragged me to the Imperial Garden by Qi Zhen in a trance.

"Wen Mei'er, what did you do to my sister?" Qi Zhen didn't let go of my hand, muttering to himself along the way.

I was afraid that he would think that I was greedy for wealth, so I hurriedly spoke: "Don't worry, Master Qi, I just want to get the title of county lord, and I won't compete with you for the family property!"

Qi Zhen sneered, took my hand and slowly pressed it against his cheek.

Cool and delicate skin.

"Sister, don't you like beautiful men? Why didn't you choose me, is Zhen'er not handsome?"

Qi Zhen looked at me with wet eyes, and rubbed his face against my hand.

Go without saying.

In my last life, I did read countless men, and my wandering heart was well known in the entire capital.

But I never dared to provoke the royal family!

Although I am a good man, I am even more desperate for my life.

I smiled awkwardly and tried to pull my palm back, but he pulled it tighter and tighter.

"Young Master Qi, you and I are already sisters and brothers, so unruly."

"Humph!" A sneer came from a corner of the Imperial Garden.

Qi Zhen hurriedly let go of my hand, staring at the direction where the voice came from.

He was scared.

"Wen Mei'er, you are a good means! What a slut for all ages! Are you trying to put your godfather and godbrother into action?"

Qin Youchuan had a gloomy face and walked over.

"Do you think you'll be able to get away from me that way?"

Qi Zhen took me behind him: "Master Horse, please respect yourself!"

Xu is county lord has given me blessings, I am not too afraid of Qin Youchuan, and I even have some sympathy for him.

In the first life, it is still a plaything on a woman's pillow.

"Heh......" I sneered and walked out from behind Qi Zhen, "Qin Youchuan, are you so interesting?"


"Interesting! Very interesting! Wen Mei'er, don't try to escape from the palm of my hand!"

Qin Youchuan's eyes were red, and his depressed face suddenly became bright.

"Smack!" I slapped Qin Youchuan hard with my backhand.

"Qin Youchuan, are you in love with me? Or are you guilty of being cheap?

"Now it's the princess of the dynasty who wants to marry you, not me Wen Mei'er, if you want to hold Shen Moli for her grievances, it shouldn't be me!

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