
Thirst-quenching disease and its treatment experience

author:Dr. Miao said

"A headline with a mission"

Thirst-quenching disease and its treatment experience

Author/Dr. Miao

Thirst disease, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a chronic disease characterized by polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss. The understanding of thirst-quenching disease in traditional Chinese medicine can be traced back to ancient texts, such as "Neijing", "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", "Jin Kui Yaolu", etc., which have discussed in detail the etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment methods of thirst-quenching disease. Guided by the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and combined with modern clinical experience, this article analyzes the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of thirst disease in detail, and shares two clinical cases.

1. The etiology and pathogenesis of thirst disease

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of thirst-quenching disease is mainly related to factors such as insufficient congenital endowment, uncontrolled diet, emotional disorder, and loss of work and rest. Its basic pathogenesis is yin deficiency, dryness and heat, and the main disease location is the lungs, spleen, and kidneys.

  1. Insufficient congenital endowment: Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of congenitality, and those with insufficient kidney essence are prone to thirst-quenching disease. The deficiency of kidney essence cannot nourish the internal organs, resulting in an imbalance of yin and yang in the body, which in turn leads to thirst.
  2. Uncontrolled diet: In modern life, uncontrolled eating and overeating are important causes of thirst-quenching diseases. Excessive consumption of fatty, sweet, sweet, and spicy products can damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in abnormal spleen and stomach transportation, endogenous dampness and heat, dampness and heat accumulation, depletion of yin and jin, and the formation of thirst.
  3. Emotional disorders: emotional discomfort, stagnation of liver qi, long-term fire, liver fire to the lungs, depletion of the lungs, resulting in the loss of lung moisture; Liver qi offends the stomach, the stomach is hot, and the fluid is burned, forming upper and middle two eliminations.
  4. Loss of work: Overwork or staying up late for a long time can damage the righteous qi, resulting in spleen and kidney deficiency, yin and yang imbalance, and the formation of lower consumption.
Thirst-quenching disease and its treatment experience

2. Classification of thirst-quenching diseases

According to the theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, thirst-quenching diseases can be divided into three categories: upper consumption, middle elimination and lower consumption. Upper consumption is more common in pulmonary heat and injury, which is manifested as polydipsia; Medium consumption is mostly seen in the hot stomach, which is manifested as polyphagia; Hypoxia is more common in kidney yin deficiency, which is manifested as polyuria.

First, let's look at the upper consumption. The pathological basis of the upper consumption is mainly pulmonary heat injury. Patients often feel thirsty and have a dry mouth, as if they can never satisfy their thirst for water. In addition, they will also urinate more frequently, with a reddish tongue, a thin yellow moss, and a flooded pulse. For such patients, the main goal of TCM treatment should be to clear away heat and moisten the lungs, and quench thirst. Commonly used formulas such as White Tiger and Ginseng Soup, in which White Tiger Soup can clear away heat and reduce fire, and ginseng can quench thirst, the combination of the two can effectively alleviate the symptoms of upper consumption.

Next up is the middle consumption. The pathological basis of Zhongxiao is the hot stomach. The main symptom of the patient is that he eats too much and is hungry all the time, even if he eats too much. Their body may gradually lose weight, and they will also experience symptoms such as dry mouth, red and yellow tongue, and smooth pulse. For such patients, the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine should be based on clearing the stomach and purging fire, nourishing yin and nourishing the body. Commonly used prescriptions such as Jade Girl Decoction have a significant effect on relieving the symptoms of Zhongxiao.

Finally, let's take a look at the next consumption. The pathological basis of the lower elimination is the deficiency of kidney yin. The main symptom of the patient is frequent urination and excessive urination, which is due to the lack of kidney yin to restrict the excretion of urine. At the same time, they will also feel symptoms such as dry mouth, soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus. The tongue is reddish in color, but the tongue coating is scarce, and the veins are thin. For such patients, the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine should be mainly to nourish yin and kidney, and quench thirst. Commonly used prescriptions such as Liuwei Dihuang Pill plus or minus, the herbs in which can nourish yin and nourish the kidneys, quench thirst, and have a good effect on alleviating the symptoms of lower consumption.

3. Treatment of thirst-quenching disease

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment of thirst-quenching diseases emphasizes overall conditioning, strengthening the right and dispelling evil, regulating the function of the internal organs, and restoring the balance of yin and yang. Treatment methods include traditional Chinese medicine treatment, acupuncture treatment, diet conditioning, emotional conditioning, etc.

  1. Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment:
  2. Upper consumption: It is advisable to clear away heat and moisten the lungs, and quench thirst. Commonly used prescriptions such as white tiger and ginseng decoction, plus or minus gypsum, zhimu, japonica rice, ginseng and other medicines.
  3. Medium consumption: It is advisable to clear the stomach and relieve fire, nourish yin and nourish the body. Commonly used prescriptions such as jade girl decoction, plus or minus the use of gypsum, zhimu, rehmannia rehmannia, wheat dong and other medicines.
  4. Lower elimination: It is advisable to nourish yin and kidneys, and quench thirst. Commonly used prescriptions such as Liuwei Rehmannia pills, plus or minus rehmannia rehmannia, yam, dogwood, Ze Epsom and other drugs.
  5. Acupuncture Treatment:
  6. Acupuncture treatment for thirst-quenching diseases aims to regulate the function of viscera, dredge meridians, and balance yin and yang. Commonly used acupuncture points such as Zhongguan, Guan Yuan, Kidney Yu, Spleen Yu, Zusanli and so on.
  7. Diet:
  8. Dietary conditioning plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of thirst disease. It is advisable to eat light, fiber-rich foods, such as bitter gourd, celery, cucumber, mung beans, etc., and eat less sweets, fatty and sweet products.
  9. Emotional Conditioning:
  10. Maintaining a good emotional state is of great significance for the treatment of thirst disease. You should keep your mood comfortable, avoid mood swings, participate in recreational activities appropriately, and enhance your physical fitness.

4. Clinical cases

Case 1: Upper consumption

Li, male, 45 years old, thirsty and polydipsia, daily water intake of more than 3000ml, accompanied by dry mouth, frequent urination, nocturia, weight loss of 5kg. The tongue is red and thinly yellow, and the pulse is numerous. The diagnosis is upper consumption, and the treatment is to clear away heat and moisten the lungs, and quench thirst.

Prescription: gypsum 30g, Zhimu 10g, japonica rice 30g, ginseng 10g, Ophiopogon vulgaris 10g, smallpox pollen 10g, Coptis chinensis 6g, rehmannia 15g.

After taking three doses, the symptoms of thirst were significantly reduced, the amount of water intake was reduced, and the frequency of urination was improved. After continuing to take five doses, the symptoms basically disappeared and the weight gradually regained.

Press: The patient is thirsty and thirsty, the tongue is red and yellow, and the pulse is flooded. Fangzhong gypsum, Zhimu clears heat and fire, and quenches thirst; Japonica rice and ginseng nourish the qi in the body, nourish yin and nourish the body; Wheat winter and smallpox pollen nourish yin and moisten dryness; Coptis chinensis clears heat and dampness; Rehmannia rehmannia nourishes yin and clears heat, comprehensive conditioning, and has significant curative effect.

Case 2: Downward elimination

Zhang, female, 50 years old, frequent urination and heavy urination, daily urine volume of more than 4000ml, accompanied by dry mouth, soreness in waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, and weight loss. The tongue is red and less lichen, and the veins are thin. The diagnosis is to eliminate the lower elimination, and the treatment is to nourish the yin and nourish the kidneys, and to quench thirst.

Prescription: Rehmannia 15g, Yam 12g, Cornus officinalis 10g, Epsom Epsom 10g, Peony peel 10g, Poria cocos 12g, Asparagus 10g, Ophiopogon 10g, Coptis chinensis 6g.

After taking five doses, the symptoms of frequent urination and excessive urination were significantly improved, the water intake was reduced, and the symptoms of soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus were reduced. After continuing to take ten doses, the symptoms basically disappeared and the weight was restored.

Press: The patient has frequent urination and excessive urination, red tongue and less lichen, and a thin pulse. Rehmannia rehmannia, yam, and dogwood nourish yin and nourish the kidneys; Ze Yuan, peony bark, Poria cocos clear heat and dampness; Tiandong and wheat winter nourish yin and moisten dryness; Coptis chinensis clears away heat and dampness, comprehensive conditioning, and has significant curative effect.

— END —

I Note: The purpose of this article is to spread the idea of diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, please follow the doctor's instructions for specific treatment and medication! Don't try it blindly! (Thank you for your attention, spread the culture of Chinese medicine, feel the power of Chinese medicine, and let more people benefit~)