
"Civil air defense + technical defense"! Guichi weaves a dense geological disaster "protective net"

author:Treasure land and precious pool

On July 1, Ji Liangchao......, a staff member of the Natural Resources and Planning Institute of Yinhui Town, was inspecting the geological disaster site of the debris flow in the Foling Formation of Guankou Village. The rain continued, but the group did not stop for half a minute.

"Civil air defense + technical defense"! Guichi weaves a dense geological disaster "protective net"
"Civil air defense + technical defense"! Guichi weaves a dense geological disaster "protective net"

Behind a residential house, Ji Liangchao and his entourage squatted down to check the state of the soil and observe whether there were cracks in the mountain. "We will carry out daily inspections before, during and after the rain at the geological disaster points every day, strictly abide by the requirements of 'flood season, more than inspection', and find any hidden dangers that may arise in time." Ji Liangchao told the author that there are 9 debris flow geological disaster points like the Foling Formation in Guankou Village in our area, in addition to 27 landslides, 22 collapses, 10 debris flows, and 13 ground collapses, a total of 72 geological disasters (hidden dangers) of various types.

If the "civil air defense" realized by daily inspections is the first "lock" for the safety and stability of geological disaster points, then the "technical defense" realized through scientific and technological empowerment is the second "safety lock" for it.

"Civil air defense + technical defense"! Guichi weaves a dense geological disaster "protective net"

Next to a residential building, two small loudspeakers with bright colors on a piece of equipment attract special attention. Ji Liangchao introduced to the author that this monitoring and early warning equipment composed of alarm lights, horns, hosts, batteries and solar panels is an outdoor sound and light alarm, which can be remotely broadcast in time when there is a dangerous situation. In addition, an outdoor sound and light alarm, a rain gauge, three crack gauges, four inclination accelerometers, two mud water level gauges and an earth pressure gauge were installed at the debris flow geological disaster points of the Foling Formation. These "sentinels" who stick to the geological disaster point can monitor the situation of the disaster point from multiple angles and more accurately, once there is any "wind and grass", the collection function will be triggered, the monitoring data of the movement will be recorded and reported back, and the relevant units can immediately warn, pull the cordon, effectively organize the evacuation of personnel, and ensure the safety of residents' lives and property.

"Civil air defense + technical defense"! Guichi weaves a dense geological disaster "protective net"

In recent years, our district has actively explored new ideas for disaster prevention and control, and while strengthening the daily inspection of personnel, it has introduced a more accurate monitoring system to explore a new way of "civil air defense + technical defense" for land disaster prevention and control. As early as 2022, our district has carried out the installation of universal monitoring instruments, and a total of 35 places and 226 universal monitoring instruments for geological disasters have been installed. Up to now, the District Self-regulation Bureau has sent a total of 85 working groups and 193 people to inspect and investigate 256 points in the front line, with the combination of "civil air defense + technical defense", pay close attention to the dynamic changes of hidden danger points, and ensure that every geological disaster hidden danger point is monitored, inspected, and warned, so as to ensure that the disaster danger is discovered in time, and the disposal measures are implemented and reported, so as to fight the "active battle" of flood control.

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