
Freckle removal treatment

author:Dr. Miao said

"A headline with a mission"

Freckle removal treatment

Author/Dr. Miao

1. The etiology and pathogenesis of freckle removal

Spots are pigmentation that appears on the surface of the skin and are commonly found on the face, especially on the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the formation of spots is closely related to various factors such as visceral dysfunction, qi and blood disharmony, emotional disorders, and eating disorders. Its etiology and pathogenesis are mainly as follows:

  1. Qi stagnation and blood stasis: emotional discomfort, depression and anger, resulting in stagnation of liver qi, poor qi and organs, and for a long time, qi stagnation and blood stasis, blood stasis is blocked on the face, forming spots. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" said: "All diseases are born from qi", the qi is not smooth, the blood flow is unfavorable, and spots are born.
  2. Spleen deficiency and dampness: The spleen is mainly transported, and the spleen deficiency will stop the water and dampness, and the dampness will be flooded, blocking the skin, and over time, the dampness will turn into heat, and the face will be steamed hot, forming spots. In particular, long-term poor diet, craving for fat and sweet taste, hurting the spleen and stomach, making dampness and heat more likely to form spots.
  3. Liver and kidney yin deficiency: liver and kidney yin deficiency, unable to nourish the skin, facial dystrophy, spots. In particular, the deficiency of kidney yin, inflammation on the deficiency fire, burning the yin blood, and the yin deficiency and fire are vigorous, resulting in facial pigmentation. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" cloud: "The kidney, the house of water, the main collection of essence, the essence, the root of the human being", the deficiency of kidney yin affects the whole body, especially in the face.
  4. Wind evil attack: The external wind evil invades the skin, causing qi and blood imbalance and forming spots. In particular, the face is often exposed to the outside world, and it is susceptible to the invasion of external evils such as wind chill and wind heat, resulting in disharmony of qi and blood, and the formation of spots.

2. Syndrome differentiation and treatment of freckle removal

Freckle removal requires corresponding treatment according to different etiologies and pathogenesis. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, according to the different types of spots, combined with tongue coating, pulse and other syndrome differentiation treatment, in order to achieve a good treatment effect.

1. Qi stagnation and blood stasis type

Symptoms: Dark brown or purple spots on the face, clear borders, accompanied by chest and flank fullness, depression, irregular menstruation, purple and dark tongue or petechiae, and astringent pulse.

Treatment: Drain the liver and regulate qi, invigorate blood and eliminate blood stasis.


  • Bupleurum soothing liver powder: Bupleurum chinensis, white peony, citrus aurantium, incense, tangerine peel, Chuanxiong, boiled licorice.
  • Xuefu Zhuyu Soup: Angelica, Rehmannia Root, Red Peony, Chuanxiong, Peach Kernel, Safflower, Bupleurum Chinensis, Citrus Aurantium, Licorice.

2. Splenic Dysphoria

Symptoms: Facial spots are yellowish-brown, the skin is greasy, accompanied by lack of appetite, abdominal distension and loose stools, white and greasy tongue, and slow pulse.

Treatment: Strengthen the spleen and dampness, and remove freckle.


  • Shenling Atractylodes Powder: Codonopsis, Poria cocos, Atractylodes, licorice, yam, lotus seed, coix seed, white lentil, sand seed, bellflower, jujube.
  • Dehumidifying stomach Ling soup: Atractylodes, Magnolia officinalis, tangerine peel, licorice, Atractylodes, Poria cocos, Zexiao, Zhu Ling, cinnamon branches, dried ginger.

3. Liver and kidney yin deficiency type

Symptoms: Facial spots are dark brown, dry skin, accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus, soreness in the waist and knees, five heart irritations, red tongue with little lichen, and thin pulses.

Treatment: nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish yin and remove freckle.


  • Liuwei Rehmannia Pills: Rehmannia Rehmannia, Cornus officinalis, Yam, Ze Yuan, Poria Cocos, Danpi.
  • Lycium chrysanthemum rehmannia pills: Rehmannia rehmannia, dogwood, yam, Zexiao, Poria cocos, danpi, wolfberry, chrysanthemum.

4. Wind Evil Attack Type

Symptoms: Red or dark brown spots on the face, accompanied by itchy skin, symptoms of wind chills, thin white tongue coating, and tight pulses.

Treatment: Relieve wind and relieve the surface, invigorate blood and dissolve spots.


  • Parsnip: parsnip, nepeta, ephedra, peppermint, gypsum, gardenia, talc, forsythia, rhubarb, miscanthus, angelica, Chuanxiong, white peony, ginger, jujube, licorice.
  • Jing Fang Septic Powder: Nepeta, Parsnip, Bupleurum, Qianhu, Chuanxiong, Platycodon, Citrus aurantium, Qianghuo, Duhuo, Licorice.
Freckle removal treatment

3. Specific treatment methods for freckle removal

1. Take medication internally

According to the syndrome differentiation and treatment, it is one of the main treatments for freckle removal to choose the appropriate prescription for internal treatment. Commonly used prescriptions include Bupleurum Shugan San, Shenling Baizhu San, Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Fangfeng Tongsheng San, etc. These formulas can regulate the function of the internal organs, improve qi and blood circulation, and eliminate blemishes.

2. Topical medications

Topical drugs can directly act on the skin and assist internal drugs to achieve the effect of freckle removal. Commonly used topical drugs include whitening and freckle removal creams, freckle removal masks, etc. These medicines contain traditional Chinese medicine ingredients that can lighten spots and whiten the skin.

3. Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture treatment can regulate meridian qi and blood and improve facial pigmentation by stimulating acupuncture points. Commonly used acupuncture points include Yingxiang, Hegu, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, Liver Yu, Spleen Yu, Kidney Yu, etc. Acupuncture treatment can dredge the meridians, promote blood circulation, and achieve the effect of freckle removal.

4. Massage therapy

Massage therapy stimulates facial acupuncture points and meridians to promote blood circulation and improve facial pigmentation. Commonly used massage methods include kneading Yingxiang, tapping Hegu, kneading Zusanli, and massaging Sanyinjiao. Massage therapy can dredge the meridians, promote the circulation of qi and blood, and achieve the effect of freckle removal.

5. Diet

Diet is also very important for freckle removal. Avoid spicy and irritating foods, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and maintain a balanced diet. You can eat foods that have the effect of whitening and freckle removal in moderation, such as black fungus, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, lemons, etc. Maintaining a good diet can help improve facial pigmentation.

Freckle removal treatment

4. Clinical cases

1. Qi stagnation and blood stasis type freckle removal case

Li, female, 35 years old, facial spots have a history of 5 years, dark brown color, emotional depression, chest and flank fullness, irregular menstruation, purple and dark tongue, and astringent pulse.

Prescription: Bupleurum Shugansan plus or minus: Bupleurum 10g, White Paeonia 15g, Citrus aurantium 10g, Xiangfu 10g, Citrus tangerine peel 10g, Chuanxiong 10g, Glycyrrhiza glabra 6g, Safflower 10g, Peach kernel 10g.

Treatment process: After taking the drug for 1 month, the patient's chest and flank fullness was reduced, the color of the spots became lighter, the menstrual period was normal, and after continuing to take the drug for 2 months, the spots were significantly reduced, the mood was improved, and finally the spots basically disappeared.

Note: Due to emotional discomfort, the patient's liver qi is stagnant, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and spots are formed. Bupleurum soothes the liver, disperses the liver and regulates qi, invigorates blood and dispels blood stasis, and adds safflower and peach kernels to enhance the function of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, and achieves good results.

2. Cases of spleen deficiency and dampness freckle removal

Zhang, male, 40 years old, facial spots for 3 years, yellow-brown, oily skin, accompanied by lack of appetite, abdominal distension and loose stools, white and greasy tongue, slow pulse.

Prescription: Ginseng Cocos Atractylodes Powder plus or minus: Codonopsis 15g, Poria Cocos 20g, Atractylodes macrocephalus 15g, Licorice 6g, Yam 15g, Lotus Seed 10g, Coix Seed 20g, White Lentil 15g, Sand Kernel 6g, Platycodon 6g, Jujube 5, Citrus Peel 10g, Poria Cocos 10g, Zexiao 10g, Zhu Ling 10g, Cinnamon Branch 10g.

Treatment process: After taking the drug for 1 month, the patient's appetite increased, the symptoms of abdominal distension and loose stools were reduced, and the color of the spots became lighter, and after continuing to take the drug for 2 months, the spots were significantly reduced, the skin oiliness disappeared, and finally the spots basically disappeared.

Note: The patient is damp due to spleen deficiency, dampness and cloudiness, blocking the skin and forming spots. Shenling Atractylodes disperses the spleen and relieves dampness, and removes freckle in the middle, and adds tangerine peel, Poria cocos, Zexiao, Zhu Ling, and cinnamon branches to enhance the function of strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness, and achieves good results.

3. Cases of liver and kidney yin deficiency freckle removal

Wang, female, 45 years old, facial spots for 5 years, dark brown, dry skin, accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus, soreness in the waist and knees, five heart irritability, red tongue and little moss, and thin pulses.

Prescription: Liuwei Rehmannia Pill plus or minus: Rehmannia 20g, Cornus officinalis 15g, Yam 15g, Zexiao 10g, Poria 10g, Danpi 10g, Goji Berry 15g, Chrysanthemum 10g.

Treatment process: After taking the drug for 1 month, the patient's dizziness and tinnitus were reduced, the soreness of the waist and knees improved, and the color of the spots became lighter.

Note: Due to the deficiency of yin in the liver and kidney, the patient cannot nourish the skin and forms spots. Liuwei Dihuang Pill nourishes the liver and kidneys, nourishes yin and removes freckles, and adds wolfberry and chrysanthemum to enhance the function of nourishing the liver and kidney, and achieves good results.

4. Cases of freckle removal by wind evil

Liu, male, 30 years old, facial spots for 2 years, red or dark brown, accompanied by itchy skin, wind and cold symptoms, thin white tongue, and tight pulse.

Prescription: Fengfeng Tongshengsan plus or minus: Fengfeng 10g, Nepeta 10g, Ephedra 10g, Peppermint 10g, Gypsum 15g, Gardenia 10g, Talc 15g, Forsythia 10g, Rhubarb 6g, Miscanthus 6g, Angelica Sinensis 10g, Chuanxiong 10g, White Peony 10g, Ginger 6g, Jujube 5, Licorice 6g.

Treatment process: After taking the medicine for 1 month, the patient's skin itching was reduced, the symptoms of wind and cold were reduced, and the color of the spots became lighter, and after taking the medicine for 2 months, the spots were significantly reduced, the skin itching disappeared, and finally the spots basically disappeared.

Note: The patient is attacked by wind evil, which invades the skin and forms spots. Fangfeng Tongsheng disperses the wind and dissolves the surface, invigorates the blood and dissolves spots, and adds nepeta and peppermint to enhance the function of dispelling the wind and relieving the surface, and achieves good results.

Freckle removal treatment

5. Discussion

Through the above clinical cases, it can be seen that TCM has rich experience in the treatment of freckle removal and has significant efficacy. According to the different etiologies and pathogenesis, the corresponding treatment methods can effectively improve facial spots. Summarizing the treatment experience of TCM freckle removal, we have the following experiences:

1. Dialectical argumentation

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) freckle removal emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment, and adopts corresponding treatment methods according to different etiologies and pathogenesis. By carefully identifying the type of spots, combining the tongue coating, pulse pattern, etc., comprehensive analysis, and formulating a personalized treatment plan, a good treatment effect can be achieved.

2. Regulates the function of internal organs

Freckle removal requires regulating the function of the viscera and restoring the normal functioning of the viscera. Qi stagnation and blood stasis type freckle removal needs to soothe the liver and regulate qi, promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis; Spleen deficiency and dampness type freckle removal requires spleen and dampness, and freckle removal; Liver and kidney yin deficiency type freckle removal needs to nourish the liver and kidney, nourish yin and remove freckle; The external attack of wind evil freckle removal needs to dispel the wind and relieve the surface, and activate the blood and dissolve the spots.

3. Reconcile qi and blood

The harmony of qi and blood is an important part of freckle removal. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "blood is the mother of qi, and qi is the handsomeness of blood", and the harmony of qi and blood can make the skin rosy and reduce spots. By harmonizing qi and blood and improving qi and blood circulation, it can effectively eliminate facial spots.

4. Internal and external governance

For freckle removal, it is necessary to treat both internally and externally, with internal drugs regulating the function of viscera, and external drugs acting directly on the skin, assisting internal drugs to achieve the effect of freckle removal. Acupuncture and massage therapy can also stimulate acupuncture points and meridians to promote the circulation of qi and blood to achieve the effect of freckle removal.

5. Diet

Diet is also very important for freckle removal. Avoid spicy and irritating foods, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and maintain a balanced diet. You can eat foods that have the effect of whitening and freckle removal in moderation, such as black fungus, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, lemons, etc. Maintaining a good diet can help improve facial pigmentation.

6. Prevention first

It is equally important to prevent the formation of spots. Maintaining good habits, keeping a good mood, avoiding overwork, getting enough sleep, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, and taking sun protection measures can all effectively prevent the formation of spots.

— END —

I Note: The purpose of this article is to spread the idea of diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, please follow the doctor's instructions for specific treatment and medication! Don't try it blindly! (Thank you for your attention, spread the culture of Chinese medicine, feel the power of Chinese medicine, and let more people benefit~)