
Wang Qi's insomnia was treated

author:Dr. Miao said

"A headline with a mission"

Wang Qi's insomnia was treated

Wang Qi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, diagnosed and treated insomnia

The patient, a 50-year-old male, was first seen on 12 April 2018. Initial diagnosis (April 12, 2018): Difficulty falling asleep six months ago without obvious cause. Often go to bed at 23:30, get up at 6:00, have difficulty falling asleep, take estazolam tablets 1.5 ~ 2mg before going to bed every night, wake up easily, wake up five or six times every night, such as in a dream. Fatigue, shoulder and neck discomfort, irritability, dry mouth, cold feet, nocturia 1 ~ 2 times. The tongue is thin, thin, and the inch veins are floating and the ulnar veins are heavy. Western medical diagnosis: anxiety state. Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis: insomnia (loss of yin and yang, disharmony between camp and guard).

Governance: Combine yin and yang, reconcile camp and guard. Prescription: Compound Requiem decoction plus or minus. Prunella vulgaris 20g, Fabanxia 10g, perilla leaves 15g, lily 20g, jatamansi 10g, Yanhusuo 10g, 21 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction divided into two oral doses, take the medicine at 16:30 and 21:00, and take estazolam tablets 1.5~2mg orally before going to bed every night.

Second visit (May 9, 2018) Sleep improved slightly, neck and back were still sore and uncomfortable, irritable, dark tongue, thin white lichen, and thin pulse. Prescription: Radix Sichuan Hyssop 10g, Platycodon Platycodon 10g, North Bupleurum 12g, Fried Citrus Aurantium Bran 10g, Angelica Sinensis 10g, Chuanxiong 10g, Red Peony 10g, Rehmannia Rehmannia 15g, Peach Kernel 9g, Safflower 6g, Jatamansi 10g, 14 doses, 1 dose of decoction per day, divided into two oral doses, taken at 16:30 and 21:00, and oral administration of estazolam tablets 1.5 ~ 2mg before going to bed every night. If it is effective, the patient can take 14 more doses, and if the effect is not obvious, come to the doctor at any time.

The third diagnosis (June 5, 2018) fell asleep quickly after taking 7 doses, stopped taking estazolam tablets, and the number of wakes up on the 13th day was reduced to three or four times per night, and on the 17th day, there was no obvious cause of insomnia, and he returned to the situation before the first diagnosis, and even stayed awake all night, with palpitations from time to time. Thirsty at presentation, 2 urination per night, red tongue, and slippery pulse. Prescription: Radix Sichuan Hyssop 10g, Platycodon Platycodon 10g, Northern Bupleurum 10g, Fried Citrus Aurantium Bran 10g, Angelica Sinensis 15g, Chuanxiong 10g, Red Peony 10g, Rehmannia Rehmannia 20g, Peach Kernel 9g, Safflower 9g, Sophora Sophora Sophora 15g, Yanhusuo 10g, 28 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction divided into two oral doses, take the medicine at 16:30 and 21:00.

Fourth visit (July 10, 2018) Sleeps soundly for more than 6 hours per night, neck and shoulder discomfort, and cold feet. The above is effective, plus or minus the following service. Prescription: Radix Sichuan Hyssop 10g, Platycodon Platycodon 9g, Bupleurum Chinensis 9g, Fried Citrus Aurantium Bran 9g, Angelica Sinensis 10g, Chuanxiong 10g, Red Paeonia 10g, Rehmannia Rehmannia 15g, Peach Kernel 6g, Safflower 6g, 28 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction divided into two oral doses, take the medicine at 16:30 and 21:00.

Fifth consultation (21 August 2018) is now able to sleep soundly for 6 hours per night. The root of the tongue coating is slightly greasy, and the pulse is slightly heavy. Prescription: Radix Radix Radix Radi

Sixth diagnosis (September 18, 2018) can sleep for more than 6 hours per night, neck and shoulder discomfort, pulse strings. Prescription: Radix Sichuan Hyssop 10g, Platycodon Platycodon 9g, Bupleurum Radix 9g, Fried Citrus Aurantium Bran 10g, Angelica Sinensis 10g, Chuanxiong 10g, Red Paeonia 10g, Rehmannia Rehmannia 15g, Peach Kernel 6g, Safflower 6g, Pueraria Pueraria Radix 15g, 28 doses, 1 dose per day, decoction divided into two oral doses, take the medicine at 16:30 and 21:00, and take Shengmai oral liquid orally at the same time, 10mL each time, twice a day.

After follow-up until November 2, 2018, the patient slept well after taking the drug and stopped the drug on his own.

Note: The patient's initial diagnosis is combined with requiem soup plus jatamansi and Yanhusuo, as contained in the "Medical Heartfelt Ginseng and Western Records": "Those who use Jatamansi can help the atrial movement powerfully, and transfuse more blood to the brain, and it is also an important product for regulating the nerves, which can introduce medicines to the brain to regulate its nerves." "Cover its fragrance, so it is good to stimulate the heart, so that the heart will not be paralyzed, and its fragrant fragrance penetrates the power of the body can also open the paralysis and stasis. Its sour taste can protect the nerves, so that the gods will not act in vain, and acidify the power of softening and firmness, and can dissolve the knots of many years, so that they can be dissolved. As for those who can replenish impotence and cure cholera and tendons, that is, the heart is not paralyzed and the nerves are not reckless. Modern research has confirmed that it has the effects of analgesic hypnosis, sedation and calming the nerves. At the second diagnosis, the patient's sleep improved slightly, complaining of irritability, neck and shoulder discomfort, and cold feet. Long-term illness and qi stagnation lead to blood stasis, "Lingshu Benshen" has "liver hidden soul" and "blood soul", qi and blood violation will affect the soul of the house, and the eyes are difficult to see, the patient wakes up six or seven times at night, just as the "medical forest corrects mistakes" cloud: "The restless person at night will lie down and get up, sit unstable and want to sleep, the night is restless, the heavy one rolls all over the bed, and the blood stasis in this blood house." Professor Wang Qi believed that the blood stasis obstruction and soul restlessness were the core pathogenesis of the patient's insomnia, so he was treated with Xuefu Zhuyu Tang and Gansong. The patient had a recurrent insomnia on the 13th day, which was considered to be related to the discontinuation of estazolam tablets, but it was generally effective. During the third diagnosis, the original method was observed, and the sweet pine was removed, and the bitter ginseng and Yanhusuo were added. During the fourth diagnosis, the sleep was significantly improved, the neck and shoulder pain and palpitations were significantly reduced, and the prescription was to go to Yanhusuo and Sophora ginseng in the third diagnosis, and the other drugs were slightly reduced and continued. During the five diagnoses, there was a deficiency of qi and yin, and it was combined with Shengmai Drink and Requiem Soup. The sixth diagnosis of the patient still has neck and shoulder discomfort, to the blood fu Zhuyu Tang plus kudzu to shengjin Xuan paralysis, "Shennong's Materia Medica" contains the kudzu root "sweet taste, flat." The Lord quenches thirst, and the body is hot, and vomits, and all kinds of paralysis, and raises yin energy, and detoxifies all poisons." This case basically reflects the academic characteristics of Professor Wang Qi's insomnia treatment.

As a disease, Professor Wang Qi believes that the root cause of chronic insomnia is that yang does not enter yin, yin and yang are out of harmony, and there is no harmony between camp and health, so the communication of yin and yang is the great method for treating chronic insomnia. Professor Wang Qi makes good use of small prescriptions and medicine pairs, and through clinical practice, he self-formulates a requiem soup (prunella vulgaris, banxia, perilla leaves, lily).

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I Note: This article is excerpted from "Insomnia National Famous Old Chinese Medicine Treatment Collection". The articles and pictures we share are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source, and there is no commercial use. If there are any issues related to the content of the work, copyright or other issues, please contact us and deal with it immediately. The purpose of this article is to spread the idea of TCM diagnosis and treatment, please follow the doctor's instructions for specific treatment and medication! Don't try it blindly! (Thank you for your attention, spread the culture of Chinese medicine, feel the power of Chinese medicine, and let more people benefit~)

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