
"The annual salary of more than 3 million yuan of the public fund may be retroactively refunded", it's true!

author:Yan Comb Building
"The annual salary of more than 3 million yuan of the public fund may be retroactively refunded", it's true!

Author | Yan Da

On weekends, keep chatting.

The retirement of public offering institutions is real! Kimin, who had lost water before and had no strength to drink water, was going to breathe a sigh of relief this time.

At the beginning of June, it was rumored on the Internet that "the annual salary of the public fund of more than 3 million yuan may be returned retroactively".

"The annual salary of more than 3 million yuan of the public fund may be retroactively refunded", it's true!

Although the truth of the rumors is confusing, in fact, many public fundraisers also have expectations in their hearts, after all, they will cause huge losses to the people at every turn, and the fund company will make a steady profit and not lose money, how can there be no explanation.

In the past few days, rumors have resurfaced on the Internet, and it has been rumored on the Internet that a central enterprise will go to its public fund company to return more than 2.9 million yuan of funds issued in 2023 from the end of June to mid-August, regardless of the bonus vesting period and whether it is deferred in previous years.

According to the latest news from the Financial Associated Press, there are indeed public funds under central enterprises that have implemented salary restrictions, and since 2022, their salary retirement work that exceeds the standard has been launched this week, but the standard is not 2.9 million, but a partial return after reaching a certain standard.

There are a lot of small essays, but if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to guess that there is a high probability that some public offering institutions are already doing relevant actions.

Before the new nine articles came out, various supporting systems were introduced, some of which involved strict listing and forced delisting, some of which rectified market chaos such as high-priced over-raising and group price reduction, and some of which improved the salary management system of the securities and fund industry.

It can be said that none of the nine constituent structures of the capital market have been omitted.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for unreasonable or even illegal income to be required to be returned.

In the past few years, many people have lost a miserable one. 200 million shareholders, 700 million people, how much shareholders lose is not good to count, anyway, the lamentation is everywhere, the people are easy to count, in 2022, the overall loss of public funds will be 1.45 trillion, and in 2023, the overall loss will be more than 430 billion, and the total loss in two years will be nearly 1.9 trillion.

The reason why the loss in 2023 is not because of how high the technology is, but because the public offering will take part of the position to buy bonds, make some money on the bonds, and make up a lot of holes.

In terms of this loss method, Jinshan and Yinshan are not enough to lose, but fortunately, it is not their own money that is lost, at most they are scolded by the people, but they will not lose a piece of meat, and the management fee will be earned.

Like the F Country Fund, the big brother of Shanghai Tang's public offering, with a management scale of about 900 billion yuan and more than 600 funds, but the data shows that the total loss of the fund company's products in 2023 will be 24.7 billion, and in 2022, it will lose 78.5 billion, which means that it will lose more than 100 billion in two years.

As of mid-June this year, data shows that 46 products of the fund company have lost more than 30% since their inception, and 7 have lost more than 50%.

In 2022, the management fee will be about 6.2 billion, and in 2023, the management fee will be nearly 5.5 billion, and the two years will add up to more than 11.6 billion.

Typical loss of the people, rich themselves. This is more bullish than a zero-sum game, and a zero-sum game at least has to use your brains to gamble, which directly takes the license and creates a fund star to attract the people to invest money in, and what comes in is the dish.

In the past ten years, the total profit of the products of the F country fund was about 29.4 billion, but the management fee was about 31 billion, and the management fee was more than the people.

Therefore, the protection of investors' rights and interests must not only be aimed at retail investors, but also at the institutional level, especially licensed institutions.

Especially at the moment, our market defends 3,000 points at both ends in three days, and as long as the mysterious funds are not sold, it can fall to the parents who do not recognize it.

There is no reason not to strictly treat the most important participating force in the market - public fund companies.

You must know that the management scale of public funds in the current market has exceeded 31 trillion! It reached 31.24 trillion on June 27.

And the entire big A market is only a trillion, today is exactly 630, and the total market value of the big A at the end of the first half of the year is only 80.95 trillion.

Of course, only a small part of the more than 31 trillion scale of public funds is invested in stocks, most of which are invested in currencies and bonds, but even if only a few trillion are invested in the stock market, it is also a huge amount of funds.

The greater the energy, the stricter the supervision, and the more perfect the risk control system must be.

After the issuance of the new national nine.

On April 12, the State People's Court issued the "Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Capital Market", which clearly stated that it is necessary to improve the salary management system of the securities and fund industry that is compatible with business performance, business nature, contribution level, compliance and risk control, and social culture;

Continue to carry out comprehensive management of industry culture, establish and improve the system of classified lists of practitioners and the management mechanism of professional reputation, and resolutely rectify unhealthy trends such as money worship, extravagant pleasure, eagerness for quick success, and "flaunting wealth".

The tone has long been set.

In the past month, there have been many small essays in the market, salary cuts, salary restrictions, and salary refunds, and media reports have reported that some public funds under central enterprises have begun to implement salary limits and salary refund standards.

In fact, there is no need to guess whether it is true or false, all you need to guess is what the salary limit method is and what the standard for salary refund is.

The salary limit is a certainty, there have been documents issued before, the fee rate is decreasing, and there must be less than before, and those who do finance know that the bigger the platform, the platform is often greater than the ability of the individual, and the biggest endorsement that can make money is the platform.

As for the return of past income, I personally think that what can be required to be returned is generally illegal and over-issued bonuses and incentives, marketing expenses obtained in violation of regulations, usual eating and drinking and even self-travel, various private receptions but issuing company invoices to collect the company's wool, etc., these requirements for return are reasonable and legal, even if you sell the house, you have to return;

If it is a legal income or even a basic salary based on a contract, no matter how high it is, it is unlikely to ask for a refund, and it is not reasonable and legal.

Some people are curious, what is the money used for? Return to investors?

The meat that was eaten in your mouth reasonably and legally before, and you actually wanted the other party to spit it out, I'm afraid that the second class will also say that the concubine really can't do it.

Conventional judgment, I personally think it is unlikely, the audience of more than 160 people with public offering licenses, unless a public fund company also learns from the supermarket Fat Donglai, eat a bowl of 8 yuan rolling dough will lose 1,000 yuan, and pay more than 8,800 copies.

Last year, it was rumored on the Internet that a quantitative private equity boss spent 285 million yuan to buy a villa, and a female fund manager invested 170 million yuan to buy a large flat in Shanghai.

There was a joke on the Internet before: A woman who spent the most money on me, I didn't even hold her hand - the "goddess of medicine" Garan.

If you want to get a refund, how much do you think the goddess of medicine will return? Will anyone want to sell their villa for a refund?