
Girls with higher levels are generally quieter

author:Yu Xiaoya Y

1. Good temperament, elegant and charming

Some people are beautiful and have a kitsch and enchanting temperament, while some people are beautiful and have a fresh and refined temperament.

Girls with a sense of luxury, in appearance, can be very beautiful and have an outstanding temperament, or they can be not so beautiful, but have an elegant temperament.

Liu Yifei gives people a sense of luxury, not only because of her amazing beauty, but because of her otherworldly temperament.

She doesn't deliberately cater to the public's aesthetics, some people say that she is too mellow, and she laughs it off; Some people say that she is not a right-angled shoulder, and she does not take it to heart; Some people say that her gums don't look good when she smiles, and she ignores them;

Even if she is as beautiful as her, she is still inevitably talked about and criticized.

And what about her, whether she has refuted it in public, whether she has proven herself in a high-profile manner, no!

Girls with higher levels are generally quieter

She always gives people a sense of quiet time, and breaks those ill-intentioned remarks with silent actions.

No matter how nitpicking she is, few people question her bad temperament. Whether it is on the red carpet catwalk or attending the awards ceremony, she has a glamorous appearance, generous and confident.

I once watched such a scene, when she stood in the middle of the stage, other actresses competed for humility, and they didn't see the stage for a long time, and some netizens speculated that they were worried about being compared! After all, the temperament of the fairy sister is unique.

She stood there, not noisy or noisy, quietly blooming charm, making people immerse themselves in appreciation, forgetting the hustle and bustle around her.

Every time I see her appear, I can think of the noble and beautiful princess in the novel, slowly walking out of the castle, this kind of temperament, how elegant it is, how noble it is.

Girls with higher levels are generally quieter

2. Peace of mind I like to read

High-level girls are often emotionally stable, and the chaos outside can't disturb her inner peace.

This is not only reflected in the personal style, but also in the daily conversation.

Liu Yifei is attractive, in addition to her outstanding appearance and elegant temperament, she also has a good conversation.

I watched an interview with Liu Yifei some time ago, when the host asked her: What do you think is the most precious mark that time has left on you?

She calmly replied: I think every moment is different, how you look at it, maybe it will look at you.

In just a few minutes, a simple answer, but it expresses a profound philosophy and makes people feel the art of expression.

Some people may be curious, why Liu Yifei's interview, her opinions, and her chat content can always make people learn?

Girls with higher levels are generally quieter

For those who like her, it is not difficult to find that when she is not filming, she likes to read books in her daily life.

Girls who often read books are nourished by knowledge and culture, and their whole body is filled with the fragrance of books.

Such a girl, she can make witty words, can be golden and jade, can recite poems against each other, and can also resolve embarrassment with humor and humor.

And a large part of the reason for these is due to the nutrients drawn from the book, which gives her the wisdom of thinking, so that she can respond freely on various occasions and have something to say.

A girl with a calm heart, far away from the hustle and bustle and irritability, knowledgeable, gentle and quiet, talented, not elegant, not following the crowd, does not give people a sense of luxury?

Girls with higher levels are generally quieter

3. Unique thinking and aura

Girls with a low level are full of parents who are short and jumping with chickens and dogs, while girls with a high level have poetry and distance in addition to the Gou in front of them.

This is not ungrounded, but at the same time, while loving life, it also pursues ideals and goals.

Such a girl prefers quiet and solitude to linger in the brightly lit city.

Because when you are alone, you can be lazy, relaxed, casual, you don't have to consider the feelings of others, you don't have to care about strange eyes, you don't have to speculate on people's hearts, you don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing, you don't have to be vain and polite.

At this time, no one pays attention to you, let alone guides you, you can completely relax and think about your inner choices and the direction of your life.

No matter where you go, you don't take the liberty of comparing yourself to others and looking for vanity in winning and losing, but rather looking at your own changes, because you understand:

Isn't it also a great cause to be smarter, more knowledgeable, and more capable than yesterday's self? This is the optimism and self-confidence that open-mindedness brings to people.

A very thoughtful girl, she has her own unique opinions on things, no matter what others say, she can respond to one or two, and she is reasonable, which is of great benefit.

Such a girl has a very early awakening, a personality with aura, a high vision, not being coerced by the world, not being overwhelmed by human words, she can always find a quiet corner in the noisy, carrying a person's waves.