
Girls who really have a good life have a ruthless energy in them

author:Yu Xiaoya Y

1. Avoid the "reef" of success and reinvent yourself

What is the "reef" of success, that is, one's own shortcomings, such as shortcomings, bad habits, bad deeds, etc., that is, the dark place of human nature, and the comfort zone that hinders one's own development.

If a wooden barrel limited by shortcomings wants to hold more water, should it find a way to make up for the shortcomings first?

If a bicycle with a flat front wheel wants it to run normally, do you need to replace the broken tire first?

In the same way, if you want to achieve better development, you must first overcome your own problems, such as overcoming laziness in learning, procrastination in action, and giving up in implementation.

To do this, you need to first admit your own problems, see where the shortcomings are, and the limitations caused by the shortcomings, and then overturn the reshaping.

However, many people are ashamed to admit their problems, even if they are too lazy to go the extra mile, she does not think that this is a problem, and it is already a very serious problem in the eyes of others.

Girls who really have a good life have a ruthless energy in them

Therefore, most people would rather stay in a comfortable cocoon room than move their bodies to look outside.

Overcoming shortcomings and reinventing oneself is not something that ordinary people can afford.

On the one hand, we have to endure psychological resistance, and on the other hand, we must implement the implementation in consciousness, and it is difficult to continue to persist without ruthlessness.

If your spiritual world is filled with greed and evil, how can there be a place to carry and strive for progress.

Girls who really live well have a desire for goals far more than an attachment to entertainment.

She can put down her phone after work, plunge into a book, and bury herself in studying; She can take a break from her busy household chores and practice new skills; She can beat procrastination and not let it get in the way.

The wisdom of the ancients, making up for each other's strengths, is not outdated at all even now, and still has a positive guiding role for young people who are confused and want to break through.

Girls who really have a good life have a ruthless energy in them

2. Look for opportunities in change

Many people are afraid of change and are helpless when it comes to layoffs in the workplace.

She had become accustomed to living according to the old pattern, and if someone broke the rules, she would be at a loss and become restless.

Changes in the workplace are not to say that they are changing rapidly, but they are also commonplace, and in the same company, personnel turnover is not uncommon, new people pour in, old employees leave, who has a higher comprehensive value, and who has a greater chance of being retained.

People are often caught off guard by change, only seeing risks and failures, but ignoring the opportunities that are also hidden in change.

Just like some real economy is surviving in the cracks, struggling to survive, thinking that it is at the end of the road, but some discerning businessmen are still thriving when they switch to online operations in a timely manner.

Those who can't roll give up on themselves, and those who continue to roll look for new opportunities in change.

Girls who really have a good life have a ruthless energy in them

For example, two people who were also swept by the wave of unemployment, one chose to continue the old method, submitted resumes at sea, waited for interviews, and found no news;

The other option is to seek another development, preparing to devote itself to the emerging industry of artificial intelligence, superimposing the original knowledge structure on the existing industry.

Although the fields are different, the ideas of learning are the same, and the tips for mastering knowledge are shared, so has the range of options for her re-employment become larger?

Opportunities do not come empty-handed, but by oneself to take the initiative to discover, if you are stuck, even if there is an opportunity, others will be the first to take the lead.

Girls who really live well are not eliminated in waiting, but seeking new life in change.

Such a girl often has a ruthless energy, she can afford the hardships of adventure, trial and error, and exploration, so that she will be reborn in new opportunities.

Some people, even if they have ideas, do not dare to act, for fear of making mistakes and failing.

And a ruthless girl, even if she is not sure whether a new path will work, at least she will try it and then draw conclusions, instead of cowardly before she starts.

As the saying goes: try or get nothing.

Girls who really have a good life have a ruthless energy in them

3. Hone immersion ability

In the past, when I was studying, I was often disturbed by external affairs, someone downstairs was shouting to sell breakfast, the whistle sounded on the road, and a flock of birds flew by outside the window.

It seems that I am studying very hard, but in fact, I always waste time between interrupting and preventing interruptions, because I can't immerse myself in it, and my learning efficiency is extremely low.

This is one of the reasons why some people work hard, but the results are not satisfactory.

Because she only seems to be distracted on the surface, but in fact, her mind has long been wandering.

A really ruthless girl, doing the same thing, she can isolate the hustle and bustle and temptation, even if there is a lot of noise outside, it still can't interfere with her focus on the task at hand.

Some people can only learn in an ideal environment, and a little wind and grass can make her impetuousness and panic;

And some people can still study in a harsh environment, no matter how windy or rainy outside, or busy traffic, it will not affect her to continue learning.

A ruthless girl can take the initiative to block interference, and has honed her immersion ability that far exceeds ordinary people.

This makes her more able to control her energy and time than others in both study and work, and she is driven straight to the goal, doing what she says, and getting results is just around the corner.