
The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

author:Interesting and wonderful world

In our daily lives, we often encounter things that seem ordinary but are full of doubts, and they may hide hidden stories and uses.

In this issue, let's unveil these mysteries and explore the truth and mystery behind them.

1. Q: What is the use of the chain hanging from the house?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: Actually, it is a rain chain, derived from Japanese-style architecture, as an alternative to downspouts.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

2. Q: What exactly are these colourful threads found on Australian beaches, not man-made?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is the egg cord of the sea slug, which is also called "sea vermicelli" in some places.

3. Q: Why does a goat in the Scottish countryside have a handle on its head?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This is to prevent the naughty goat's head from getting stuck in the fence.

4. Q: The mysterious smoke ring encountered while driving attracted everyone to stop and take pictures.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: Actually, there is no mystery about this, it is just the phenomenon of transformer burning out, and such cases are not uncommon.

55. Q: This one found on the ceiling in the basement of my house, growing at an amazing rate, what is it?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This is most likely a trace of termites and needs to be treated.

6. Q: What exactly are these jelly-like objects found on the beach?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

Answer: They are the eggs of squid.

7. Q: What is this object found in the pool, which has a Cthulhu style appearance?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This is an epoxy resin that cures underwater and is widely used in a variety of jobs.

8. Q: What kind of prop is this numbered oval bead found during the medical examination in the hospital?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This is a testicular volume measuring device that is used to measure size.

9. Q: Is this round object found on the beach, which looks like plastic, a man-made object?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: Yes, this is a biofilm filler that is used to treat wastewater and improve water quality.

10. Q: What's the deal with the three huge pillars on this ship?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: They are the legs of jack-up rigs, which can be raised and lowered freely and stand on the seabed during operation.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

11. Q: What are these things that you picked up while walking by the sea?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: They are the skeleton of sea urchins.

12. Q: What is the use of this hollow pendant hanging on the keychain issued by the company?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It's actually a phone megaphone stand.

13. Q: What is this wooden handle and wire mesh composition found on a hike in the wilderness?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a mountain fire slap used to extinguish fires, and it looks like a broom.

14. Q: What is the activity going on in this scene in the picture?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This is operating on a cow, and the machine is a mobile operating table for veterinarians to treat livestock.

15. Q: What is this strange thing found in a thrift store?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a Himalayan calendar from Nepal with a unique design that can be used until 9999 AD.

16. Q: What is this strange liquid capsule?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a fake blood capsule, which is often used in film and television creation, fake boxing matches and other occasions, and there are a variety of flavors to choose from.

17. Q: What was this strange object found in the park used for?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a bird feeder with fat and seeds in it, which is loved by birds.

18. Q: What is that little windmill on the wire that can spin?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a bird flight steering that glows, rotates, and reflects light in the dark, alerting birds to obstacles.

19. Q: What is this cage found near the house, about a little over a meter high, which can be opened from the middle?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This may be a restraint cage for a special purpose.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

20. Q: What exactly is this thing that I picked up by the lake a few years ago?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: These are the pharyngeal teeth of black drum fish, which have large, flat teeth in their throats that are used to crush shellfish.

21. Question: What is this object that looks like a demon's dried corpse?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a mummified artefact made from rays by Jenny Hanifer, a European sailor in the 16th century.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

22. Q: What are these strange pieces of paper that you found, with a piece of wax paper sandwiched in it, and it feels like it's all oil when you scratch it?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: These are shredder's lubricating discs that are used to sharpen, clean, and lubricate the blades.

23. Q: Why is this strange trailer only half and the trailer in front?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a trailer used to tow seaplanes into the water, and it is uniquely designed and easy to operate.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

24. Q: What is this uniquely shaped object found in the factory?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is used to test the water bag used by the crane.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

25. Q: The look and feel is all handmade, wooden handle and wire mesh, what is this?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

Answer: The fire racket used to extinguish the fire is similar in appearance to a broom.

26. Q: What's in this overly long trailer?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

Answer: Gliders.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

27. Q: What is the composition of a globe-like metal frame and a giant glass sphere?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: It is a Campbell Stokes Sunlight Recorder that is used to record the hours and intensity of daylight.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

28. Q: What are these four capsules found filled with crumbs of metal?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This is a pill for ruminants to eat and is used as a copper supplement.

29. Q: What is that hole next to the cockpit used for?

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!

A: This hole is used for handing over documents between the pilot and the ground crew after the door is closed.

The 29 strange and mysterious objects found by netizens are always answered by a great god!