
Early Love (III)

author:No North South

When Xia Yu and his party arrived at Sunshine Western Restaurant, Tao Jin was already waiting there.

Tao Jin stood up to greet them, and although she was dressed in a loose maternity dress, she could still see her high bulging belly, which looked like she was at least eight months pregnant.

Zheng Yun walked over, stroked Tao Jin's belly exaggeratedly, and shouted loudly: I'm X, I haven't seen you for a few days, my belly is so big, and I didn't blow up the balloon so fast, right? Why, Jiang Hao's thing can.... Yes..... She couldn't find the right words for a moment, and she stammered when she spoke.

Liu Yonghai rushed over to pull Zheng Yun away and said: Our Mr. Tao is now a panda-level protection object, you don't want to be careless......

Zheng Yun looked around and said, "Where is your husband?" With such an important object of protection, he is still waiting for it?

Tao Jin's gaze was a little evasive, and said: He has something to do, and he will be late in a while.

Xia Yu couldn't interject for a long time, she was not like Zheng Yun, she could say all kinds of jokes. After Zheng Yun finished chattering, she walked up to Tao Jin and said, "Hurry up and sit down!"

Oops, it's all here? As soon as Xia Yu's words fell, he heard a familiar voice. Turning his head, Jiang Haicheng strode over. She was surprised and said, "You came back so quickly?"

Jiang Haicheng smiled and said: I was just going back to the city to do some errands, and when you called, I was already halfway there.

Zheng Yun said: Don't believe him! Look at his soul-hooking eyes and blinking, he doesn't look like a good bird! Maybe......

Xia Yu slapped Zheng Yun and said with a smile: The two of you have quarreled for half your life, and none of the parties are harmonious. Fortunately, the two of you are not married, and you two can break your head when you get married!

Zheng Yun said: I'm guarding for him! often spur him on, so that he will feel that he is on the road and proud.

Xia Yu said to Jiang Haicheng: Don't hurry up and bless Tao Jin, this is a great thing!

Jiang Haicheng turned his head to look at Tao Jin, scratched his scalp embarrassedly and said: I'm clumsy, I don't know what to say, congratulations! Finally there is ......

Tao Jin's fair little face was flushed, and the hormones during pregnancy made her face look more radiant. I have to say that Tao Jin, who has never given birth to a child, looks really young. Her skin was originally ivory white that could never be tanned, and it was well maintained, without any fine lines; The double eyelids she did two years ago now look very natural, making her whole face much more vivid; The hair was black and thick, permed into large waves, and draped casually over the shoulders.

Zheng Yun approached Tao Jinzai and looked at it carefully for a while, and said to Xia Yu: I'm X, Yu, have you noticed it, something is wrong with this guy! You look at her face, as if it has been moistened by love. Is this guy in love again behind Jiang Hao's back? This has always been a resentful woman before, but now you look at it, how moisturizing it is.....

Tao Jin's face was flushed by Zheng Yun's evaluation, so he slapped Zheng Yun and said: Get out of the way!

Xia Yu also smiled and said: Just your mouth is poisonous!

Liu Yonghai hurriedly pulled his daughter-in-law back around the table and said: Oh, can you keep your mouth to eat, where is there so much nonsense!

The three men of these three couples originally didn't know each other, but because Xia Yu, Zheng Yun, and Tao Jin were iron girlfriends, these three men also became good friends.

Among these three men, Jiang Haicheng is from an authentic rural background, without the slightest capital and background, but over the years, through the support of Xia Yu's father and his own efforts, he is now the best one in the officialdom.

Zheng Yun's husband Liu Yonghai, his parents are both in business and have a solid family background. Liu Yonghai originally worked in the court, but he was not satisfied with getting a dead salary a month, so he resigned and started a law firm on his own.

Tao Jin's husband Jiang Hao is slightly weak. He is the only son in the family, his parents are senior old accountants, in addition to working in the company, they also take on private jobs, do accounts for some enterprises, and earn some extra money. Tao Jin embarked on the road of doing business because he met the CEOs of these companies and seized the business opportunities. Although Jiang Hao said that he has his own company, he is a person who is at ease with what he encounters, has no big ambitions, and has been married for more than ten years without children, lacks the motivation to struggle, and has lived a flat life early, and the company's operation is not bad. In Tao Jin's own words, he commented on Jiang Hao: The mud that can't be pasted on the wall.

Tao Jin and Jiang Hao often have conflicts, and every time they have conflicts, Xia Yu and Zheng Yun are the two to adjust. The three families get together, have a meal, drink a little wine, and then get back together.

Xia Yu looked at the pregnant Tao Jin, and suddenly remembered that it had been almost a year since they had reconciled the conflict between their husband and wife. said to Zheng Yun: It can be said that I haven't seen her two conflicts for more than a year, so she is doing business at home!

Zheng Yun swallowed a mouthful of the small cake in his mouth and said: In the matter of creating people, the two of them are finally harmonious!

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Jiang Hao has not yet arrived. Tao Jin proposed not to wait, beckoned the clerk to serve the food, and they waited while eating.

Xia Yu felt that it was inappropriate and said: Today's No. 2 protagonist has not appeared yet, how can we start first? Zheng Yun, you make a call to urge him! I'm not usually busy, but this time I'm busy?

Liu Yonghai said: Men are like this, as long as they have children, they have the motivation to struggle! Isn't it Lao Jiang?

Liu Yonghai obviously asked Jiang Haicheng with flattery, because Jiang Haicheng's current position could bring him a lot of business.

Jiang Haicheng heard Liu Yonghai ask him by name, "Ah", came back to his senses from the small video on his mobile phone, and said repeatedly: Yes! That's for sure!

At the stall where Jiang Haicheng and Liu Yonghai were chatting, Zheng Yun had already dialed Jiang Hao's phone, and Zheng Yun pressed the speakerphone and said loudly: Manager Jiang, you are really in charge of everything! What official business are you dealing with now? The daughter-in-law has such a big belly, and you still don't accompany her to escort her? We've been waiting for you for a long time! Hurry up!

Jiang Hao's voice on the phone did not have any passion, as if he was lying on the bed, he said: Okay, okay! That's it!

After waiting for another ten minutes, Jiang Hao finally appeared in the restaurant, his hair was a little messy, as if he had just gotten up from the bed and was a masterpiece caused by the pillow, his face was also a little inflated, and the whole person looked like he had been blistered, and there was no tension at all.

He stood at the door of the room and said angrily: I'm sorry, I'm late.

Zheng Yun was about to attack, but Liu Yonghai stuffed a peanut into his mouth, so he had to give up.

The two men stood up, pulled Jiang Hao to sit down, exchanged a few words, and congratulated him on his imminent promotion to father.

At this moment, the waiter also began to serve the food.

Zheng Yun really did what he said, tomahawk steak, golden cheesecake, pasta...... And so on on the table.

Every time a dish is served, Zheng Yun exclaims exaggeratedly: Oh, Tao Tao, if you work harder, conceive a few more times, I will have a good mouth......

Three women chatting and enjoying food, and three men chatting about politics, economy, and shopping malls while drinking, the atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

In this peaceful atmosphere, Xia Yu suddenly remembered his son's stack of love letters, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Alas! It would be nice to have no son! You can enjoy the feast of your best friend's pregnancy wholeheartedly.

Early Love (III)

She frowned slightly, and secretly glanced at Jiang Haicheng, he had been out for more than a week, and he didn't know anything about this matter at home, and now he was blowing the bottle with Jiang Hao and Liu Yonghai with great interest. Xia Yu couldn't imagine how Jiang Haicheng would react if he knew about it? Complaining that Xia Yu didn't educate his son well? Or is it sneering at his son or punching and kicking?

Xia Yu shuddered, not daring to think further.

Or don't tell Jiang Haicheng first? Wait until you talk to your son?

Yes, don't tell Jiang Haicheng just yet! When I go home tonight, I act as if nothing happened, and it's better to find an opportunity to talk to my son in private.

Pay attention to it, Xia Yu looked at his watch: It's 9 o'clock! My son studied at 9:40 in the evening. Although it only takes 10 minutes to drive to her son's school, Xia Yu has to arrive at the school gate half an hour earlier every time. There are too many parents who go to pick up their children every night, and they go late and can't find a good place to park.

She ate the last steak on the plate into her mouth, and said to Zheng Yun and Tao Jin: You guys play for a while, I should go and pick up the child!

Zheng Yun pressed her arm and said, "What are you panicking about?" Isn't your Director Jiang here? Let him pick it up! Do you want a man not to keep it and sell it for money? It's not me criticizing you, you're just worrying about your life! The child is so old, and he is still picked up and dropped! Can't let him live in school? You see I'm still a girl in my family, I'm never used to it! I want to go home and walk back by myself! You want me to pick it up, but there is no door!

Tao Jin said: When will you be able to change this mouth? Talking about everything is mean to death! Xia Xia can take it if she wants to, her son is so good. If my child is so good, I will pick it up too......

Zheng Yun said: She is not only used to children, but also used to her husband! Look at what Jianghai City is used to! Does he still know that he has a wife and children?

Xia Yugang wanted to open his mouth to defend Jiang Haicheng for a few words, but Jiang Haicheng, who was drinking, picked up the conversation: Alas! Zheng Yun, what do you mean? How do I hear you speak ill of me?

Zheng Yun stood up and said: I'm X, you're drinking and eavesdropping on the gossip of the girls?

Liu Yonghai said: What did my daughter-in-law say? Why didn't I hear that? He turned his head again and asked Jiang Hao, did you hear me?

Jiang Hao can't drink much, he will get on his face after drinking a little wine, and at this moment, his face is like Guan Gong. He said confusedly: I didn't hear it! I didn't even listen!

Zheng Yun said: Look at it, look at it! Director Jiang is interested in girls!

Jiang Haicheng raised his hands and said: I surrender! I give up!

Zheng Yun is unrelenting: Surrender can't do it! I have to say something for Xia Xia today. What kind of life did you say we Xia Xia lived before her mother's family got married? Haven't you ever cooked? Washing dishes and washing clothes is even more impossible! Since marrying Director Jiang Da, Zheng Yun has increased the word "Director" by an octave, which is really a good life! Every day, like a nanny, she serves her son and serves her son's old man.......

Liu Yonghai was afraid that Zheng Yun would offend his God of Wealth, so he hurriedly added a piece of meat to his wife and said: Wife, such a good dish, let's eat more......

Jiang Haicheng clenched his fists with both hands, shook his head up and down a few times, and said: Zheng Daxian is extremely critical!

Zheng Yun was stuffed with a piece of meat by Liu Yonghai in his mouth, and said while chewing: Don't talk nonsense! I don't listen to your review! You're going to pick up the kids tonight! Speak with action!

Jiang Haicheng raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said to Xia Yu: Oh, no, it's time to pick up the child!

Xia Yu said: You can go! I didn't drive.

Jiang Haicheng immediately stood up and said: I'll go! I'll go! As he spoke, he prepared to leave the table.

Tao Jin said: You are all stupid, aren't you? How did he get there after he drank?

Everyone suddenly came to their senses and said in unison: Not really!

Xia Yu had no choice but to stand up and say: Alas! I've got to go! I'll go, you guys play a little longer.

Liu Yonghai said: Or let's disperse! It's past 9 o'clock, we don't care, it's okay for pregnant women to sit for a long time.

Several people stood up and walked forward in turn.

Xia Yu was in a hurry to pick up the child, took the car keys from Jiang Haicheng, and walked in front, followed by Jiang Haicheng. Behind is Jiang Hao, behind Jiang Hao is Tao Jin, and Zheng Yun and his family are at the end.

Zheng Yun saw Tao Jin and his wife walking one after the other, so he stepped forward, forcibly pulled Jiang Hao's right hand over, grabbed Tao Jin's waist, and said with a smile: What is this shy? Now in this case, your daughter-in-law walks, you should do this!

Jiang Hao had no choice but to grab Tao Jin's waist. Xia Yu turned his head and saw it, and motioned to Jiang Haicheng and said: Look at how loving other couples are.

Jiang Haicheng looked back and said with a smile: Why don't I also hold your waist?

Several people laughed.

Walking out of the hotel door, everyone said goodbye to each other and got into their own cars.

Xia Yu started the car, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he heard Jiang Haicheng say: Go to your unit first, you drive your car to pick up the children, I still have to rush back to the hotel, and the provincial leaders are still in the hotel......

Xia Yu was a little lost and said: Isn't it okay to go home all night? It's all on your doorstep......

Jiang Haicheng said: Definitely not! You think I don't want to go home? Is it uncomfortable for my wife and children to heat the kang head? Isn't there no way to do it now? The official position is not big or small, it is the most embarrassing, he has no right to speak, and he can't control his own time. In our spare time, we have to go back to the old man and tell him about my promotion, it's time for a change of office this year, this is an opportunity.

Xia Yu said helplessly: Okay. The steering wheel spun and sped away towards her unit.

In Liu Yonghai's car, Liu Yonghai complained about Zheng Yun: Look at what you said tonight? One mouth offends a circle of people! When will you be able to ......

While driving, Zheng Yun freed his right hand, slapped Liu Yonghai's left cheek, and said sharply: Shut up! When will it be your turn to dictate to me? My mouth is long on my face, how can I speak with you? Who do you think you are?

Tao Jin and his wife waited for everyone to leave, Tao Jin opened the car door and said: You go! I'll go back to my mom tonight.

After speaking, he lowered his head and got into the car, only to hear the "buzz" of the car, and it disappeared.

Jiang Hao didn't say a word, turned around and left.