
The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

author:Easy Beian 8J4

On a sunny afternoon, the story of Yao Wen, 31, and his 24-year-old bride, Vera Cheng, is like a drama with twists and turns, quietly unfolding in the corners of the city. The newlyweds should have been immersed in the sweetness of happiness, but the tricks of fate made the couple quickly fall into the whirlpool of disputes.

Zheng Weiwei, a fashionable and beautiful woman, still has eye-catching happy characters hanging in her room, and the festive atmosphere seems to have not dissipated. Just a month after getting married, she came up with a shocking video in which Yao Wen was violently assaulting her, smashing her head with an ashtray, leaving a shocking bag. What's even more heart-wrenching is that this is only the tip of the iceberg of Zheng Weiwei's domestic violence. In less than three months of marriage, she was beaten five times, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore and decided to send Yao Wen to the detention center.

So, why did Yao Wen do such a cruel act to his new wife? What is the truth behind this?

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

It turned out that not long after the wedding, Yao Wen asked Zheng Weiwei to borrow 300,000 yuan in her name in the name of entrepreneurship. Zheng Weiwei refused this request, which made Yao Wen's attitude towards her change. He began to suspect the purpose of Zheng Weiwei's marriage to him, thinking that she might just be using herself. This kind of doubt and suspicion gradually planted the seeds of contradiction between the two.

And Zheng Weiwei felt very aggrieved and helpless. She explained that the man who messaged her was just her partner and that she didn't do anything deviant. Yao Wen scoffed at this, he firmly believed that Zheng Weiwei was having an affair with other men. This misunderstanding and suspicion made the relationship between the two even more strained.

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

In another conflict, Yao Wen fed Zheng Weiwei's best friend shrimp at the dinner table and blew it cold with his mouth. This move made Zheng Weiwei feel very uncomfortable, and she thought that Yao Wen did not respect her, so she decided to leave first. Yao Wen stopped her and smashed her head with an ashtray. The violence was so disillusioned that she decided to call the police and send Yao Wen to detention.

Zheng Weiwei hides a bigger secret in her heart. She revealed that Yao Wen may have married her for the sake of her family's levies. She believes that Yao Wen's practice of letting her borrow 300,000 yuan soon after marriage further confirms his true purpose. This speculation completely collapsed Zheng Weiwei's trust in Yao Wen.

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

In the face of Zheng Weiwei's doubts and accusations, Yao Wen also felt very angry. He insisted that he did not marry for the levy, but for true love. He admitted that he did negotiate with Zheng Weiwei about the loan, but he never forced her to take out a loan. He said that he married Zheng Weiwei out of genuine liking her, not for her money.

It doesn't seem that simple. At the beginning of their acquaintance, Yao Wen had just fallen out of love, while Zheng Weiwei took advantage of the situation and took the initiative to pursue him. She confessed to him at a luxury hotel on Valentine's Day and gave him a belt and flowers. This crazy pursuit made Yao Wen's heart move, and the two soon came together. A year later, after Zheng Weiwei released the information that her hometown was going to be expropriated, Yao Wen took the initiative to contact her. This coincidence makes Zheng Weiwei suspect that Yao Wen is close to her true purpose.

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

At Yao Wen's house, Zheng Weiwei looked for him, but the shutter door was locked, and the courtyard was empty. She felt very lost and sad, she admitted that she liked Yao Wen's appearance, but could not accept his request to let her take out a loan after a week of marriage. She felt ashamed of her parents and regretted her impulsiveness.

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

At the door of a hairdresser, Zheng Weiwei met Yao Wen again. The two quarreled and argued again. Yao Wen's mother also accused her daughter-in-law of misbehavior in the corridor. The dispute has further strained and broken the relationship between the two.

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning

In this story, we see the various problems and challenges that can be encountered in marriage. Trust, understanding and tolerance between husband and wife are important factors in maintaining marital happiness. In real life, we often have conflicts and quarrels because of some trivial things, and may even embark on the road of divorce. Therefore, we should cherish each other's feelings more, learn to communicate and understand, and face the difficulties and challenges in life together.

The guy married a beautiful wife, and the newlywed was sent to the detention center, guy: she was still chatting at three o'clock in the morning