
Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

author:Boss Qian is in the countryside


Analysis of Zhang Lan's old friends: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Oh, this troubled water in the entertainment industry is really unpredictable! In this turbulent circle, the love lives of celebrities are always so eye-catching. Let's talk about Mr. Xiao Wang and Xiao Mei, the sweet marriage of the two simply makes netizens bubbling. However, the marriage with big curves and bald heads over there seems to be caught in a fog, making people unable to see the direction.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Everyone says, "The times make heroes", but sometimes, the times can also play tricks on people. I think that at the beginning, the relationship between the big curve and the little Wang was like glue, but what was the result? Hey, I can only say that everything is fate.

So why do you choose a bald head for Big Curve? What's the story behind it? Speaking of this, it's like a big drama, and people can't help but want to find out.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

The entertainment industry is a big stage, and everyone is doing their best for their dreams and interests. Mr. Da Curve and Mr. Xiao Wang used to be the golden boy and girl in the eyes of everyone, but unfortunately, they couldn't come together in the end.

It is said that President Yu, an old friend, has a unique insight into the relationship between the big curve and the little Wang. He said that the big curve left Mr. Xiao Wang, not only because of Mr. Wang's derailment, but also because of realistic interests. Back then, South Beauty failed to go public, and Mr. Wang's career suffered a heavy blow, which also caused a rift in the relationship between the two.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

But ah, fate is really unpredictable. Just when Xiao Wang's career took off again, and even more prosperous than before, Da Curve chose the controversial figure of bald head. This decision really made netizens explode, and some even said that the big curve was "self-destructing the future".

However, President Yu felt that this matter was not so simple. He said that after the big curve is emotionally frustrated, it is also human nature to seek solace. It's just that she may have been in a hurry and didn't choose a remarriage partner. If she can wait longer, maybe Mr. Wang's career will go to the next level, and she can continue to enjoy the glory and wealth of the past.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

It's a pity that there are no ifs in reality. The big curve has made a choice, and this choice cannot be reversed. Now, she can only face reality and suffer the consequences of her choices. This experience has also become an embarrassing past in the entertainment industry.

Oops, netizens are really hilarious! Regarding the marriage of big curves and bald heads, everyone has a lot of discussions, and they have their own opinions.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Some netizens said: "The big curve is a bit risky, but maybe this is her determination to pursue true love." ”

Some netizens ridiculed: "The melons in the entertainment industry are really uneaten, and Da Curve's choice this time is like playing 'heartbeat adventure'!" ”

Of course, some netizens expressed their understanding and support: "Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, and since Da Curve has made a choice, we should bless her." ”

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Looking at these comments, there are really many kinds of comments, each with its own reason. But then again, the love of the entertainment industry is always unpredictable, but in any case, we should respect everyone's choice, after all, happiness is in our own hands!

From the perspective of Wang Xiaofei, Big Curve (Big S), and Gu Junye, we can analyze this emotional entanglement in the entertainment industry from the following aspects:

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Wang Xiaofei's angle

Background and strength: As a business person, Wang Xiaofei has a rich family background and has a certain economic strength and influence. His business acumen and practical skills are well known in the industry, and he has demonstrated his extraordinary business skills by being able to turn his restaurant into a multinational business.

Marriage with Big Curve: Wang Xiaofei and Big Curve had a marriage, and the two finally broke up due to incompatible personalities and living habits. During the divorce process, the parties had fierce disputes over issues such as property division and child support, which also reflected the different attitudes and positions of the two in dealing with marital issues.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Public image: Although Wang Xiaofei has achieved success in the business world, his public image has been damaged to a certain extent in his marital entanglement with the big curve. In particular, some of the remarks made on social media have sparked a lot of controversy and criticism.

Large curve (big S) angle

Emotional choice: After breaking up with Wang Xiaofei, Da Curve chose to marry Gu Junye. This choice surprised the outside world, because in terms of age, appearance, economic strength, etc., Gu Junye does not seem to have an advantage. However, Big Curve insists on her choice, which reflects her emotional independence and firmness.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Married life: The married life of Big Curve and Gu Junye has attracted much attention from the outside world. Although the two often share sweet moments on social media, there are also some negative news and controversies from time to time. Especially after Da Curve deleted the Weibo content related to Gu Junye, it triggered speculation and discussion about the marital status of the two.

Legal disputes: The divorce dispute between Da Curve and Wang Xiaofei continued to escalate, and even escalated into a criminal case. In this process, Da Curve has shown its determination and courage to resolutely defend its rights and interests. At the same time, it also makes her image in the public mind more complex and three-dimensional.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Gu Junye's angle

Career and word-of-mouth: Gu Junye's reputation in the Korean entertainment industry is not good, and he was exposed to a "black history" of drug abuse, as well as negative news about secretly dating Da Curve before he officially divorced. These negative news have had a certain impact on his career and image.

Marriage with Big Curve: Although Gu Junye doesn't seem to have an advantage in all aspects, his marriage to Big Curve still attracts widespread attention. How the relationship between the two is, and how they face the pressure and doubts of the outside world, is the focus of attention from the outside world.

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

Personal attitude: When Gu Junye faced questions and criticisms from the outside world, he did not respond and justify too much. He chooses to prove his worth and ability with practical actions. This low-key and firm attitude has also won him the understanding and support of some people to a certain extent.

Final comment

Life is like a play, and drama is like life. Although the choice of the big curve is regrettable, it also allows us to see the cruelty and ruthlessness of the entertainment industry. In this highly competitive arena, everyone must learn to cherish the people in front of them and not make wrong decisions because of impulse. After all, in this rapidly changing era, a warm home and stable feelings are what we should cherish the most. I hope that the big curve can come out of the shadows as soon as possible and find your own happiness!

Zhang Lan's old friend broke the news: Big S is actually a very smart person, and his current situation is just bad luck

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