
A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

author:Mobile phone tips sharing

How to reimburse medical insurance for medical treatment in other places? If you don't know, you can learn more about it in my video below. Many people pay for medical insurance in their hometowns, but are forced to go out to work to earn money because of their livelihoods, and to make matters worse, they have to seek medical treatment when they are sick. When it comes to the reimbursement link, it is very troublesome, because it is not a national network, if you deliberately run home for reimbursement, and the fare back and forth is not enough, what should you do? Remote medical treatment comes in handy, but many people don't know how to do it, today we will share the process, hoping to help you.

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

First open WeChat, (as shown in the picture above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

How to find the cross-provincial and remote filing registration after WeChat is opened? Click "Me" in the bottom right corner. (as shown in the image above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Then open the service, (as shown in the image above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Select the city service after entering the service, (as shown in the image above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

On this page, the first thing to do is to determine the place of health insurance, (as shown in the image above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Click here for medical treatment after you are sure, (as shown in the picture above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

After entering the medical interface, you can see that there is a cross-provincial and remote medical treatment filing registration, click on it, (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

On this page, be sure to reconfirm whether the insured place is in the list, if not, it may delay the progress of the filing, and even affect the existing treatment level of the insured. After confirming, click Start ICP Filing (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!
A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

When you select Verify, your personal information will be verified, and your name, ID number, and mobile phone number will be filled in, and you will select OK after completing the form. (as shown in the image above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Face recognition is required for this feature, (as shown in the image above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

After the identification is passed, click the remote medical treatment filing application (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Next, select Go ICP Filing (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Let's first select the place of insurance and the place of medical treatment (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Then fill in the type of insurance, you can choose urban workers or urban and rural residents, and check it according to the actual situation (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

Finally, select the filing type, you can choose long-term residents in other places or people who temporarily go out for medical treatment across provinces, and you can choose according to the actual situation (as shown in the figure above)

A must-see! Medical insurance reimbursement strategy for remote medical treatment, so that you no longer have to worry about costs!

After all the information is filled, click Start Filing, and I won't show you here. (as shown in the image above)

So finally, let's talk about how to reimburse the medical insurance for hospitalization in other places, which is generally divided into two aspects: hospitalization in different places within the province and hospitalization in other places across provinces.

First, if you are hospitalized in a different place in the province, the starting line is 100 yuan for medical institutions below the first line, 400 yuan for secondary medical institutions, and 800 yuan for tertiary medical institutions, and the reimbursement ratio is generally 80% for primary and below medical institutions, 75% for secondary medical institutions, and 60% for tertiary medical institutions.

Second, the starting line for cross-provincial and non-local medical treatment and hospitalization is 400 yuan for medical institutions above the first level, 800 yuan for secondary medical institutions, and 1,500 yuan for tertiary medical institutions, and the reimbursement ratio is 75% for primary and below medical institutions, 70% for secondary medical institutions, 65% for tertiary medical institutions, and 60% for tertiary medical institutions. If there is no record, the starting line is 600 yuan for medical institutions below the first level, 1,000 yuan for secondary medical institutions, and 1,800 yuan for tertiary medical institutions, and the reimbursement ratio is 72% for primary and below medical institutions, 65% for secondary medical institutions, and 50% for tertiary medical institutions.

Through the video, we can know that the reimbursement ratio after filing is larger than that without filing, about 10%. From here, we can know how important it is to file for remote medical treatment.

Through this video, I believe you have a new understanding of medical treatment in other places. Today's video is shared here, if you still don't understand or don't understand, you can watch it a few more times, or save the video first, so as not to find such a detailed tutorial again. Thank you very much for your support, and we'll see you in the next video.

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