
Coronary heart disease angina first aid strategy, can save lives at critical moments! Collect!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart diseaseAngina pectoris is a common cardiovascular disease, its onset is sudden, the condition is dangerous, once there is an acute attack, timely and effective first aid measures are crucial. Today, we will introduce you to the first aid strategy for coronary heart disease angina, and I hope you can master the knowledge that these critical moments can save lives!

Coronary heart disease angina first aid strategy, can save lives at critical moments! Collect!

1. Identify angina symptoms

Angina pectoris is the most common clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease, which is characterized by pressure, tightness, burning sensation or pain in the retrosternal or precordial area, which can radiate to the left shoulder, left arm, neck, jaw, upper abdomen and other parts. Pain attacks are usually related to factors such as exertion, emotional agitation, cold, and full meals, and generally last from a few minutes to more than ten minutes.

2. Call 120 immediately

In the event of an angina attack, you should immediately call the 120 emergency number to request professional help. At the same time, inform those around you about your condition so that you can get timely help.

Coronary heart disease angina first aid strategy, can save lives at critical moments! Collect!

3. Self-help measures

1. Stay calm: When angina attacks, stay calm and avoid nervousness and panic, which can help relieve symptoms.

2. Sublingual nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin can rapidly dilate the coronary arteries and increase the blood supply to the heart. During the attack, nitroglycerin tablets can be quickly taken sublingually, 1 tablet each time, and can be repeated every 5 minutes, but no more than 3 tablets should be given.

3. Correct medication: If nitroglycerin cannot alleviate symptoms, you can consider using drugs such as fast-acting Xingxin pills and musk Baoxin pills. Read the instructions carefully and follow the medication instructions before use.

4. Adjust your position: When angina is attacking, you can try to lie down or sit down with your legs hanging naturally to reduce the burden on your heart.

5. Breathing adjustment: Take deep breaths, slowly expand the chest cavity as you inhale, and slowly contract the chest cavity as you exhale, which can help relieve angina.

Coronary heart disease angina first aid strategy, can save lives at critical moments! Collect!

Fourth, wait for rescue

While waiting for rescue, continue to remain calm and never exercise vigorously or get emotional. If symptoms worsen, inform those around you so that you can take action in time.

The first aid strategy for coronary heart disease angina is introduced to you here, I hope you can master this knowledge and save your life at a critical moment! At the same time, I also hope that everyone will pay attention to cardiovascular diseases and health, and start now! Bookmark this first aid guide in case you need it! #头条创作挑战赛#

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