
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

author:Zen heart mortal language LiNO

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The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

"Anti-Beauty Morning"

"On the road of life, the world is impermanent, this is a real battlefield event that happened more than 70 years ago, in the fog of war full of crises and unpredictable."

"It's so difficult to really see the road ahead, the truth is always helpless, and sometimes, the final outcome is even more suffocating! What happened then? ”

"At the end of May 1951, in the later stage of the Fifth Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the 180th Division of the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army was responsible for the covering task of the whole army, and at this time, the 180th Division did not know."

"The U.S. 7th Division, the U.S. 1st Marine Division, the ROK 2nd Division, the U.S. 24th Division, the ROK 6th Division, and the enemy's entire 5 divisions are gradually rapidly encircling it."

On 24 May, the 180th Division had discovered that in addition to the enemy in front of it, there was an enemy army interspersed with the crossing from the Cheongchon River to the North Han River, and it would be very dangerous if the enemy took control of the crossing.

Wei Jie, commander of the 60th Army, sent two reports to the 3rd Corps to ask whether to immediately withdraw the 180th Division across the North Han River, but he never received a reply.

Later, it was learned that the headquarters of the 3 Corps was attacked by US troops on the way back and the radio car was blown up.

"In fact, since the destruction of the radio car, the fate of the entire 180th Division seems to have been completely changed, a division of more than 10,000 people, in the end, only more than 4,000 soldiers remained!"

Due to the urgency of the military situation, on the morning of May 25, Army Commander Wei Jie decisively ordered the 180th Division to quickly cross the North Han River.

"Advance north along the road with two regiments to the north side of Mapingli, occupy favorable terrain to block the enemy, and wait for the retreat."

Soon, the 60th Division of the 180th Army of the Volunteer Army sent the 538th Regiment and the 539th Regiment to Mapingli in accordance with the order.

"This would have been an order that could have saved thousands of lives! If this order had been carried out resolutely and in a timely manner, it would have almost been avoided, and most of the personnel losses in the back! ”

"But fate has always been, manpower is difficult to control!"

The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

On the afternoon of 25 January 1951, the radio station of the 3 Corps was finally restored, and the Corps Headquarters directly gave the order to the 180th Division:

"Your division should be on the front line of Jiade Mountain with two regiments of 538 and 540, blocking the enemy and waiting for an opportunity to move north."

Looking at the two diametrically opposed orders in front of him, Zheng Qigui, the commander of the 180th Division, his heart sank! After a fierce ideological struggle, he chose to carry out the orders of the 3 Corps.

"From that moment on, the division commander Zheng Qigui felt that his entire body was getting colder and colder, and his heart continued to sink..."

Subsequently, he called Pang Kechang, the commander of the 538th Regiment, and ordered the regiment to return immediately by the same route, and set up a defense with the 540th Regiment in Jiade Mountain, and ordered Wang Zhicheng, the commander of the 539th Regiment.

Let the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment, which had already set off for Mapingli, return, cooperate with the 1st Battalion of the regiment to transport the wounded, and at the same time, command the 2nd Battalion to cover the 1st Battalion and the 3rd Battalion.

At that time, the main force of the 538th Regiment had set off for more than 10 kilometers according to the order, and the regiment commander Pang Kechang asked for instructions to leave part of the troops to deploy in the area of Mapingli, and the rest returned.

"Although the regiment commander Pang Kechang repeatedly stated his views, he even proposed to return to the division headquarters immediately and make a specific report to Zheng Qigui in person to reflect the real situation on the battlefield."

However, the division commander Zheng Qigui refused, and said on the phone:

"No, you bring all the troops back immediately!"

In fact, there was a reason for the suggestion of Pang Kechang, the commander of the 538th Regiment, at this time, the troops of the entire 180th Division had been out of food for several days, and they were very tired from fighting for days.

"Now, the troops have gone out for more than 10 kilometers, but they have returned the same way and been transferred back and forth, how can the officers and men who are already in a state of hunger and exhaustion be able to stand it?"

"Why can't the team continue to move north?"

At this moment, Pang Kechang, the head of the 538 regiment, couldn't figure it out, but he always felt that something was going to happen and he panicked.

Hearing that the division commander was so insistent, the regiment commander Pang Kechang was very helpless, and in the end, he gave the order to let the troops return the same way.

The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

An admirable, regimental political commissar Li Maozhao.

It just so happened that Li Maozhao, the political commissar of the 540th Regiment who was at the division headquarters at the time, learned that the division commander was going to let the 538th Regiment, which had walked more than ten kilometers, return and defend Jiade Mountain with him.

I didn't think this command was very appropriate, so I suggested:

"Division commander, you give the order to let the 538th Regiment and the 539th Regiment go first, our 540th Regiment will stay behind the whole division and take on the task of blocking the attack, our regiment is still very experienced."

"When we fought Linfen, our regiment blocked the enemy for more than a month, and we couldn't complete the mission, so I came to see you!"

Objectively speaking, in the face of tens of thousands of US and South Korean troops, Li Maozhao was able to resolutely propose that he sacrifice his own regiment to fight the blockade and let the other two regiments break through first.

"This determination and self-sacrificing spirit are very admirable!"

But the division commander Zheng Qigui still rejected the suggestion put forward by Li Maozhao, the political commissar of the 540th Regiment, and he carried out the order of the 3rd Corps Headquarters, and finally the opportunity to break through was lost.

"Because of the loss of communication, the fate gear of the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment began to turn in the other direction, non-stop!"

At this moment, the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment was nervously walking on the march quickly in accordance with the orders of the previous regimental headquarters, and before they knew it, they had actually lost contact with their superiors.

The 3rd Battalion did not return, and together with the 1st Battalion on the task of transporting the wounded, they continued to move north.

Soon, an extremely precious day passed for the 180th Division!

By the 26th, division commander Zheng Qigui had already begun to discover that several units of the US and South Korean armies were rapidly rushing towards the 180th Division, and had no choice but to ask Wei Jie, commander of the 60th Army, for help.

Wei Jie, the commander of the 60th Army, immediately ordered the 180th Division to break through to Yingfeng, saying that there were receiving troops sent by the 60th Army there.

Later, when the main force of the 180th Division fought fiercely overnight and suffered heavy losses, more than 1,000 people rushed to Eagle Peak, they found that there was no rescue team here, and at the last moment, they still fought to the death!

The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

The entire division was completely disrupted by the enemy, with only more than 400 people left, and the division commander Zheng Qigui was forced to give the order to smash all radio stations, destroy the code book, and disperse to break through!

On May 26, 1951, at dusk, the 539th Regiment of the 180th Division began to break through to Eagle Peak according to the order, and the 2nd Battalion was soon separated from the main force, and only the 1st Battalion and the regimental straight remained in the 539th Regiment.

At this time, the 3rd Battalion had long since discovered that it had lost contact with the regimental headquarters, and at this time, the person in charge of the 3rd Battalion had undergone a great change.

Because on the night of May 24, when the 180th Division crossed the Han River north, more than 600 people were washed away from the 539th Regiment, including the deputy commander of the 3rd Battalion, a battalion-level cadre of the 3rd Battalion at that time.

On the afternoon of May 25, the 539th Regiment was ordered by the military headquarters of the 60th Army to organize the defense in the north side of Mapingli, and Xing Chunsheng was appointed as the acting deputy commander of the 3rd Battalion.

Xing Chunsheng was originally the commander of the reconnaissance unit (deputy battalion level) of the 539th Regiment, and was appointed as the acting deputy commander of the 3rd Battalion at that time.

Xing Chunsheng, deputy commander of the 3rd Battalion, found that the 8th Company had fallen behind!

The situation at that time was that the 539th Regiment had already marched to Mapingli in accordance with the order of the 60th Army Headquarters, the 3rd Battalion was the vanguard of the regiment, the regimental Zhihe and the 1st Battalion followed, and the 2nd Battalion was responsible for covering.

Later, when he returned to the division to drive Deshan's order, because he lost contact with the 539th Regiment, the 3rd Battalion never "carried out" this order.

On the way to the march, Xing Chunsheng found that the 8th Company had fallen behind, and because the army did not have a radio station at that time, Xing Chunsheng could only send a messenger to the back to seize the time to look for it.

Soon after, news came that the 8th Company had been attacked by several American tanks and had moved to the northwest.

At that time, the direction of advance of the main forces of the 3rd Battalion was northeast.

In particular, it should be pointed out that when Xing Chunsheng found that the 3rd Battalion had lost contact with the 539th Regiment headquarters, he was very calm and composed, and did not send people to continue to look for the main force of the regiment.

At that time, the sound of gunfire around was getting denser and denser, so that Xing Chunsheng, who had rich combat experience, completely calmed down, and the more this time, the more he had to make the worst plans.

According to the normal situation, Xing Chunsheng should have sent a messenger to get in touch with the regiment headquarters to report the enemy situation and ask for instructions on the next combat mission, but if he did, he should have done so.

The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

The 539 battalion of the 3rd regiment will have to face two problems:

"Will the troops stay where they are and wait for the 8th Company to return, or will the troops continue to advance in the northeast direction without stopping."

In the end, Xing Chunsheng made a decisive decision, the troops did not wait for the 8th Company in place, nor did they go to the northeast, and the 3rd Battalion immediately turned to the northwest direction, striving to meet the 8th Company.

Later facts also proved that it was Xing Chunsheng's choice that finally broke through several blockade lines of the US and South Korean forces before the US troops closed up.

"To a certain extent, this appointment of the regimental headquarters gave the 3rd Battalion a chance to break through in advance."

Prior to this, the Volunteer Army had many problems due to backward communication equipment, and the 180th Division was surrounded by the enemy this time.

However, in the process of breaking through this time, the communication between the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment and the regimental headquarters was lost, but it "helped a lot"!

Originally, when the 539th Regiment received the order of the 180th Division to "return to the Deshan Defense", it had lost contact with the 3rd Battalion.

In addition, the speed of the US and South Korean troops was too fast, and the regimental and 1st battalions could only immediately carry out the orders of the division headquarters, resulting in the fact that there was no time to look for the 3rd battalion at all!

"Judging from the various battlefield situations that occurred at that time, Xing Chunsheng's 3rd Battalion did not receive the news of returning to the defense, and led the troops to continue marching towards Mapingli, which was not considered to be disobeying the order."

In fact, this is the day that decides the fate of the 180 division!

"The breakthrough of the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment was much smoother than that of the rest of the 180th Division, which broke through a whole day late."

Later, under the leadership of instructor Zhao Sanlu, the 3rd Battalion and 8th Company, which "fell behind", also broke through Mapingli before the US military completely blocked it, and successfully broke through on May 30.

The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!
The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

"What is intriguing is that it is also a similar situation, because of the loss of communication with the battalion headquarters, the 3rd Battalion and 8th Company resolutely and resolutely broke through and rushed out of a full 130 people."

On May 28, the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment, under the leadership of Deputy Battalion Commander Xing Chunsheng, the battalion headquarters and the 7th Company arrived safely in Mapingli.

Later, on the road from Maping-ri to Hwacheon (Hwacheon has not yet been occupied), the receiving troops of the 181st Division were encountered, and the 3rd Battalion of the 539th Regiment of the 180th Division finally stood out!

Finally, after careful confirmation of the statistics, the 539 companies of the 3 battalion of the 8 regiment, plus the battalion headquarters and part of the artillery.

A total of more than 300 people returned to the battalion, and these officers and men who broke through became the backbone of the 180th Division in the future.

"A lot of times, unexpected situations can have a huge impact on a unit, and the results are often very different."

However, the success or failure of the final battle still depends on the commander's decision on the spot on the cruel battlefield!

"Every order of a general is a matter of life and death for tens of millions of soldiers!"

The 180th Division suffered heavy losses, and a battalion broke through with more than 300 people because of the loss of communication!

"Monument to the People's Heroes"


"In the entire War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Chinese 197653 people were killed, 383218 wounded, and 25,621 people were missing."

"The history books are too small to contain their greatness, and if you turn it over, it will be their whole life."

"The history books are too big to remember their names, only that they are: our heroes!"

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