
Life Perception Series 2: Not the Disaster of Disease, but the Blessing of Life

author:Brother Tiger talks about table tennis

The dialectic of illness and fate: it is not the curse of disease, but the blessing of life

In the middle of this vast world, we often hear people's fear of disease and complaints about fate. However, I will tell you that everything in life, including illness, has its own unique meaning and value. Not all illnesses are disasters, sometimes they are a gift, an opportunity to re-examine life and cherish the present.

Imagine an old man named Seon in an old village. One day, his horse was lost, and the neighbors expressed their regret, but he said indifferently: "How do you know if it is a blessing? Soon after, the horse not only returned, but also brought back a herd of wild horses. The villagers were envious, and Seong said: "Do you know if it's a disaster? Sure enough, his son broke his leg from taming his horse. When the war broke out and the youth of the village were drafted, Seon's son survived a leg injury.

This is the allusion of "Saion lost his horse, but he knew that it was not a blessing". It teaches us that the gains and losses in life are not static, and that sickness and calamity are not all bad. Those who usually seem sick may know how to cherish their health and the true meaning of life more because of their physical discomfort. And those who don't usually get sick sometimes suddenly encounter misfortune because they ignore the body's signals.

Therefore, when the disease comes, we don't have to be too afraid and complain. As long as it is not a fatal disease, we have a chance to overcome it and surpass it. In the process, we will become stronger and braver. We will better understand the preciousness and fragility of life, and cherish every moment with our family and friends.

So, don't be afraid that you are sick, and don't complain about your life. Let us face everything in life with a normal heart, believing that every tempering will make us more mature and stronger.

Life Perception Series 2: Not the Disaster of Disease, but the Blessing of Life
Life Perception Series 2: Not the Disaster of Disease, but the Blessing of Life
Life Perception Series 2: Not the Disaster of Disease, but the Blessing of Life

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