
Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

author:Hanguan Society H
Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

Recently, a righteous and courageous deed has not only spread throughout the motherland, but also spread to Japan, touching the government and people of our neighboring country, Japan. At around 4 p.m. on June 24, 2024, at the bus stop of Xindi Center, Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone, a criminal suspect stabbed two Japanese friends with a knife for no reason. At this time, the Chinese woman Hu Youping bravely stood up, she first pulled the suspect, and then hugged the suspect from behind to stop the suspect's criminal behavior. Annoyed and angry, the suspect picked up the knife, turned around and stabbed her to the ground, and in this way, the son of the Japanese adult involved took the opportunity to avoid being attacked.

Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

In this case, due to Ms. Hu Youping's righteous and courageous acts, the Japanese friend was protected. Although two Japanese friends were still injured, one was discharged from the hospital on the same day, and the other was not in danger of life. However, Ms. Hu Youping was seriously injured in the process of preventing the suspect from committing the crime, and unfortunately passed away on the 26th after being sent to the hospital for rescue. The unfortunate death of Ms. Hu Youping made everyone extremely sad, and for this reason, the Japanese Embassy lowered the flag at half-mast.

Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

After the case, netizens highly praised Ms. Hu Youping's righteous and courageous deeds! Netizens believe that Ms. Hu Youping is very remarkable, a weak woman who stepped forward at the last moment and hugged the suspect from behind to stop her from committing the murder, she is already a hero on this ground. Therefore, it is hoped that the relevant departments will not only identify Ms. Hu Youping as a model of "righteousness and courage", but also rise to the lofty honor of "martyr".

Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

However, perhaps because Ms. Hu Youping blocked the suspect from committing the murder to a Japanese national, on the Internet platform, some netizens questioned the matter with a sneering voice. We must be clear that this skepticism and cynicism is completely wrong. We should know that whether it is a Japanese, an American, or a friend from another country, as long as they work and live in China, they should be protected by the law. It is absolutely forbidden for a few individuals to undermine the business environment under the banner of patriotism, still less to provoke social contradictions and incite narrow nationalist sentiments.

Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

However, it is precisely a few netizens who have taken advantage of the recent events to incite ultra-nationalist sentiments, distort and exaggerate the facts, and even fabricate content to make some inappropriate remarks. For example, he preached "anti-Japanese rape" and advocated the establishment of the "contemporary Boxer Rebellion"; disseminated slanderous remarks such as questioning that the school bus driver who saved and died in Suzhou was "a Japanese spy"; Concocted extreme populist rhetoric such as "it is better to sink the islands of all Japan and commit genocide as soon as possible". These acts are not allowed, so on June 29, Internet platforms such as Tencent, NetEase, and Douyin successively issued announcements on the disposal of harmful information that instigates confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalist sentiments.

Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

Netizens firmly support the timely issuance of such announcements by various Internet platforms! We firmly support the strict crackdown on harmful information that "instigates confrontation between China and Japan and instigates ultra-nationalist sentiments". Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This issue must be one that we need to distinguish clearly. As long as foreigners who come to China legally to invest, do business, study and start a business, especially foreigners who bring their families to study and live in China, they are our friends, not enemies. A few people indiscriminately hurt our friends, and the real enemies only laugh.

Propaganda of "anti-Japanese hoe rape" and clamor for the "contemporary Boxers", the platform must dispose of this kind of information!

Netizens also believe that although forgetting history is tantamount to betrayal, if you can't let go of the hatred of the past forever, such a mentality is not advisable. The history of Japan's aggression against China was only an act of Japanese militarism in the past, and it had little to do with today's Japanese friends. Therefore, some netizens on the Internet instigating "Sino-Japanese confrontation" should be cracked down.

Netizens also believe that cracking down on and inciting confrontation between China and Japan is not only aimed at self-media. It is suggested that we should also start with the rectification of individual TV stations and prohibit the broadcast of films that exaggerate the Sino-Japanese war, which is actually inciting national sentiments! #头条首发大赛#