
Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

author:Chirp sauce sauce

Big S is getting more and more generous, Zhang Lan said in the latest video work that Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei have flown to Taiwan to pick up their grandchildren.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

But it still can't be taken back to the mainland directly, and the family has to go to a tourist place to reunite. But being able to see a child without a moth is already a big improvement.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

Some time ago, Da S and Gu Junye were in frequent business and showed their affection to South Korea. But just after Wang Xiaofei remarried, she suddenly became low-key.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

For the media and the people who eat melons, Ma Xiaomei almost fell from the sky, and until now she has not figured out her real age, graduation school, and work experience.

Ma Xiaomei also had a history of marriage, she and Wang Xiaofei made their relationship public after knowing each other for less than half a year, and then got engaged and married. married into the Wang family in three or two clicks.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

In this way, Ma Xiaomei soared, with a husband who is worth a lot of money, a mother-in-law who can make money, and the proprietress of a brand chain.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

Actually, these are what Big S wants the most. But now I can only watch others reap the benefits of fishermen.

Big S has always advertised herself as the "queen", and she is resolute and daring. She does do things well enough, but she doesn't have vision and luck.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

At that time, Zhang Lan's "South Beauty" was in full swing, Wang Xiaofei was worth a lot of money, and she studied in France, and Da S and he got married after only seeing three sides.

Later, Zhang Lan failed in her bet, and after Da S decided that the mother and son could not turn over, she made a decision immediately, took away the two children and never returned to the mainland.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

Wang Xiaofei should be glad that she lost South Beauty but recognized people's hearts. After remarriage, he is cheerful and confident with the naked eye, and the current Ma Xiaomei is well-behaved and cooperative, accompanying Wang Xiaofei to go shopping and appearing non-stop around the scene, and can also hold hands with her mother-in-law Zhang Lan to talk and laugh, which these are all things that high-ranking female stars can't do.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

Big S's mistake is that he is enjoying the emotional value provided by Gu Junye on the one hand, and Wang Xiaofei's high alimony on the other. At first, Big S also staged a drama for fans of the lover's century reunion 20 years ago, and the two of them made money together in a high-profile manner.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

She underestimated the IQ of netizens, and even underestimated Zhang Lan's methods. The live broadcast room broke the game in just a few words, not only lost the popularity and reputation, but became a tool for people to bring goods and attract traffic.

Two days ago, on Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, Wang Xiaofei said that her birthday wish was to "give birth to a precious son early". Yes, now the whole network is waiting for the news of Ma Xiaomei's good pregnancy.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

Because Big S now has only two children left in his hands, once Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei have children, Big S's chips will depreciate.

Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish is to give birth to a noble son early, and Big S is really out

This is probably the reason why Big S is now magnanimous, but for the sake of the children, he will also have a good relationship with the children's parents and grandmothers.

Things have developed so far, and the most regrettable thing is that Da S's two children have lost half of their net worth.