
Allow me to call a spade a spade a spade a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant

author:Wind Pavilion

There is a good saying that "good medicine is good for disease, and good advice is good for action", although it sounds very comfortable in our hearts, it may not be good for ourselves. On the contrary, although some words may sound very unpleasant, the truth is the same thing, after all, the reality is sometimes cruel.

Allow me to be blunt and say a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant!

Allow me to call a spade a spade a spade a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant

Don't interfere too much with your own children, whether you have children or daughters, or cut off your children and grandchildren. There's really no need to worry too much, because when we leave, it doesn't matter to us.

Some people are more patriarchal, and they have to give birth to a boy anyway to complete the inheritance, and sometimes they feel that it is not safe to have one, and they have to give birth to two more boys, so that it is more secure. There are even people who not only have to have a boy themselves, but even their own sons have to have a male grandson.

Is it really that important to pass on the lineage? From the perspective of social development, the continuation of a society does require generation after generation. But from our personal point of view, we don't give birth, but some people do. Therefore, if some of us do not have children or boys, it will not have a big impact on the development of society at all.

And there is no so-called immortality at all, when you are old, you will leave one day, and when you leave, all this has nothing to do with us. So let's just live our lives. Don't interfere too much in the lives of your children, they can give birth if they want to, give birth to as many as they want, or let them have children if they don't want to.

Allow me to call a spade a spade a spade a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant

Can reading change your fate? Can hard work make you rich? The answer is yes, but not necessarily.

Some people think that many college students are also doing manual work, and their salary is only a few thousand yuan a month, and there seems to be not much difference between studying and not studying.

There are also people who have worked hard all their lives, but they are still quite poor. So some people will wonder, can reading really change fate? Can hard work really make you rich?

What I want to say is that reading can indeed change fate, and hard work can indeed make you rich. But it doesn't mean that you will be able to change your fate, nor does it mean that you will be able to get rich. Just like starting a business, we may succeed in starting a business, but not everyone will be successful in starting a business.

There is a certain probability of these things, and whether it was in the past or now, these things basically cannot be 100% probable, so we should have hope for these things, but not too much hope.

Allow me to call a spade a spade a spade a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant

If you want to empty your family funds when you get married, and even have to borrow a lot of money, then I advise you to think carefully, after all, there are quite a lot of divorced people, is it really necessary to take this risk?

Over the past few years, millions of couples have registered their marriages every year, and of course, many have divorced. This is enough to show that marriage is a necessary thing for many people in life, but there are so many divorced people, which also shows that the current marriage is indeed not very strong.

Nowadays, the marriage requirements for girls are not low, some are just a bride price, which is already very difficult for the man's family, and of course, there are some who require to buy a house, so they need to spend more money. Therefore, some families with poor conditions may have to empty their family funds if they want to marry a daughter-in-law, and may even have to borrow some money from relatives and friends.

But I think that if you have the ability, you should marry your daughter-in-law, and if you don't have the ability, you should think carefully about it. If you want to empty your home or borrow a lot of money from relatives and friends, and see how many people are divorced, is it really necessary to take this risk? It's not that girls are rushing for divorce, but that there are indeed a lot of divorced people now, and no one dares to guarantee whether they can live together for a lifetime after marriage.

Allow me to call a spade a spade a spade a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant

Sometimes you can suffer a little loss when you are outside, and try not to have conflicts with others.

Because many people are actually under a lot of pressure now, if there is nothing special, everyone will follow the step-by-step process. Day after day, I repeat yesterday's life. However, if the pressure is too much, it is easier to lose your temper when you encounter something.

It is precisely because of this that sometimes when you suffer a little loss outside, you will suffer a little loss, and you can endure and take a step back to open the sky. Try not to easily conflict with others, for fear that in the process of conflict, in case the other party is under a lot of pressure, you may make some radical behaviors, and it will be too late to regret it.

Allow me to call a spade a spade a spade a few words of truth that may not be so pleasant

If parents are willing to help us take care of our children, we should know how to be grateful, and don't think that children should be left to the care of the elderly.

I know that the older generation had so many children at the beginning, and life was still difficult at that time, but so many children were raised by the elderly, and they didn't say that they were left to their parents to take care of them.

Therefore, after young people give birth to children, if they want to bring them to the elderly, then they must know how to be grateful, don't feel that these are what people should do, everyone has their own life, and the elderly want to enjoy retirement life when they retire, rather than helping children take care of children all day long.