
The story of the rose: The girl is careful of the broken window effect, Su Su reveals the past to Huang Zhenhua, or not

author:Tang Xiaotian's leisure time
The story of the rose: The girl is careful of the broken window effect, Su Su reveals the past to Huang Zhenhua, or not


In "The Story of Rose", when Su Su and Huang Zhenhua were about to fall in love, Su Su and Huang Zhenhua revealed that they were violated by their stepfather when they were 16 years old, their mother didn't love her, and their original family was very bad!

Huang Zhenhua is very good, he thinks it's not Su Su's fault, he feels sorry for Su Su, heals Su Su, the two finally got married and had children, and lived a happy and happy life without shame.

This is a TV series, if in reality, I suggest that if a girl encounters something like Su Su, it's best to keep her mouth shut and don't tell her boyfriend or friends.

There's a term called the broken window effect, when you find that one of the windows is broken, then it won't be long before all the windows next to it will be broken.

If there is a lost la ji in a corner, it won't be long before that corner is full of a pile of la ji.

In the past, I couldn't wait to tell all the things about the three generations of my ancestors, who speculated with me, I couldn't wait to take out my intestines, liver, stomach and lungs to show others.

Later, I was stabbed by a friend, hurt by my ex-boyfriend, and went through a lot before I realized that some secrets are only suitable for rotting in the bottom of my heart.

Revealing your secrets or scars is a big gamble, and few people can win.

The story of the rose: The girl is careful of the broken window effect, Su Su reveals the past to Huang Zhenhua, or not


If you are too familiar with people, you know where the knife hurts the most.

Don't tell the other person about your pain when you are in love, he feels sorry for you when he loves you, and attacks you with the knife you handed him when he doesn't love you.

I used to expose my scars to someone I trusted, but when he broke up with me, he said, you deserve to be loved by no one and no one wants you, you should be lonely for the rest of your life.

Sasha once had a fight with her ex-boyfriend, who choked Sasha's neck, and Sasha told her cousin that she believed her cousin at the time because she worked in a department.

After a long time, I learned that my cousin had told many people in the department that Sasha was strong, and she would feel that she was known by others and would not be able to hold her head up. My cousin also told so many people under the guise that she was a relative and felt sorry for Sasha.

Piao Piao told her current boyfriend about the domestic violence she had been committed by her ex-boyfriend. When your current boyfriend loves Piaopiao, how can he bear to do it to you? Don't be afraid, I will take care of you in the future, and no one will ever bully you!

When you don't love/when you quarrel: "No wonder he hit you in the first place!" ”

You think he's a safe haven, but he's the one who chases you at any time,

Hurtful words are like sharp knives, and the heart is bleeding to the extreme.

When you quarrel with him about the sad things and sore spots, he can say them word for word, poke your heart, and poke you wherever you hurt the most.

The story of the rose: The girl is careful of the broken window effect, Su Su reveals the past to Huang Zhenhua, or not


Qiaoqiao also told her current boyfriend that her parents didn't love her and that her ex-boyfriend was splitting her legs.

When her current boyfriend quarreled with her, she said: "No wonder your parents don't love you, and your ex-boyfriend doesn't want you either, because you deserve it!" ”

At that moment, Qiaoqiao's heart was like a knife.

Friends can't say that the person you confide in doesn't feel sorry for you, and takes your pain as their own talking point, and I've met this kind of friend.

There are always some people who think that it is very good to expose other people's injuries and think that they have won, but in fact, I want to say that it is not, but it seems that you are very uneducated. I am willing to confide in you because of trust, but in your eyes, these things have become a way to make a conflict and you think you can win, which is really disgusting.

"You told the wind the secret, and then the wind blew through the forest."

The story of the rose: The girl is careful of the broken window effect, Su Su reveals the past to Huang Zhenhua, or not

There are a few people like Huang Zhenhua, who have a very high quality, and even if they break up in the end, they will not expose their shortcomings.

However, there are many people who are not like that, and if you tell her about your painful experience, you are equivalent to you handing her a knife that will only hurt you.

My advice is not to tell your lover or friend anything about your past sad experiences, because you are not sure if the other person will change in the future.

It's not your fault when you encounter something bad, remember to learn to digest yourself, and don't suffer a second crit because of confiding in others......

The story of the rose: The girl is careful of the broken window effect, Su Su reveals the past to Huang Zhenhua, or not