
The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

At the foot of our mountain, there is such a small village called Liujiatun. At the head of the village, there is a rich man surnamed Liu, who is called Liu Dayuanwai. Outside of this Liu Daren, his family has a lot of money and thousands of acres of fertile land, but there is such a problem, and he is not greedy enough. On that day, Master Liu went out into the mountains to hunt, but he didn't expect to be in a deep valley and bumped into a shining jade seal. This jade seal, the whole body is crystal clear, the carver is called a fine, and there is a dragon engraved on it, which looks like it is about to fly.

When Mr. Liu looked at this jade seal, he knew in his heart that this was not an ordinary thing, so he quickly and carefully carried it in his arms and took it home. When he got home, he put the jade seal on the table in the study, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Just as I was fascinated, something strange happened. The jade seal suddenly lit up, and a woman's figure faintly appeared in the light. Liu Dayuan rubbed his eyes outside, and then took a closer look, oops, this woman looks, that is called a beauty, just like a fairy in the sky.

The woman spoke: "Liu Yuanwai, I am the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and I accidentally lost this jade seal. Now that the jade seal has been recovered, I have to give you some treasures to express my gratitude. But ah, you have to remember that greed is not enough to swallow an elephant, don't get into trouble because of greed. As soon as the words fell, the woman turned into a golden light, and disappeared with a whoosh. Mr. Liu looked at the table again, in addition to the jade seal, there was also a string of pearl necklaces, each pearl was shiny, as if there was some secret.

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

Mr. Liu was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, thinking that this hunting trip was really profitable. But his greedy problem is not over. I thought in my heart that since the dragon girl had appeared, she herself must be more beautiful. If you can marry the dragon girl home, it will be even more beautiful. So, Liu began to use his brains and ask around, trying to find the traces of the dragon girl.

I heard that the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea comes to the world once a year to play, and she also becomes an ordinary woman. Liu sent people to look for him everywhere. On this day, he heard that there was a girl at the temple fair in the town who looked very much like the dragon girl, and when he heard about it, he immediately took his family and went. When I arrived at the temple fair, I saw that there was a girl who looked like a dragon girl. Mr. Liu was so happy in his heart that he stepped forward to talk.

When the girl saw that Liu Yuan was outside, she didn't panic, smiled slightly, and said, "Liu Yuan, don't come unharmed." When Liu heard this voice, he was immediately stunned, isn't this the voice of the dragon girl? He hurriedly bowed and saluted, saying, "Miss Dragon Girl, little Liu, has always admired the girl. It's a great honor to meet the girl today. "Oh, girl, can you enjoy your face in our small courtyard and come to our house to sit?" The girl nodded lightly and said with a smile: "How dare I not agree to the invitation of the Liu family?" As soon as the words fell, he followed him back to Liujiatun. After arriving home, the Liu family set up a table of good wine and food, and warmly entertained the dragon girl. During the banquet, he kept giving the dragon girl a look, and his words were full of thoughts of wanting to marry her as a concubine. The dragon girl didn't refuse directly, just smiled lightly and said, "Liu Dahu, marriage is a big event, how can you be casual?" We'll have to take our time. ”

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

When the Liu family heard this, they were anxious, thinking to themselves, this dragon girl is a baby, if she misses it, it will be a big loss. So, he hurriedly sent someone to prepare the dowry, planning to propose marriage the next day. But just when he was busy, something strange happened. The jade seal began to glow again, and it was even brighter than before. Liu Dahu hurriedly ran over to take a look, only to see that the dragon on the jade seal seemed to be alive, roaring with teeth and claws. He was shocked, and picked up the jade seal to take a closer look. At this moment, the voice of the dragon girl sounded again: "Liu Dahu, you are not greedy enough, you dare to marry me as a concubine." Today I'll show you what happens to greed! As soon as the words fell, the dragon on the jade seal flew out and went straight to the house of Liu Dahu......

Find out what happens next, and listen to the next breakdown. When the Liu family saw that the dragon was coming towards them, they were so frightened that they were in a hurry and tried to hide, but the dragon was like having eyes, and they chased after it. Liu Dahu panicked, ran all the way to the river outside the village, and seeing that the dragon was about to catch up with him, he was in a hurry and plunged into the river. I thought I could escape by jumping into the river, but I didn't know that the dragon could swim faster in the water. After a few splashes in the water, Liu Dahu felt weak and slowly sank. Just when he was about to lose consciousness, he suddenly felt someone pull him from behind. He struggled to look back, and it turned out to be the Dragon Maiden. The dragon girl pulled Liu Dahu's family to the shore, put it down gently, and then said coldly: "Liu Dahu's family, my behavior today has disappointed me too much. I wanted to have a good relationship with you, but I didn't expect you to be so greedy. For the sake of your hard work, I will spare you once. But remember, greed is not enough to swallow an elephant, and if you make this mistake again, you will bear the consequences. With that, the dragon girl turned around and was about to leave. Seeing this, Liu Dahu hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her sleeve and begged: "Miss Dragon Girl, I know it's wrong, give me another chance!" The dragon girl glanced back at him, sighed, and said, "Okay, for your sake, I'll give you another chance." But you have to remember that this is only one chance, and if you do it again, don't blame me. "Oh, this Liu Daren is really a person with a story. His head was like a rattle, and he must have made up his mind to change his life and not follow the old greedy path. As soon as the dragon girl turned around, she disappeared into the sky like a meteor. Liu sat on the ground outside, looking at the direction where the dragon girl disappeared, and in his heart he called a five-flavor mixture, which was more complicated than eating five-spice beans.

He pondered that his previous little caution was really silly and ridiculous. No, he secretly swore in his heart that he would be a contented person in the future, and not let that greed lead him into the ditch again. Since then, Liu Dayuan has really changed as a person, and all the insatiable energy he used to have been thrown away. He began to care about the suffering of the people in the village, used his own money to help those who were in difficulty, and also paid for the construction of a school and a medical hall, so that the children in the village could read and read when they were sick. This kind act made the villagers respect him and love him, and they all called him "Liu Da Benevolent".

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

As for the jade seal, Liu Dayuan offered it in the ancestral hall and incense it every day. He no longer coveted the magical power of the jade seal, but regarded it as an object to alert himself. Every time I see the jade seal, I think of my previous greed and stupidity, and I cherish my current happy life even more.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Liu Dayuan also became a gray-haired old man. He sat in his yard, basking in the sun and reminiscing about the past. At this time, a young man walked in with a letter in his hand and said respectfully: "Old man Liu, this is a letter sent from the East China Sea, saying that it is for you. Liu Yuanwai took the letter and looked at it, and the letter read: "Liu Yuanwai's relatives: I haven't seen you for many years, I don't know if you're okay?" I am the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and I became attached to you because you found the jade seal. I am glad to hear that you have reformed and become a good person. I hereby send this letter to congratulate you and wish you a long and prosperous life. After reading the letter, Mr. Liu burst into tears and was full of emotion: "It turns out that the dragon girl really exists!" Not only did she save my life, but she also gave me a chance to be a new person. The luckiest thing in my life is that I met her. ”

Liu Xiaocai, the son of Liu Dayuan, grew up listening to his father's stories since he was a child, and he was both curious and admired by the mysterious dragon girl. He understands that his father's ability to get better in his later years is all due to the dragon girl. Therefore, Liu Xiaocai is also determined to be a kind and upright person, inherit his father's legacy, and do more good things for the people in the village.

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

After Liu Xiaocai took over the family business, he not only inherited his father's good deeds, but also carried them forward. He paid for the construction of more schools and medical halls, so that the children in the village could go to school, and the sick villagers could see the doctor in time. He also personally went to the field to teach the villagers to plant new crops and improve their harvests. Liu Xiaocai's good deeds have won the love and respect of the villagers, and everyone affectionately calls him "Little Benevolent".

But the good times didn't last long, the river near our Liujiatun suddenly flooded, the crops were flooded, the houses collapsed, and the villagers were in a predicament. Liu Xiaocai looked at this scene, and felt anxious like something. He knew that this disaster was not ordinary, and that it could not be solved by the strength of the village alone. So, he decided to go to the dragon girl and ask her for help.

Liu Xiaocai trekked through mountains and rivers, and after many hardships, he finally came to the edge of the East China Sea. He knelt on the shore of the sea and prayed to the dragon maiden for her help. At this moment, the sea suddenly flashed with golden light, and a beautiful figure rose from the sea, it was the dragon girl. The dragon girl looked at Liu Xiaocai, smiled slightly, and asked, "Liu Xiaocai, what are you doing here?" Liu Xiaocai hurriedly told the dragon girl about the situation in the village and begged her for help.

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

After listening to Liu Xiaocai's request, the dragon girl was silent for a while, and then said, "I can help you, but you remember, all I can do is solve the problem temporarily." The real solution to the problem is up to you. After speaking, the dragon girl took out a pearl from her hand, handed it to Liu Xiaocai and said: "This pearl can control the water potential, you can bring it back to the village and put it on the highest place by the river, you can temporarily alleviate the flood disaster." ”

Liu Xiaocai took the pearl, and was so grateful that tears were about to fall, and thanked him again and again. He returned to the village with Mingzhu and immediately acted according to the instructions of the dragon girl. Sure enough, as soon as the pearl was put on, the turbulent river slowly subsided. When the villagers saw this scene, they all jumped with joy. They thanked Liu Xiaocai for saving her life, and also sighed at the magical power of the dragon girl. Oh, this Liu Xiaocai is really a far-sighted Northeast man. The flood was like tickling for him, and he knew in his heart that this was just a small episode, and if he didn't dig out the roots, the days of great calamity were still to come. No, as soon as he slapped his thigh, he took the old and young masters in the village to do it together, and he wanted to change his face and make the feng shui of our village turn a corner.

Under the leadership of Liu Xiaocai, everyone was twisted into a rope, repairing embankments, clearing rivers, planting trees, and being very busy. In the past few years, the environment of Liujiatun is very good, the river is so clear that you can see the bottom, the crops grow taller than people, and the life of the villagers is getting better and better day by day.

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

Liu Xiaocai is not only a person who does things, but is also very respected. The villagers praised him, saying that they would learn from his strength and continue to do something practical for the village. Liu Xiaocai himself was not idle, he always thought about the words of the dragon girl and the old father's last wishes, and worked wholeheartedly for the welfare of the villagers.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Liu Xiaocai has also become a white-haired old man. He sat in his yard, basking in the sun and reminiscing about the past. At this moment, a young man held a letter in his hand, respectfully handed it to him, and said, "Grandpa Liu, this is a letter from the East China Sea, for you." Liu Xiaocai looked at the letter, which read: "Liu Xiaocai personally Qi: I haven't seen you for many years, I don't know if you are okay?" I am the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and thank you and your father for all the good things you have done for us. You have not only changed the fate of Liujiatun, but also brought us blessings. I am sending this letter to express my gratitude and wish your family prosperity and happiness for generations to come. ”

After reading the letter, Liu Xiaocai was full of tears, and was full of emotion: "It turns out that the dragon girl really exists!" She not only saved us Liujiatun, but also kept a silent eye on us. Our Liu family is really thanks to her help and teachings! ”

The rich man was not greedy enough to get treasures, and he even wanted the dragon girl to be a concubine......

After Liu Xiaocai's death, his story and the legend of the Dragon Maiden became an heirloom in the village, passed down from generation to generation, and became an eternal story. Because of the efforts of Liu Xiaocai and the villagers, Liujiatun has become more and more beautiful, and it has become a desirable paradise.