
The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

In our water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a rich man named Jia Bancheng, who is so big that the family is terrifying, and the gold and silver treasures are piled up. But this rich man Jia has a little habit, that is, he likes to look at beautiful women, especially his little concubine, who looks like he came out of the painting, and he fascinates the rich man Jia. One day, on a whim, the rich man Jia wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine and enjoy the ultimate pleasure in the world. He asked his subordinates to boil a large bucket of hot water, sprinkled with flower petals, and specially invited a famous chef from the city to prepare a table of sumptuous wine and food, intending to eat and drink while washing and enjoying it.

The concubine is a knowledgeable person, and when she heard this request, her face was red and white for a while, and her heart was full of joy. But there is no way, she is the person of the rich man Jia, and she has to agree to it. The two had just taken off their coats and were about to enter the water, when suddenly there was a "bang" and the door was slammed open. The one who rushed in was a woman dressed in coarse cloth with an oily face, and she was still carrying a kitchen knife in her hand, it was Aunt Wang, the cook of Jiafu. Aunt Wang usually cooks in Jiafu, has a spicy and straightforward personality, and dares to scold anyone who is not pleasing to the eye. I don't know what's wrong today, and I broke into the bathroom of the rich man Jia with an angry face.

"Oh, what's this for?" Aunt Wang's throat shocked the entire Jia Mansion. She looked at the scene in front of her, and an incredible expression appeared on her face, "I said, rich man Jia, what are you doing here?" Take a mandarin duck bath? What's the matter, are you going to treat Aunt Wang and me as blind? The rich man Jia was so frightened by this voice that he almost didn't fall into the bathtub, he hurriedly put on his clothes, and shouted angrily: "Aunt Wang, what are you doing here?" Why did you suddenly break in? Get me out of here! ”

The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

Aunt Wang didn't buy it, sat on the ground, and began to cry: "Ouch, where is my old face?" Your Jia family doesn't treat me as a human being like this? My Aunt Wang has worked in this Jia Mansion for so many years, working day and night, and in the end you are so bad for me? I want to see the officials, and I want to sue you! This crying made a fuss, and the entire Jia Mansion was in chaos. The concubine was also so frightened that she hid aside and didn't dare to say anything. The rich man Jia was even more anxious, he knew that this Aunt Wang was not easy to provoke, if he really provoked her, he went to the government to complain, then his reputation as Jia Bancheng would be completely ruined.

Just then, there was a commotion outside. It turned out that the porter of Jiafu came to report that a Taoist had come outside, claiming to be Guan Gong and coming to Jiafu to eliminate demons and subdue demons. When the rich man Jia heard this, he thought to himself that this is really an endless road! He hurriedly asked his subordinates to invite the Taoist in. As soon as the man entered the door, his eyes swept around like a torch, and finally fixed on Aunt Wang. Hey, look at this eldest sister, you want to go to heaven, dare to play tricks in our Jiafu! The Taoist roared so loudly that Aunt Wang trembled, as if she was shivering. He then asked, "Do you know what you are doing wrong?" "Aunt Wang was overwhelmed by the momentum of the Taoist, and she was hesitant, and her words were not good.

When the Taoist saw this situation, he revealed the details of Aunt Wang. It turns out that this Aunt Wang is not an ordinary person, she is the reincarnation of Qin Hui's goods. Thinking that Qin Hui killed Yue Fei back then, the sin was too great, and he was punished as a cook after his death, and he had to atone for his sin. "You broke into the bathroom today, disturbed other people's good things, and cried endlessly, this is not a small sin!" The Taoist voice was mentioned, like thunder, "I came today on the order of Guan Gong, just to give you some color!" As soon as the words fell, the Taoist took out a gold seal and slapped it on Aunt Wang's head. Aunt Wang was so miserable that she rolled in pain, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy. The Taoist was not soft-hearted, and said coldly: "Punish you to hell and suffer for three years, and reflect on it!" As soon as the words fell, Aunt Wang was like smoke, and the swish was gone.

The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

The rich man Jia and the concubine were dumbfounded, and then they understood what was going on just now. The Taoist put away the golden seal and said to the rich man Jia, "You have to reflect on it." After saying that, he walked away. Since then, nothing strange has happened to Jiafu. The rich man Jia also changed his temperament and began to manage the family business seriously. The concubine also slowly recovered from the fright, and the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious, and Jiafu was harmonious.

But that's not the end of the story. The rich man Jia thought that everything was calm, but it turned out to be a moth again. One night, there was a sudden burst of singing in the back garden, and the sound was so good that it hooked everyone in Jiafu. The rich man Jia and the concubine also went over to see the excitement, and when they saw a woman in white dancing in the moonlight, the dance was as beautiful as a fairy. Rich man Jia took a look, isn't this Aunt Wang? Why did you become so beautiful all of a sudden, and you can dance?

Everyone talked a lot and was confused. At this moment, the Taoist appeared again, he stood in front of everyone, and said with a smile: "Don't panic, this Aunt Wang has reformed and become a new person." "It turns out that the Taoist didn't really send Aunt Wang to hell, he used a special method to let Aunt Wang taste the pain of hell, so that she could realize her mistakes and truly repent. Oh mom, Aunt Wang really turned over as a serf and sang this time, her experience is more dramatic than in the TV series. No, her experience in hell really made her change her face and become a new person. Look at her now, not only has she become beautiful, but she has also learned to dance and sing, which has become a beautiful scenery in Jiafu. As soon as the Taoist man told everyone that Aunt Wang had been redeemed and wanted to continue to live in Jiafu and bring joy and peace to Jiafu, everyone listened, and it was called a happy and cheering.

The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

When the rich man Jia heard this, he was also very emotional, walked up to Aunt Wang, bowed deeply, and said, "Aunt Wang, I was blind before, and I offended you a lot. Now that you have changed your mind and become a new person, I am really happy from the bottom of my heart. From now on, you will be a part of our Jia Mansion, and we will treat you well. When Aunt Wang heard this, she was in tears and choked up and said: "Thank you for your tolerance and acceptance, I will cherish this opportunity, be a good person, and do my part for Jiafu." ”

Since then, Aunt Wang has become a baby bump in Jiafu. Her cooking skills and singing and dancing performances have brought a lot of joy to the people of Jiafu. The rich man of Jia has also changed, and he treats his subordinates like relatives, and the entire Jia Mansion is filled with laughter. This matter is well known to everyone in the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, and they all say that the story of the rich man Jia and Mrs. Wang is a miracle, and Guan Gong appeared to save Mrs. Wang's life and let her be reborn. That Taoist also became famous because of this matter, and became a living immortal in people's mouths.

Time flies, and a few years have passed. Under the careful care of the rich man Jia, Jiafu became more and more prosperous. Aunt Wang also relied on her own skills and talents to become an indispensable member of Jiafuli. She not only taught many new dishes and singing and dancing performances to the people in Jiafu, but also often took them out to compete and perform, winning a lot of honors and praises for Jiafu.

The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

One night, Aunt Wang had a dream that she was standing on a white cloud, and Guan Gong stood beside her, smiling and saying to her, "Aunt Wang, you have completed your path of salvation, and now you can go back to heaven." When Aunt Wang heard this, she was excited in her heart and asked, "Then can I see anyone from Jiafu again?" Guan Gong nodded and said, "Of course." You can go back to Jiafu at this time of year to see them, but you can't disturb their lives, you can only silently guard them. Aunt Wang tearfully agreed, said goodbye to Guan Gong, and disappeared into the night sky as a puff of green smoke.

This year is here again, inside and outside Jiafu, the lights are colorful, and it is very lively. After the rich man Jia was busy himself, he stood at the gate of the mansion, looking at the guests coming and going, and sighed in his heart. He thought about Aunt Wang's vigorous energy back then, and now she has become the patron saint of the people of Jiafu. He sighed softly and turned to enter the house.

The banquet in the house has been set up, what delicacies from the mountains and seas, wine and delicacies, everything. Rich Lord Jia sat on the main seat, looking at the table full of guests, and his heart was warm. He picked up his wine glass, stood up, and said loudly: "Relatives and friends, thank you for coming to Jiafu to commemorate our Aunt Wang together." Although Aunt Wang is gone, her spirit will always be in our hearts. Let's raise a glass together and pray for Aunt Wang, and wish her all the best in heaven. Everyone raised their glasses, and the house was full of laughter and excitement.

The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind, and the lanterns swayed, as if something was coming. Everyone stopped and looked at the door. I saw a woman in white, walking in slowly, with a delicate face and elegant style, which was exactly what Aunt Wang looked like. Everyone was stunned, unable to believe their eyes. Aunt Wang is really back! Rich Jia was also stunned, rubbing his eyes to make sure he was not mistaken. He hurriedly stepped forward and said excitedly, "Aunt Wang, is it really you?" Why are you back? Aunt Wang smiled slightly and said, "Master, I'll come back to see everyone." Every year at this time, I come back to see what's going on in Jiafu. ”

The rich man Jia was so excited that he burst into tears, took Aunt Wang's hand and said, "Aunt Wang, we have missed you all these years." You're gone, and there's a lot less joy in Jiafu. It's great that you're back! Aunt Wang looked at the rich man Jia and said with emotion: "Master, you have changed a lot over the years. You have become kinder and more tolerant of your subordinates. This is all the change in Jiafu after I left, right? Rich Master Jia nodded and said, "Yes, Aunt Wang, after you left, I thought a lot. I realized that I used to be too selfish, focusing only on my own pleasure and ignoring others. Now I understand that true happiness can only be achieved by being kind to others. When Aunt Wang heard this, her heart was warm, and she nodded and said, "Master, what you said really went to my heart." I see, our Jia Mansion is in your hands, and it will definitely become more and more prosperous. The two chatted for a while, and Aunt Wang looked around and said, "Master, I have to leave quickly." I've been here for a long time, and I'm afraid I'll have to cause chaos in the house. When the rich man Jia heard this, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and said, "Aunt Wang, can't you stay longer?" We don't like you yet! Aunt Wang shook her head and said, "Master, I understand your intentions, but I really have to go back quickly, and I have to guard our good days." You have to enjoy the happiness in front of you! As soon as the words fell, Aunt Wang turned around to go out.

The rich man Jia was anxious, took her hand, and said, "Aunt Wang, you wait, I have something to give you here." As he spoke, he took out a jade pendant from his arms, handed it to Aunt Wang, and said, "This is what I brought back from the capital, and I will send you a thought." Aunt Wang took the jade pendant, her eyes flashed with tears, and said, "Thank you, master, I will take good care of this jade pendant." With that, she turned around and left Jiafu.

The rich man wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with his concubine, but the cook suddenly broke into the house

The rich man Jia stood there, still for a long time, looking at the distant figure of Aunt Wang, his heart was full of gratitude and admiration. From that day on, the rich man Jia cherished the people and things around him even more, and ran Jiafu with his heart, making Jiafu one of the most prosperous families in the water town south of the Yangtze River. And Aunt Wang is also silently guarding Jiafu in the sky, bringing good luck and happiness to Jiafu.

On that special day every year, Jiafu will hold a grand commemorative event to commemorate Aunt Wang. That jade pendant has also become an heirloom of Jiafu, passed down from generation to generation, witnessing the deep friendship between Jiafu and Aunt Wang. This is the story of the rich man Jia and Aunt Wang, although it has a bit of fantasy color, but it is warm and touching. It tells us that only by cherishing the people in front of us and being kind to others can we achieve true happiness and joy. Aunt Wang has also become the patron saint of the hearts of Jiafu people, and will always live in their hearts.