
5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

author:Home appliance reviewer

Nowadays, there are more and more types of household appliances, especially some small household appliances, which are not expensive, and can also improve the quality of life, and have always been loved by people.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

But what everyone doesn't know is that many household appliances are actually "ineffective".

It seems to be able to solve the troubles encountered in the current life, but when it is put into practical application, it will extend new troubles.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

For example, the 5 kinds of home appliances to be shared today cannot be bought offline, only for e-commerce!

has been blown to the sky by Internet celebrities from all walks of life, and even regarded as a guideline,

As everyone knows, the seemingly useful but proper IQ tax is specially used to harm the Chinese, who buys who is fooled!

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

I would like to advise you to:

In the face of these "conscience" household appliances, you must cover your wallet and don't be cut leeks again!

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

(1) Fierce fire gas stove

Many Chinese families like to stir-fry and boil pot when cooking, thinking that this can maximize the deliciousness of the ingredients.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

But not all gas stoves are able to provide the size of the flame we need,

In order to solve this problem, fierce gas stoves have appeared on the market!

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

Many people think that the purpose of stir-frying can be easily achieved with a fierce gas stove, but after using it, they find that this gas stove has more disadvantages than ordinary gas stoves, such as too much noise, and every time you stir-fry, it will make a whirring sound; The amount of firepower is too difficult to control, and if you are not careful, you will be fried......

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

And the price is also much more expensive than a regular gas stove.

I really don't recommend everyone to buy, it's thankless, it's far less suitable for Chinese families than ordinary gas stoves, and it's suitable for ordinary families.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

(2) Laser projection keyboard

Now that we have entered the electronic age, many times we need to work from anywhere.

For convenience, many people have purchased this laser projection keyboard, which can be carried around to solve office needs.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

And it looks cool, but anyone who has used it knows that this keyboard is actually very difficult to use and has poor sensitivity! Poor recognition!

Although it seems to be able to solve office needs, no one wants to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

Because using a laser projection keyboard, a simple thing requires a lot of time and energy, and it may be messed up!

So unless you can put up with the flaws of the laser projection keyboard, don't buy it!

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

(3) Portable mini washing machine

What should I do if I don't want to wash my clothes by hand during a business trip?

For the sake of health and safety, many people have bought this seemingly convenient portable mini washing machine.

In this way, the underwear and socks taken off can be cleaned in the washing machine, which is convenient and can be sterilized and disinfected.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

But in fact, the quality of this washing machine motor is worrying, and most of them use old BLCD motors.

The stability is poor, and there will be a huge noise during operation, which will shake a lot, and will increase the wear and tear of clothes.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks
5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

The point is that it's not cheap, and you can't wash your clothes cleanly.

The clothes that can be put down at one time are very limited, and they also need to be cleaned by pouring water manually, plus they are small in size, compact in structure, and very prone to failure, so whether it is for their wallets or for practicality, everyone should not buy it!

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

(4) Mite remover

I don't know when, we were brainwashed by the concept of "mite removal" of merchants.

It seems that if you don't remove mites from your clothes and mattresses, it will be difficult for you to get a good night's sleep.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

Especially for the sake of children and health, even if they can't see the effect of the mite removal instrument, they are willing to spend thousands of yuan to buy the mite removal instrument, for fear that the invisible mites will cause irreversible damage to their health.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

But in reality, do mite removers really work?

Take me as an example, I spent more than a thousand to buy a mite remover, and after using it a few times, I feel that it is more like a "dust collector" for mattresses.

Using it to clean bed sheets and covers, etc., does absorb dust, but ultraviolet sterilization, and there is basically no mite removal effect.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

And even if you don't use it for a long time, there doesn't seem to be any problem, because I love to be clean, and I basically disassemble and clean it once a week, and wash and bask in the sun before wearing clothes.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

Therefore, if you want to buy a mite removal device, you must keep your eyes open and think about it carefully, so as not to spend money like me and get nothing.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

(5) Disinfection cabinet

In recent years, the popular chopsticks and knives sterilizer, some people say that it is good, and some people do not agree.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

But I advise everyone not to buy it, it's not worth it,

There are many ways to sterilize knives and chopsticks, and you don't need to spend money, so why spend money to buy a sterilizer.

For example, clean knives and chopsticks with dish soap and heat them at high temperatures......

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

These seemingly unreliable "old methods" are actually more effective than using knives and chopsticks sterilizers.

Because the knife and chopsticks sterilizer is essentially a "plastic shell + ultraviolet lamp + heater", the internal structure is complex and difficult to clean, so the disinfection cabinet that spends a few hundred yuan to go home is really useless, a proper IQ tax.

5 household appliances with a "bad conscience", "network exclusive" only pit the Chinese people, and persuade you not to be cut leeks

Write at the end,

Did you buy any of the above appliances?

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