
"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment

author:Kaiyuan Police
"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment
"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment

In order to further purify the online environment, increase the public's awareness of resisting online rumors, and increase the public's ability to recognize, identify, and refute rumors. Recently, the Cyber Security Brigade of the Kaiyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau went into Yangjie Township to carry out activities to crack down on and rectify online rumors and publicize them in rural areas.

"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment

During the activity, the police explained to the villagers in the form of lectures what Internet rumors are, the types and characteristics of Internet rumors, the methods of distinguishing Internet rumors and the legal responsibility for spreading Internet rumors. Guide everyone to surf the Internet in a civilized manner, screen more ambiguous information, consciously resist online rumors, and resolutely do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors, and do not spread rumors. Advocate everyone to be practitioners and disseminators of Internet civilization, and publicize the knowledge of Internet rumors to relatives and friends, and jointly create a clean and upright Internet environment.

"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment

In this publicity activity, more than 150 copies of publicity materials were distributed and more than 30 on-site consultations were conducted. Through publicity, the public's understanding of the harmfulness and seriousness of online rumors has been further raised, effectively raising the public's awareness and ability to prevent and resist online rumors, guiding the masses to go online in a civilized, safe, and law-abiding manner, and jointly creating a healthy and harmonious online environment.

"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment

The Internet is not a place outside the law, so don't publish untrue or inappropriate remarks on the Internet because of greed for traffic or quick tongues! Those who deliberately distort facts, fabricate and spread rumors, or disrupt social order will be resolutely dealt with by the public security organs in accordance with law. We need to work together not to spread rumors, not to believe rumors, not to spread rumors, to purify the online environment, and to crack down on and rectify online rumors.

"Fighting rumors" propaganda has been carried out in rural areas to jointly build a clear network environment

Reviewer: Wang Jian

Proofreader: Zhou Qiren

Editor: Chen Jing

Source: Cyber Security Brigade

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