
Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

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Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

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Fat Donglai's "rolling dough" incident: one stone stirred up a thousand waves

The retail giant known for its service, Fat Donglai Trading Group, fell into the "rolling dough" food safety turmoil, an online video pushed the health and environmental problems of the "rolling dough" processing site of Xinxiang Fat Donglai joint venture catering to the cusp of public opinion, which aroused widespread public attention and heated discussions, after the incident was exposed, Fat Donglai quickly took a series of measures to try to win back the trust of consumers, the impact of the turmoil is far from subsided, it has also triggered people's deep thinking about a series of issues such as food safety, corporate responsibility and public opinion supervision

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

This video spread rapidly on the Internet like a virus, and the dirty processing environment in the video formed a strong contrast with the brand image of "Fat Donglai" in the hearts of consumers, which quickly caused an uproar, and many netizens questioned the food safety management of Fat Donglai, and the aura of the once "retail myth" seemed to be overshadowed

Resolute and resolute: Fat Donglai struck hard to respond to public opinion concerns

After the incident, Fat Donglai Trading Group did not choose to evade and cover up, but responded quickly, took a series of measures to calm public opinion, recover losses, they set up an investigation team for the first time, conducted a comprehensive investigation of the stores involved, and publicly admitted the existing problems, this frank attitude, as well as the vigorous and resolute way of handling, to a certain extent won the understanding of the public

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

In addition to the closure of the stores involved and the rectification of the processing site, Fat Donglai also made an impressive decision: refund all customers who have purchased the products involved, and give each person 1000 yuan in compensation, this move can not be described as "generous", according to statistics, the compensation involves an amount of up to 8.83 million yuan, Fat Donglai with practical actions to show that they attach importance to consumer rights and interests, as well as zero tolerance attitude towards food safety

A strong man broke his wrist: the responsibility for the "big blood change" of the management is unambiguous

In addition to the economic compensation, Fat Donglai Trading Group also dealt with the relevant responsible persons seriously: the first supervisor and quality controller of the Xinxiang catering department were directly dismissed, and all the other management above the squad leader were dismissed

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

In the process of handling this incident, Fat Donglai showed the responsibility of a responsible enterprise, they did not choose to shirk their responsibilities, but bravely stood up to bear the consequences, and actively sought solutions, this attitude and action undoubtedly won them more respect

Make up for the loss: strengthen quality control, improve the management system, can Fat Donglai still win trust?

"Rolling dough" incident to Fat Donglai sounded the alarm, but also for all enterprises sounded the alarm, in the food safety issue, no enterprise can not be taken lightly, no link can be mistaken, Fat Donglai timely took a series of rectification measures, including strengthening commodity quality control management, improve the management system and work standards, the establishment of food safety supervision and reporting reward mechanism, etc., the implementation of these measures will help Fat Donglai to improve the level of food safety management, protect the rights and interests of consumers

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

"Eat a trench, grow a wisdom", this incident is not only a crisis for Fat Donglai, but also an opportunity for growth, how to fundamentally prevent the recurrence of such incidents, is a problem that Fat Donglai needs to think about and solve

The "dough rolling" incident: reflecting the pain of food safety supervision

The reason why Fat Donglai's "rolling dough" incident has attracted so much attention is that, on the one hand, Fat Donglai itself is a benchmark enterprise in the retail industry, and its every move has attracted much attention; On the other hand, it also reflects the public's high concern and concern about food safety issues

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

In recent years, there have been frequent food safety problems in the mainland, from the "melamine" milk powder incident, to the "gutter oil" incident, to the abuse of various additives, which have continuously impacted the nerves of consumers and seriously affected the reputation of China's food industry

Strengthening regulation and rebuilding trust: food safety has a long way to go

The Fat Donglai "dough rolling" incident once again reminds us that food safety is a systematic project, which requires the joint participation of the government, enterprises and consumers

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

Government departments should strengthen supervision, increase the punishment of illegal enterprises, increase the cost of violations, form a strong deterrent effect, but also improve relevant laws and regulations, establish and improve the food safety traceability system, so that problem food has nowhere to hide

As the main body responsible for food safety, enterprises should firmly establish the awareness of "safety first", put food safety in the first place, strengthen internal management, improve the production process, and ensure product quality and safety

Consumers should also improve their safety awareness, learn relevant knowledge, enhance their ability to discriminate, and actively participate in the supervision of food safety

Public opinion supervision: a double-edged sword

Finally something happened? Fat Donglai responded to the dough rolling incident: awarded customers 100,000 yuan and compensated nearly 9 million yuan

In the information age, the Internet has become an important channel for the public to express their demands and supervise the society, and timely exposure of food safety problems will help to urge enterprises to rectify and protect the rights and interests of consumers

In the face of food safety issues, we should remain rational, do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, evaluate and supervise with an objective and fair attitude, and jointly maintain a good social order

Fat Donglai's "rolling dough" incident has come to an end, but it leaves us with thinking that it is far from over, food safety is related to everyone's vital interests, let us work together to build a safe and secure food consumption environment

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