
The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world
The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

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Strong actress Tang Ling: The five-year road to fighting cancer has gone from the edge of despair to a new life

2019, for Taiwanese actress Tang Ling, is a turning point in fate, but also the beginning of a long journey to fight against fate, this year, she was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and it is already in the advanced stage, this sudden bad news, for anyone, is a bolt from the blue, let alone a female artist who is on the rise of her career, Tang Ling was not crushed by the disease, she chose to use optimism and strength to face this test of life and death

The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

Tang Ling's road to fight cancer is destined to be full of thorns and bumps, two major surgeries, eight chemotherapy, each treatment, is a double torture of body and spirit, the side effects of chemotherapy, often make her miserable, and even wanted to give up for a while, but whenever she sees the expectant eyes of her family and friends, whenever she thinks of her unfinished dreams, she gritted her teeth and told herself to persevere, because she knows that there is only one life, and giving up means losing everything

In the face of illness, Tang Ling never gave up and embraced the light of hope with a positive attitude

In the process of fighting the disease, Tang Ling not only has to endure physical pain, but also to bear huge psychological pressure, the diagnosis of terminal cancer, as if casting a shadow on her heart, Tang Ling was not swallowed by despair, she chose to face everything with a positive attitude, she began to learn anti-cancer knowledge, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and strive to improve her own immunity through exercise, diet and other ways

The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

Tang Ling knows that fighting cancer is a protracted battle, in addition to professional medical treatment, but also needs strong inner support, she began to record her anti-cancer journey on social media, share her mental journey, and use her optimism and strength to inspire those who are fighting against the disease like her

From the shadow of domestic violence to the showbiz struggle, Tang Ling's life is full of tempering and growth

Tang Ling's strength is not innate, but stems from her bumpy life experience, since she was a child, she has lived in the shadow of her mother's domestic violence, fear and insecurity accompanied her childhood, in order to get rid of the shackles of her original family, she left home early, and faced the challenges of life alone, and it was this experience that honed her will and made her more independent and strong

The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

After entering the showbiz, Tang Ling gradually emerged with her own efforts and talents, the road to acting was not smooth, she also experienced troughs and setbacks, but she never gave up the pursuit of her dreams, she used her own works to interpret the role, to convey emotions, and also use her own actions to prove her worth

After fighting cancer for five years, she spent all her savings, but she never regretted that life was priceless

In the five-year road of fighting cancer, Tang Ling not only paid a huge physical and mental price, but also almost spent her savings, 4 million Taiwan dollars, which is by no means a small amount for a non-first-line artist, but this money has been exchanged for her opportunity to be reborn, Tang Ling has never regretted it, because she knows that life is priceless, and being able to live, to feel the beauty of this world, and to accompany the people she loves is the greatest happiness

The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

In Tang Ling's view, money is something outside the body, life does not bring, death does not take it, and life is only once, it is worth our best to cherish and protect, she uses her own actions to interpret the meaning of life, but also let more people understand the preciousness of life

The dog "Xiaobai" has become a spiritual pillar, and Tang Ling will continue love and hope

In Tang Ling's fight against cancer, in addition to family and friends, there is also a special "family" who has accompanied her through countless difficult moments, that is, her dog "Xiaobai", "Xiaobai" is a stray dog adopted by Tang Ling at the lowest point, it has witnessed every day and night of Tang Ling's struggle against the disease, and also gave Tang Ling infinite comfort and companionship

The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

Now, Tang Ling has successfully overcome the disease and returned to normal life, and "Xiaobai" is still by her side, Tang Ling has said that she will leave part of the inheritance to "Xiaobai" to ensure that it can still be properly taken care of after a hundred years, this love is not only the care of pets, but also the expectation of the continuation of life

From an anti-cancer fighter to a public welfare messenger, Tang Ling uses her actions to convey love and hope

After the success of the fight against cancer, Tang Ling did not stop, she chose to use her influence to help more people in need, she actively participated in public welfare activities, paid attention to the disadvantaged groups, and used her own personal experience to encourage those who are going through hardships, and convey love and hope

The 49-year-old actress announced that she had defeated advanced stomach cancer and successfully cut her uterus to continue her life, which cost nearly one million in 5 years

Tang Ling's story tells us that there is no hurdle in life that cannot be passed, only the demons that cannot be passed, no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as we do not give up hope and face it bravely, we will be able to overcome everything and usher in our own light

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