
Patient incomprehension is the root cause of the vast majority of medical disputes


That's right, today I want to talk to you about an eternal problem that makes both doctors and patients have a headache - doctor-patient communication.

Patient incomprehension is the root cause of the vast majority of medical disputes

Don't underestimate this communication, it is the number one invisible killer behind the frequent occurrence of medical disputes! Information asymmetry, every minute makes the bridge of trust into a glass heart, which will be broken when touched!

To put it bluntly, everyone knows that it is difficult to see a doctor, but it is even more difficult to understand a doctor! How do patients know so much about medical knowledge? There are a lot of professional terms, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will misinterpret the doctor's meaning. In addition, the popular science articles on the Internet are mixed, and it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, which makes the already anxious patients even more confused.

Oops, that's a problem! When patients are unable to understand the doctor's treatment plan, they will become depressed, and then they will start to think crankily, and even doubt the doctor's professional ability. Is this treatment reliable? You can't fool me, right? As a result, the treatment plan was put on hold and the disease was delayed.

Patient incomprehension is the root cause of the vast majority of medical disputes

So, what can we, as the elite of the medical community, do to close this information gap so that patients can truly take care of their own health?

Xiaobian has a few tricks today, all of which are dry goods, you have to put them away!

The first trick is to incarnate a joker and talk about medicine in the vernacular! Leave aside the jargon and explain the condition in a language that the patient understands. It is really necessary to use medical terms, and also to explain the meaning patiently, so as not to confuse the patient.

Patient incomprehension is the root cause of the vast majority of medical disputes

The second trick is to make good use of black technology to make seeing a doctor more intuitive! Graphic explanations, medical animations, these artifacts are used! The complex pathological process is interpreted through animation, and the patient can understand it at a glance and understand it at a glance.

The third trick, patience is golden, be sure to give patients time to ask questions! When faced with patients' questions, be sure to teach them and don't bother them. Doctor-patient communication is a two-way street, and when patients are involved in the treatment process, they will trust the doctor's judgment more.

Of course, I know that these are just palliatives. In order to avoid medical disputes fundamentally, it is necessary for both doctors and patients to work together.

Patient incomprehension is the root cause of the vast majority of medical disputes

On the one hand, doctors need to continuously improve their communication skills, learn to empathize, and understand patients' anxieties and insecurity.

On the other hand, patients should also change their mindset and trust the doctor's professionalism, and actively communicate their illness and thoughts with the doctor.

Only when doctors and patients have transparent information and trust each other, can we work together to build a harmonious doctor-patient relationship and jointly protect everyone's health!

Patient incomprehension is the root cause of the vast majority of medical disputes

Dear medical workers, you are not only good doctors who cure diseases, but also messengers of health knowledge! Shoulder the heavy responsibility, and encourage it!

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