
It's time to take the burden off the shoulders on the doctors!


Ladies and gentlemen, when I scroll through Weibo late at night, I often see some posts that make blood pressure soar, such as "The doctor leaves work after a few minutes of seeing a doctor, why do you take so much money?" "Isn't being a doctor just saving lives and helping the wounded, what kind of income do you care?" It's really hard to say! These keyboard warriors use their fingers to output these whimsical opinions, but they are completely unaware of the bitterness behind the doctors. Today, I will talk to you in depth about how tiring and difficult the profession of doctor is!

It's time to take the burden off the shoulders on the doctors!

Doctors, are they all superhumans?

First, let's debate the false proposition that "doctors are easy." According to some data, the average working hours of mainland doctors have exceeded 60 hours per week, which translates to 12 hours a day! What's even more terrifying is that there are quite a few doctor friends who can work more than 80 hours a week, which basically treats the hospital as their home. Just ask, everyone usually shouts tired after a day, and the doctors are superhuman in this kind of normalized overwork?

Time is dedicated to the patient, so is there time for himself?

It's time to take the burden off the shoulders on the doctors!

If nothing else, let's just say how much time and energy is left for the doctors' own lives? Not to mention learning new knowledge after work, many doctor friends may just want to lie down in bed after work, and it is a luxury to have a good night's sleep. In the long run, this kind of overdraft of the body's working state can easily make the doctor's physical and mental health light red. How can a doctor who has been in a state of exhaustion for a long time provide better medical care to his patients?

Doctors, not immortals, also face all kinds of pressure!

The profession of a doctor is not only a test of physical strength, but also a test of mental power. Faced with a variety of incurable diseases every day, a slight carelessness may lead to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis, which is a big deal for patients! Just imagine, when you are burdened with this kind of high risk, can the psychological pressure not be great?

It's time to take the burden off the shoulders on the doctors!

Doctors, are they the saviors of the world?

  • Or a migrant worker with the sword of Damocles on his head?

I believe that many doctors will choose the latter!

It's time to take the burden off the shoulders on the doctors!

Conflicts between doctors and patients are frequent, and violent injuries to doctors are even more chilling!

In recent years, there have been frequent conflicts between doctors and patients, and incidents of violent injuries to doctors have also occurred from time to time, which has made the work of doctors even worse. Already under tremendous psychological pressure and always worrying about personal safety, how many young doctors are willing to continue to stick to the front line of medical care?

It is imperative to reduce the burden on doctors!

It's time to take the burden off the shoulders on the doctors!

The editor here's an appeal:

  • Let everyone pay attention to the dedication of doctors! Doctors use their hard work and sweat to protect the health of the people, and we should give doctors more understanding and respect, instead of talking about money with their mouths closed, as if doctors chose this profession for high income.
  • Improve the medical environment and alleviate the conflict between doctors and patients! Many times, doctor-patient conflicts arise due to poor communication. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a sound doctor-patient communication mechanism so that patients can better understand the work of doctors, and at the same time, doctors should learn how to better communicate with patients.
  • Increase the investment of medical resources and cultivate more physician talents! Only when the team of doctors grows can the shortage of medical resources be alleviated and doctors no longer need to be overworked.

Only when physicians can truly travel lightly can they provide better medical care to patients. Let's join hands to protect the physician community, create a good working environment for them, and make the doctor-patient relationship more harmonious!