
Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

author:It's your cannon brother

In our northeast Gada, there are a lot of stories about the miracle doctor, and today I will show you the strange things about this miracle doctor. Doctor Li, his medical skills are called high, and his heart is good, but when his career was booming, something strange happened at home. His daughter-in-law, who was originally a gentle and virtuous person, has been busy since she married into the Li family, but suddenly one day, she fell ill and lay in bed every day, her face was as white as paper, and her body was not as good as day by day. Doctor Li tried his best, but he couldn't cure his daughter-in-law's illness.

Doctor Li also has a daughter, named Xiaolian, who is sixteen this year, smart and kind-hearted. Seeing that her mother was so sick, Xiaolian felt so uncomfortable in her heart, in addition to boiling medicine for her mother every day, she also went up the mountain to collect medicine. She knew that those strange herbs on the mountain might be able to cure her mother's illness. On this day, before the sky was clear, Xiaolian carried a bamboo basket on her back, held a sickle, and set foot on the road up the mountain. The mountain road is difficult to walk, full of thorns, but Xiaolian is not afraid at all, just to find the life-saving herb. She climbed over the mountains and crossed the stream, and finally found a few legendary spirit grasses in a deep valley. Xiaolian was so happy that she carefully picked the herbs and put them in the bamboo basket.

But at this moment, a cold wind blew, and suddenly there was a cry in the valley, and it was terrible to listen to. Xiaolian's heart tightened, and when she looked back, in the depths of the valley, a black shadow appeared and disappeared. Although she was afraid, she still mustered up the courage to continue walking when she thought of her mother's illness. But the shadow was getting closer and closer, and the cry was getting louder and louder. Xiaolian couldn't help it, shouted, and ran away. The black shadow didn't seem to intend to let her go, and chased after her. Xiaolian ran as hard as she could, and finally escaped from the valley, but the black shadow still dangled behind her. She didn't dare to turn back, so she could only run wildly until it was dark and didn't dare to stop to catch her breath. Looking back, the black shadow was gone, and Xiaolian breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was still a little hairy. She knew she had encountered something unclean today, but her mother's illness left her with no time to think about it.

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

Xiaolian dragged her tired body home and handed over the spirit grass she had picked to her father. Doctor Li saw his daughter working so hard, and he felt moved and guilty in his heart. He boiled up medicine overnight, hoping to cure his wife. But at the moment when the medicine was boiled, Doctor Li's daughter-in-law suddenly sat up, her face was hideous, and her eyes were frighteningly red. She snatched the medicine bowl and drank it violently, then let out a heart-rending scream. Then, her body began to twitch violently, as if something was struggling in her body. Doctor Li was frightened, he had never seen his daughter-in-law look so terrifying. He hurriedly stepped forward to look, but found that there was a black hole on his daughter-in-law's chest, which was devouring her life little by little. Oh, this thing is really disturbing, Doctor Li's heart is like a cat scratching, and he is so anxious like something. His daughter-in-law, ouch, was entangled in that unknown thing. At this moment, the knocking on the door outside was like a drum, and it was so hurried that it couldn't be done. As soon as Doctor Li opened the door, a Taoist priest was standing there, holding a whisk in his hand, and his face was as tense as an iron plate. The Taoist priest said that he felt that the demon was surging here, and he came to get rid of the demon. When Doctor Li heard this, he hurriedly invited the Taoist priest into the house.

As soon as the Taoist priest entered the house, his eyes were fixed on the daughter-in-law of Doctor Li lying on the bed, his brows furrowed, and his voice was as deep as a bucket: "This monster has not been possessed for a day or two, and it is not easy to drive it out." Doctor Li was so anxious that he asked the ants on the hot pot, "What should I do?" My daughter Xiaolian went up the mountain to collect medicine today, and the person is gone, is it related to this monster? The Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "There may be a connection." Tell me, what happened to your daughter before and after her disappearance? Doctor Li told the Taoist priest about Xiaolian's disappearance. When the Taoist priest heard this, he sighed and said, "Alas, your daughter, this is not good. This monster is very cunning, it is on your daughter-in-law, sucking her spirit, and trying to find the next target. Your daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine, probably angered it and was taken away. When Doctor Li heard this, his heart was broken, he knelt in front of the Taoist priest, crying and begging: "Daoist, you have mercy, you must save my daughter!" The Taoist priest picked up Doctor Li and said, "Don't worry, since I'm here, I'll definitely do my best." But this monster is not easy to deal with, we have to plan carefully. ”

In this way, Doctor Li and the Taoist priest discussed for most of the night, and finally came up with a solution. The Taoist priest first sealed the house tightly with a magic talisman to ensure that the monster could not escape, and then the two began to prepare nervously. The Taoist priest took out several magic weapons from his bag, including a peachwood sword, a copper bell, and an old yellowed ancient book. He told Doctor Li that what was recorded in this book was an ancient exorcism technique, which had to be used in conjunction with magic weapons to completely drive away the demons. Although Doctor Li was in a hurry, he also understood that this matter was urgent, so he could only wait patiently. The Taoist priest recited the mantra while wielding the peachwood sword, and with each swing, a golden light shot out from the tip of the sword, pointing directly at the monster.

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

As the minutes passed, the atmosphere in the room became more and more tense. Dr. Li's daughter-in-law kept tossing and turning on the bed, and there were words in her mouth, as if she was talking to something. The Taoist priest became more and more courageous, and beads of sweat came out on his forehead, but his eyes were still very firm. It's a long story, so we'll have to take our time. At that moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside, like a dog playing happily on a snowy day in the northeast. Divine Doctor Li's heart tightened, thinking that this is broken, could it be that the monster brought a helper again, right? But I never expected that it was a group of warm-hearted villagers who pushed the door in. When they heard that there was a moth in Doctor Li's house, they spontaneously organized themselves and came to help.

As soon as the villagers entered the door, they were shocked by the scene. I saw that the Taoist priest was competing with an invisible thing, and Doctor Li's daughter-in-law was lying on the bed, her face was like an eggplant in the northeast winter, blue and purple, and it was worrying to look at.

"Don't panic, everyone!" The Taoist priest roared, and the peachwood sword in his hand pointed at the door, "You guys are guarding the door, don't let those unclean things come in!" Although the villagers didn't know the bottom of their hearts, when they saw the seriousness of the Taoist priest, they nodded and agreed. According to the Taoist priest's instructions, they formed a circle at the door and made a simple line of defense.

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

With the help of the villagers, the Taoist priest has become more imposing. He took a deep breath, then swung his peachwood sword violently and shouted: "Heaven and earth are infinite, Qiankun borrows the law!" Break! With this roar, the room was like a cannonball, and it was full of light. In that light, there was a faint black shadow struggling, as if it was trying to escape, but the Taoist priest's magic weapon had already trapped it, and it was useless to toss it.

Finally, with a terrible scream, the black shadow finally dissipated into the light. The Taoist priest took the magic weapon, let out a sigh of relief, and said to Doctor Li: "The monster has been removed, although your daughter-in-law is not lightly injured, I have stabilized her condition with a charm." Next, you follow the prescription I prescribed, and she should be able to get better slowly. When Doctor Li heard this, he was as happy as if he was something, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, this is the credit of your daughter Xiaolian." "Xiaolian?" Doctor Li was stunned, "Where is she?" The Taoist priest pointed to the door: "She is waiting for you outside." In order to save your daughter-in-law, she did not hesitate to fight that monster. Although he escaped in the end, he was also injured. ”

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

As soon as Doctor Li heard that his daughter was injured, he hurriedly rushed out of the door. I saw Xiaolian leaning against the wall, her face pale, but her eyes were firm. When she saw her father come out, she barely managed to squeeze out a smile: "Dad, I'm fine." Doctor Li hugged his daughter with tears in his eyes: "Silly girl, how can you take such a risk?" Xiaolian gently patted her father's back: "My mother is sick, I can't watch her suffer." I'm sure Dad and Michicho will be able to defeat that bad thing. ”

The scene of the father and daughter hugging and crying made the villagers present also moved. They stepped forward one after another to comfort Doctor Li and Xiaolian: "Jiren has his own natural appearance, now it's okay, everything is over." As soon as the Taoist priest came up, he patted Doctor Li on the shoulder, and said happily: "Lao Li, your daughter is really a brave and knowledgeable little girl, this time we can defeat that demon, thanks to her!" When Doctor Li heard this, he burst into tears and said gratefully: "Dao Chief, you are our great savior!" Without you, our father and daughter would have gone to Hades long ago. The Taoist priest waved his hand and looked relaxed: "Hey, this is all fate." Now that everything is settled, I'll withdraw first. Divine Doctor Li and Xiaolian hurriedly stopped him: "Dao Chief, you saved our whole family, how can you just leave?" Why don't you let us treat you well! The Taoist priest shook his head with a smile: "Don't say goodbye, I will be satisfied when I see your family reunited." After saying that, he turned around and left the Li family.

Since then, Dr. Li's daughter-in-law has slowly gotten better under the prescription of the Taoist priest, and Xiaolian has won the praise and respect of the villagers because of her bravery and kindness. The Li family has returned to its former peace and happiness, and the story about the strange things of the divine doctor has also become a legendary story in this land.

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

The back of the Taoist priest went farther and farther, and the door of Dr. Li's house was full of villagers, and everyone was talking about it, lamenting that the family was really miserable, but fortunately, they were safe in the end. Doctor Li and Xiaolian stood in front of the door, looking at the direction in which the Taoist priest had disappeared, and their hearts were full of gratitude. Xiaolian asked curiously, "Dad, where did you say that Dao chief came from?" Why is he so powerful? Doctor Li shook his head and said with emotion: "We have all kinds of strange people in the Northeast. This Taoist may be a hidden master, how can we ordinary people know his origin. However, he saved your mother's life and helped us drive away the demons, this kindness, we have to remember it for a lifetime. ”

Xiaolian nodded, her eyes shining with determination: "Dad, when I grow up, I will also learn skills and help more people in need." When Doctor Li heard this, his heart was warm, and he patted her head and said, "Good girl, ambitious." But ah, learning skills is not an overnight thing, you have to be patient and able to endure hardships. "I know, Dad. I'm not afraid of hardship. Xiaolian said firmly.

At this moment, Doctor Li's daughter-in-law came out of the house, although her face was still a little pale, but her spirit was much better. Seeing so many people in front of the door, she smiled a little embarrassedly, and then walked over to Doctor Li and Xiaolian. "Oops, let's see the joke." She whispered. "Mother, it's okay if you're okay." Xiaolian stepped forward to hug her mother, with tears in her eyes. Doctor Li also held his wife's hand, his eyes were full of tenderness: "You're fine, our family will be complete." Seeing this, the villagers all stepped forward to comfort them and say some auspicious words. Doctor Li was so grateful, he really didn't have to say anything, he bowed to everyone and thanked everyone vigorously, and then happily beckoned everyone into the house and drank a cup of hot tea. After that, Doctor Li followed the prescription given by the Taoist priest and conditioned his daughter-in-law without ambiguity. Xiaolian, this girl is really long-faced, not only does the work at home well, but also learns medical skills from her father.

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

Time passed day by day, and the body and bones of Doctor Li's daughter-in-law gradually hardened. She was grateful in her heart, for the life-saving grace of the Taoist priest, and for the careful care of her husband and daughter, she remembered it all. She thought that she would do more good deeds in the future and give back to the society.

Doctor Li and Xiaolian were not idle, and continued their path of studying medicine. Under the guidance of her father, Xiaolian's medical skills are becoming more and more refined, not only can she see a doctor, but also recognize herbal medicine. She followed her father up the mountain to collect medicines, and when she saw any strange herbs, the little face blossomed, and she quickly picked them carefully, and put them away like a baby.

A few years have passed in a flash, and Xiaolian has become a beautiful big girl. Her medical skills have also been recognized by the villagers, and many people have come to her door for medical treatment. Xiaolian always patiently treats people and never bothered. With the help of his daughter, Dr. Li also has more time to study medical skills. He wrote a book of his many years of clinical experience, recording his medical experience and experience. This book has spread very well in the Northeast and has helped many people solve their problems.

Langzhong's wife is seriously ill, and her daughter went up the mountain to collect medicine and is missing, Dao Chang: She was eaten by your wife

With the efforts of Dr. Li's family, their medical skills and medical ethics have been praised by everyone. Their story has also spread and has become a good story in the Northeast. As for the monster that once haunted Doctor Li's daughter-in-law, it hasn't appeared since. Some people say that the Taoist priest cleaned it up, and some people say that it was sealed. Anyway, no matter what you say, the life of Dr. Li's family has returned to peace and happiness.

This story reminds us that in life, any difficulties and challenges may be encountered. But as long as we have the courage to face it and have the faith to overcome it, then light and hope are waiting for us. At the same time, we must also learn to be grateful, learn to give back to the society, and use our own strength to help those in need.