
The blacksmith injured the yellow skin, and the two old men often came to make trouble, and the aunt said that they were not people

author:It's your cannon brother

Hey, guys, let's talk to you about a strange thing in this mess today. Look at the blue sky and white clouds outside, unpredictable, the fireworks in the world here are also one after another. In our town, there is a blacksmith, known as Li Erhammer, the craft is not covered, and the weapons that are punched out are so sharp that they can blow hair and break hair, and their reputation is far and wide. But this Li Erhammer, there is a small problem, that is, it is a good bite. If you drink too much, you love to make two strokes, but those punches and kicks, we have to say, it's really bad, it's often drunk and messy, which makes people cry and laugh.

It is said that one night, Li Erhammer was drunk like mud again, and he staggered home. As I walked, I felt soft under my feet, as if I had stepped on something. Looking down, yo, a yellow-skinned man was baring his teeth and glaring at him. This yellow skin is not simple in the local area, some people say it can be psychic, some people say it can become human, anyway, it is mysterious and mysterious. As soon as Li Erhammer got drunk, he didn't care about this, raising his leg was a kick. The yellow skin "whooped" and rolled to the side. Li Erzhu looked at it and was so happy, thinking that this yellow skin was just like that. He laughed and continued to wander home. But he didn't take a few steps, he felt a chill behind him, and when he looked back, the yellow skin was staring at him with those green eyes. Li Erhammer's heart tightened, and most of the wine woke up, knowing that he might have provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, so he hurriedly quickened his pace. But the yellow skin, as if he was addicted, kept following his ass, unhurried.

When he arrived at the door of the house, Li Erhammer gritted his teeth, picked up the shovel by the door, and turned around and smashed it towards the yellow skin. When the spade went down, Huang Pizi fell to the ground in response, unable to move. Li Erhammer breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly entered the house, and closed the door, for fear that the yellow skin would come to the door again. I thought it would be over. But within a few days, something strange happened in the town. In the blacksmith shop of Li Erhammer's family, you can often hear the sound of clanging, as if someone is striking iron there. It's strange that Li Erhammer is obviously in the shop, but the voice comes and goes, which makes people scratch their heads. What's even more strange is that there are two old men, one tall and one short, who often appear in Li Erzhu's shop. They didn't talk to each other, so they watched Li Er hammer the iron so coldly. Li Erhammer's heart was furious, but he didn't know what to do.

The blacksmith injured the yellow skin, and the two old men often came to make trouble, and the aunt said that they were not people

On this day, Li Erhammer's aunt came to visit the door, and when she saw these two old men, her face changed, and she secretly said to Li Erhammer: "Erhammer, these two old men are not simple, you have to pay attention." When Li Erhammer heard this, his heart tightened again, and he hurriedly asked his aunt what was going on. The aunt sighed and said, "I heard the older generation say, this yellow skin, there is spirituality, if you hurt it, it will definitely come to you to settle accounts." "Oh, these two old men, I think they are the reincarnation of Huangpizi, who came to block us." As soon as Li Erhammer heard this, he called it seven up and eight down in his heart. He remembered the events of that night, and his bowels turned blue. He hurriedly asked his aunt what tricks he had. The aunt pondered for a moment and said, "You, hurry up and find a Taoist priest to take a look, maybe he can have some tricks." Li Erhammer listened, and nodded his head like a rattle. He pondered in his heart, this matter can't be delayed, he has to find a Taoist priest to take a look, otherwise how will this day pass. So, Li Erzhu began to ask around, where is the Taoist priest.

As for the two old men, they still wandered around the shop every day, their eyes were as cold as popsicles, staring at Li Er's hammering iron. Although Li Erhammer was terribly scared in his heart, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to live.

Let's talk about the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, and the people are also smart. In the depths of the water town, there is a small town called Yunxi, and there is a blacksmith in the town, named Zhang Tiesheng. Zhang Tiesheng is a buddy, the craftsmanship is good, the iron tools are strong and good-looking, and the villagers love it very much. But the old blacksmith has a quirk, that is, he likes to drink two sips. After drinking, he likes to make two strokes, although his fists and feet are not good, but the posture is really tiger-like, and people can't help but want to laugh.

The blacksmith injured the yellow skin, and the two old men often came to make trouble, and the aunt said that they were not people

One day, Zhang Tiesheng came home after drinking and passed by a bamboo forest. In the hazy moonlight, he saw a yellow-skinned man stealing chickens. As soon as Zhang Tiesheng came up, he didn't care about anything, picked up the stick and slashed it towards the yellow skin. Huang Pizi screamed miserably, fell to the ground and couldn't move. Zhang Tiesheng saw this situation, laughed, didn't care about the yellow skin, and went home directly.

But who knows, this yellow skin is an old spirit in the mountains and forests, hundreds of years old. Zhang Tiesheng's stick, although it didn't kill it, it also hurt its vitality. How can the yellow skin just forget it? It secretly cast spells, wanting to take revenge on Zhang Tiesheng. At first, there were always some strange sounds in Zhang Tiesheng's shop, as if someone was knocking on the iron. But every time he went to see it, there was nothing. What's even stranger is that in the dead of night, there are always two old men in the shop. These two old men, one tall and one short, looked like ghosts, and they didn't speak, just stared at Zhang Tiesheng coldly.

Zhang Tiesheng felt the hair in his heart, but he didn't know what was going on. He tried to chase the two old men away, but they were like phantoms, unable to touch them. On this day, Zhang Tiesheng's aunt came to visit the door, and when she saw him, she was mysterious: "Tiesheng, have you provoked something unclean recently?" When Zhang Tiesheng heard this, he was shocked, and hurriedly asked his aunt what was going on. The aunt sighed and said, "I heard that there are always two old men in your shop recently, and there are always strange noises. I guess these two old men may have turned into yellowskins, and they are here to seek revenge on you. When Zhang Tiesheng heard this, cold sweat came down. Oh, this is a whole thing, Zhang Tiesheng missed after drinking that day, and he didn't take it lightly for Huangpizi, and he regretted it in his heart, not to mention how uncomfortable it was. He hurriedly discussed with his aunt, and the aunt patted her thigh: "You have to find a Taoist priest for this matter, they know a lot, maybe they can give you a trick." Zhang Tiesheng listened, nodded like pounding garlic, thinking that this yellow skin is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he is really a big deal this time.

The blacksmith injured the yellow skin, and the two old men often came to make trouble, and the aunt said that they were not people

So, Zhang Tiesheng ran around, and all the Taoist temples and temples were visited, but when those Taoist priests heard about him, they shook their heads and waved their hands one by one, indicating that they couldn't help. Zhang Tiesheng was in a hurry, but he didn't have a trick.

On this day, Zhang Tiesheng was wielding a sledgehammer in the shop, and suddenly heard a noise outside. He put down the hammer and went out to see, good fellows, a group of people in a circle, talking. He squeezed in and took a look, and a man dressed as a Taoist priest stood in the middle, holding a whisk in his hand, and he was talking about the Tao. When Zhang Tiesheng heard this, he was so happy in his heart, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked the Taoist priest, what should I do with my yellow skin. When the Taoist priest heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "I have traveled all over the world and know a little about this yellow skin, don't worry, I can help you." ”

When Zhang Tiesheng heard this, he was so down-to-earth in his heart that he hurriedly invited the Taoist priest into the shop to talk about it. After the Taoist priest entered, he looked around, and then said, "This yellow skin is a spiritual creature, and if you hurt it, it will naturally come to you to settle accounts." But don't worry, I have my own way. After speaking, the Taoist priest took out the rune paper and pasted it all over the shop, telling Zhang Tiesheng that these rune papers could calm the resentment of Huang Pizi and let him stop being harassed by the two old men.

The blacksmith injured the yellow skin, and the two old men often came to make trouble, and the aunt said that they were not people

When Zhang Tiesheng heard this, he was grateful in his heart, and hurriedly took out the silver to thank the Taoist priest. But the Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "I don't want money and other things." You remember to be cautious in your actions in the future and not to hurt the innocent. After saying that, the Taoist priest floated away.

Zhang Tiesheng stood in the shop, looking at the back of the Taoist priest, and sighed in his heart. He secretly made up his mind that in the future, he must be cautious in his words and deeds and no longer cause trouble. Since then, the two old men have never appeared in Zhang Tiesheng's shop, and Huang Pizi seems to be intimidated by the mana of the Taoist priest and dare not make trouble again. Zhang Tiesheng's life has returned to its former peace.

Zhang Tiesheng naturally heard these rumors, and knew in his heart that this matter must be related to his injury to Huang Pizi. He thought to himself, this yellow skin is really difficult, he is a blacksmith, how can he understand these doorways? If this continues, I'm afraid the whole town will suffer. Hey, Zhang Tiesheng's kid was squatting in the shop that day, thinking about how to fix that yellow skin, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside. As soon as he looked up, the good fellow, an old Taoist priest dressed in tatters, rushed in gasping for air. "Brother Blacksmith, our town has to rely on you to save it!" As soon as the old Taoist priest entered the door, he shouted at the top of his voice.

The blacksmith injured the yellow skin, and the two old men often came to make trouble, and the aunt said that they were not people

Zhang Tiesheng saw this posture, hurriedly caught up, and asked, "Dao Chief, what's wrong with you?" If there's something urgent, let's talk slowly. The old Taoist priest wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and said, "These strange things in the town have been done by that yellow skin. In order to get revenge on you, it spills its anger all over the town. Now, our town is shrouded in evil spirits, and if we don't clean it up in time, it will be a big trouble! When Zhang Tiesheng heard this, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked: "Dao Chief, do you have any way to deal with that yellow skin?" The old Taoist priest nodded and said, "That's what I'm here for." I'll have to ask you for help, though. ”

As soon as Zhang Tiesheng heard that there was a play, he immediately said: "Dao Chief, you said, as long as you can save our town, I will do anything!" The old Taoist priest said: "That yellow skin is a spiritual thing, and the general method is not good." I need you to forge a magic weapon to suppress its resentment. When Zhang Tiesheng heard that he was going to build a magic weapon, his eyes lit up. He hurriedly asked the old Taoist priest what kind of magic weapon he needed. The old Taoist priest told him that he had to have a sword that could absorb resentment and suppress evil spirits. Zhang Tiesheng had a number in his heart, and immediately returned to the shop and started to build a sword. He chose a piece of fine black iron, tempered it for seven hundred and forty-nine days, and finally struck a sword that was extremely sharp and radiant.

As soon as the sword was completed, the old Taoist priest took it in his hand, looked at it, nodded and said, "Good sword!" This sword can suppress the resentment of the yellow skin. After saying that, the old Taoist priest left with the sword. Zhang Tiesheng stood at the door, looking at the back of the old Taoist priest, and silently prayed in his heart for the safety of the town. A few days later, the oddities in the town were gone. Everyone said that it was the old Taoist priest who suppressed Huangpizi with that sword, and the town was restored to peace. Zhang Tiesheng heard about it, and he sighed in his heart. He thought that thanks to the old Taoist priest, he had escaped the catastrophe. He also realized that he wasn't—if he hadn't drunk too much that day and hurt Huangpizi, he wouldn't have been in such trouble. Since then, Zhang Tiesheng has become much more cautious. He no longer messes around, he doesn't drink and make trouble, he puts his mind on striking iron, and his craftsmanship is becoming more and more refined. As time passed, Zhang Tiesheng's reputation became more and more famous. Our blacksmith brother, that craftsmanship is really nothing to say, the iron tools that are beaten are not only strong and durable, but also handsome, which makes people happy when they look at it. The blacksmith's shop is getting thriving and hot. As for the yellow skin who once gave him a headache, he hasn't shown up since he was subdued that time. Some said that it was accepted by the old Taoist priest and went with the cultivation; Others said that it knew it was not an opponent and avoided it from a distance. Anyway, that's the end of the story. Zhang Tiesheng's buddy has also changed from the blacksmith who loved to drink two sips and compare two times to a master with superb skills and everyone admires. His story has also spread in our Yunxi Town and has become a legend - reminding everyone to cherish life, respect nature, and live in harmony. Okay, that's all for today's story, see you next time!

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