
The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, why did he receive an apology from the bank after 2 years?

author:The stones meet

Recently, a news on the Internet about "the deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared" caused a stir.


The incident began on April 30, 2018, when Mr. Chen, the husband of Ms. Deng of Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, died of illness, leaving behind a passbook of the Agricultural Bank of China, with a balance of 133,900 yuan. Ms. Deng went to the bank twice in November and December 2020 to confirm the existence of the deposit. On December 17, 2020, the bank also issued a deposit inquiry information, showing that the deposits on the account still existed.

However, in February 2022, when Ms. Deng went to the bank to withdraw money with the relevant procedures, she was told that the money had been withdrawn before her husband's death, and the account had been cancelled.

Regarding this incident, the Agricultural Bank of China issued a statement on June 29, 2024, after several days of close investigation.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, why did he receive an apology from the bank after 2 years?

To put it simply: the deposit was an account with a bank card and a passbook at that time, which was gone as early as June 2018, and it was accessed and withdrawn through a bank card, so the passbook information was not updated, and when Ms. Deng came to the bank to inquire in December 2020, the bank teller was not familiar with the business and mistakenly thought that the deposit was still on the passbook, so she informed the customer to go through the fair procedures for inheritance rights before withdrawing money. In February 2022, when Ms. Deng went through the procedures to withdraw money, because she did not have a bank card and passbook, the teller reported the loss and settled the account.

This statement of the situation is organized and clear.

However, netizens didn't buy it:

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, why did he receive an apology from the bank after 2 years?
The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, why did he receive an apology from the bank after 2 years?
The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, why did he receive an apology from the bank after 2 years?

Looking at the comments of netizens, there are indeed some doubts:

1. The incident occurred in 2022, and now it is 2024, and the incident has not been investigated clearly for 2 years, and now the media has exposed it, and the truth will be revealed in just a few days, and the understanding of the parties concerned will be obtained?

2. It is stated in the statement that the cancellation of the account of the husband of the party was carried out with the consent of the parties, and the deposits at that time had disappeared, so the parties would agree to cancel the account?

3. The bank teller issues the "Notice of Deposit Inquiry", especially in the case of large-amount fixed deposit certificates, the deposit interest should be informed to the customer, will the passbook be inquired?

At the end of the incident, the parties concerned no longer pursued and responded, and there was no way to know the truth.

Write at the end:

Although it is very cliché, there is a sentence that has to be said: if an apology is useful, then what do you want the police to do?

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