
The husband is addicted to online gambling, loses all his savings, and wants to sell his house and get a divorce

author:Exceptional sailboat R

In our Gada, there is a buddy named Zhang Daqiang, who is very real, but sometimes his brain is not very fast. He and his daughter-in-law Li Xiufen have gone through ups and downs together, and their relationship has always been strong. But since Zhang Daqiang became addicted to online gambling, the life at home has changed.

Zhang Daqiang, this buddy, usually has no major problems, but he likes to drink two sips of wine and brag with a few irons. But since last year, he has changed as a person, holding his mobile phone all day long and not letting go, and he can't even take a bite of food. Li Xiufen asked him what was wrong, and he said that he could make a lot of money by investing online. Li Xiufen muttered in her heart, why can investment make people so addicted? She didn't think much about it, thinking that maybe Zhang Daqiang wanted to earn more money and let the family live a good life.

But as the days passed, she realized that something was wrong. The family's money is getting less and less, and Zhang Daqiang still reaches out to her from time to time to ask for money. "Daqiang, our family's little money didn't fall from the sky. What the hell are you doing with it? Li Xiufen couldn't help but ask. Zhang Daqiang's eyes dodged, and he hesitated: "Oh, don't ask, I'll definitely earn it back." Li Xiufen's heart sank, she knew that this matter would definitely not be simple.

The husband is addicted to online gambling, loses all his savings, and wants to sell his house and get a divorce

She began to secretly check Zhang Daqiang's mobile phone, and found the online gambling website. Her heart suddenly cooled in half. "You're gambling!" Li Xiufen trembled with anger. Zhang Daqiang also panicked when he saw that the matter was revealed: "I ...... I just wanted to make more money, I didn't expect to lose so much. Li Xiufen looked at the man in front of her and suddenly felt that he was so strange. She thought of the days when the two of them struggled together over the years, those sweet times, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Daqiang, wake up! Gambling is a point of no return! Li Xiufen cried and persuaded. But Zhang Daqiang had fallen into madness, and he couldn't listen to Li Xiufen's words at all. He was bent on turning over the book and winning back all the money he had lost. He even started the idea of selling his house. "This house was bought by the two of us with hard work, how can you be so ruthless?" Li Xiufen cried and shouted. Zhang Daqiang, this kid, seemed to have fallen into evil, and he couldn't listen to Li Xiufen's objections. He was looking around and wanted to sell the house as soon as possible. Li Xiufen looked at the man in front of her who once made her miss her, and the pain in her heart was like a knife. She understands that if she doesn't make a move, this little family will really fall apart. So, she gritted her teeth and decided to part ways with Zhang Daqiang. "Daqiang, let's leave." Li Xiufen threw out this sentence flatly. Zhang Daqiang was directly stunned, how could he have thought that Li Xiufen could be so direct. He also wanted to struggle: "Xiufen, give me another chance, I swear not to gamble in the future." But Li Xiufen's heart was already cold. She knew that if she made a mistake, it would be difficult to recover. She shook her head and turned to walk out of the home that had once been filled with laughter and tears.

The husband is addicted to online gambling, loses all his savings, and wants to sell his house and get a divorce

After the divorce, Li Xiufen led the babies to move to another city. She picked up her life again, and although it was difficult, her will was stronger than ever. She knows that only by herself can she give the babies a real home. As for Zhang Daqiang, he is still struggling in the quagmire of gambling and can't extricate himself. He lost his home, his friends, and himself. He lives alone in this world, and no one can understand his suffering and regret.

This is just a prologue in the story. Life goes on, and everyone is paying for their own choices. The story of Zhang Daqiang and Li Xiufen also reminds us: cherish the people in front of you, cherish the current life, and stay away from the pit of gambling. Only in this way can we have a happy home.

On the day Li Xiufen left with the babies, the sky was gloomy as if it was going to rain. She didn't look back, because she knew that once she turned back, her heart would soften, and she might fall into that bottomless black hole again. She gritted her teeth and embarked on a new journey with determination. In the new city, Li Xiufen rented a small house, although it was simple, but it was enough for her and the babies to have a place to stay. She got a job as a supermarket cashier, and although she didn't earn much, she was stable. Every day after work, she will go to the vegetable market to pick up some cheap vegetables and go home to cook for the babies. Although the days are tight, watching the babies eat deliciously, her heart is warm. After a while, Li Xiufen slowly got used to the new place. She began to learn to deal with her neighbors and find her place in this strange city. The children in the family also made friends at school and slowly integrated into the city. But what about Zhang Daqiang? He is still addicted to the quagmire of online gambling and can't extricate himself. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, he just stared at his phone and watched those cold numbers jump around. He always thought that one day he would be able to get rich overnight and pay off all his debts. But the reality is cruel, he is sinking deeper and deeper, and he owes more and more debts.

The husband is addicted to online gambling, loses all his savings, and wants to sell his house and get a divorce

He began to borrow money from friends, relatives, and neighbors. But no one wants to lend him anymore, everyone knows that he is addicted to gambling and is a bottomless pit. Zhang Daqiang began to become short-tempered, angry at every turn, he complained about the sky and people, and complained about Li Xiufen's departure. He felt that he was the unluckiest man in the world.

Who knows, one day, he received a summons from the court. It turned out that he owed more debts than he could afford to pay, and the creditors took him to court. The court finally ordered him to sell his house to pay off his debts. This news is really worse for Zhang Daqiang. He stood in the empty room, looking at the furniture and furnishings that he had once familiarized, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. He remembered the days of struggle with Li Xiufen, those warm times. He regretted that he didn't listen to Li Xiufen's words at the beginning, why did he embark on this road of no return.

The husband is addicted to online gambling, loses all his savings, and wants to sell his house and get a divorce

At this moment, he received a call from Li Xiufen. The voice on the other end of the phone was calm and firm: "Daqiang, I heard that you are going to sell the house." What I want to tell you is that whatever you decide, take responsibility for your actions. I hope you can really reflect on your mistakes and find the right path to follow. After listening to Li Xiufen's words, Zhang Daqiang was silent for a while. He knew he had reached a dead end, but he also knew that he couldn't go on like this.

He decided to accept reality and face his mistakes. He sold the house and used the money to pay off most of his debts. Then he started looking around for work, and although the process was difficult, he finally landed a job as a porter. Although the days are very tiring, he can earn a little money every day, which makes Zhang Daqiang have a little hope in his heart. He began to learn to be frugal and no longer extravagant. He began to care for his family and friends, and tried to make up for his past mistakes. He understands that there is no way to make up for the bad things in the past, but he still hopes for a new beginning in the future.

A few years later, Zhang Daqiang happened to meet Li Xiufen in the supermarket. The two of them stood in front of the shelves, glanced at each other, and smiled, as if those old accounts had slowly faded with time. "How are you?" Li Xiufen opened her mouth first. "Well, it's not bad." Zhang Daqiang nodded and said gratefully, "Thanks to your original decision and later concern, if it weren't for you, I might have been abolished a long time ago." "That's all in the past." Li Xiufen smiled lightly, "It's good that you're like this now." The two chatted a few words, and then went their separate ways.

The husband is addicted to online gambling, loses all his savings, and wants to sell his house and get a divorce

Zhang Daqiang walked out of the supermarket and took a deep breath, feeling like he had unloaded all the burdens on his body. He knew he had come out of those dark days and found his way. As for Li Xiufen, she still lives an ordinary but fulfilling life. She understands that there is no drama between her and Zhang Daqiang, but she is also quite happy that she can start again and live the life she wants. Watching the children grow up day by day, her heart is full of satisfaction and happiness.

Life is always full of variables and unknowns, but as long as we dare to face and change, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness and direction. The story of Zhang Daqiang and Li Xiufen also tells us: cherish the people in front of you, cherish the current life, and stay away from the trap of gambling, so that we can have a happy home.

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