
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors
Habitual sons are like killers! Be wary of these top 10 doting behaviors

Hao Chuan is a well-known street painter whose works have a unique style and bright colors, which always attract passers-by to stop and admire. Recently, however, his works have been less agile and more heavy and thoughtful. The reason behind this stems from his doting on his son.

Hao Chuan's son is called Hao Xiaochuan, and he is a smart and clever child, but because of this intelligence, Hao Chuan dotes on him and almost responds to his needs. Under the doting of his father, Hao Xiaochuan gradually became willful and squeamish, and even began to resist studying, and only thought about having fun all day long.

One day, Hao Chuan was painting on the street, and Hao Xiaochuan ran over, holding a new game console in his hand, shouting to buy it. Hao Chuan looked at his son's expectant eyes, and there was some hesitation in his heart. He knew that the console was expensive, and his son already owned quite a few similar toys. But looking at his son's longing eyes, he finally pulled out his wallet.

"Dad, you're the best!" Hao Xiaochuan took the game console and ran away excitedly. Hao Chuan looked at his son's back, but an inexplicable worry surged in his heart. He realizes that his doting on his son has reached a dangerous situation.

In the days that followed, Hao Chuan began to reflect on his own way of education. He found that his doting on his son had permeated every aspect of his life. Whether it is food and clothing, or study and entertainment, Hao Xiaochuan enjoys treatment beyond his peers. And this kind of treatment was caused by Hao Chuan.

Hao Chuan decided to change. He began to limit Hao Xiaochuan's pocket money, encouraged him to participate in household chores, and even began to study with him. However, these changes did not meet Hao Xiaochuan's understanding. He began to complain about his father's strictness and even began to rebel.

One day, Hao Chuan took Hao Xiaochuan to the street, pointed to his paintings and said, "Son, look at these paintings, they are all painted by me with painstaking efforts." Each painting represents my understanding and perception of life. I hope you can also feel life with your heart and experience the joy of growing up like your father. ”

Hao Xiaochuan pursed his lips and said disdainfully: "I don't want to paint all day long like you!" I'm going to play games, I'm going to play with the latest toys! ”

Hao Chuan's heart ached, but he didn't give up. He knows that it is not easy to change a child's habits, but he is willing to put in the effort. He began to communicate with Hao Xiaochuan more patiently, trying to understand his thoughts and needs. At the same time, he also began to seek the help of professionals to learn how to better educate his children.

Over time, Hao Chuan's efforts began to bear fruit. Hao Xiaochuan gradually became sensible, he began to take the initiative to take on housework, and he also began to become interested in learning. Although I still have a little temper occasionally, I have been able to control my emotions well.

Seeing the changes in his son, Hao Chuan's heart was full of relief. He understood a truth: spoiling children is not really loving them, but harming them. True love should be principled and bottom-line, not only to meet the reasonable needs of children, but also to let them learn to be independent and responsible.

One evening, Hao Chuan took Hao Xiaochuan to the street again. He pointed to one of his new paintings and said, "Son, look at this painting. I recently drew a picture of our father and son walking down the street. I hope you can remember this image and remember the road we have traveled together. ”

Hao Xiaochuan looked at himself and his father in the painting, tears flashing in his eyes. He hugged Hao Chuan tightly and said, "Dad, thank you." I know I used to be headstrong, but I'll try to change. I will be a good person like you. ”

Hao Chuan stroked his son's head, smiled and said, "I believe you will be able to do it." Let's work together! ”

At sunset, the laughter of a father and son came from the street. This laughter is full of warmth and hope, and it also conveys a positive energy: to love children is to love them in the right way, so that they can learn to be independent and responsible, and become real men.