
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness

author:Single-minded kitten yl
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness
6 manifestations of brainlessness and lack of assertiveness

In a bustling street, crowds are surging like a tide, and various sounds are intertwined into an urban symphony. In this bustling street, Hao Chuan looked a little out of place. He is not because of his unusual appearance, but because his behavior reveals a "brainless and unassertive" trait.

Hao Chuan was a man of medium stature, with ordinary appearance and plain clothing. He always goes with the flow, follows the crowd, and lacks his own independent thinking and judgment. Today, let's talk about Hao Chuan's six performances of "no brains and no opinions" on the street.

1. Blindly follow the trend

Whenever a new fashion trend pops up on the streets, Hao Chuan is always the first to keep up. One day, he saw a group of young people wearing ripped jeans and thought it was very fashionable, so he immediately ran to a nearby clothing store to buy one. However, his figure is not suitable for this style, and he looks ridiculous when he wears it. Passers-by cast strange glances, but he didn't care, and walked confidently in the crowd.

2. Lack of assertiveness

Hao Chuan was always hesitant when faced with a choice and could not make a decision. Once, he went to dinner with a friend, and he struggled with the various delicacies on the menu. When his friend asked him what he wanted to eat, he hesitated and said, "Whatever, I'll eat whatever you order." In the end, my friend ordered a table of dishes, but he was full after only a few bites, wasting a lot of food.

3. It is easy to be swayed by others

Hao Chuan's ears are very soft, and he believes whatever others say. One day, he met a salesman on the street who sold health supplements, who claimed that they could cure all diseases. Hao Chuan was moved when he heard it, and he didn't hesitate to buy a bunch of them and go home. However, after taking it for a few days, he did not feel any effect, but also experienced side effects. That's when he realized that he had been fooled by the salesman.

4. Lack of self-judgment

Hao Chuan always lacks his own standards when judging things. Once, when he saw a group of people in the street, he leaned over and listened. It turned out to be a fortune teller telling people's fortunes. After listening to a few words, Hao Chuan felt that what the other party said was very reasonable, so he also asked the fortune teller to calculate a hexagram for himself. As a result, the fortune teller said that he would encounter misfortune recently, and Hao Chuan turned pale with fright, and he was worried all day long. Later, he found out that it was just a hoax.

5. Lack of self-confidence

Hao Chuan always lacks self-confidence when interacting with people and does not dare to express his opinions. Once, he and a few friends were discussing a hot topic, and everyone expressed their opinions, but he didn't say a word. When his friends asked him what he thought, he hesitated and said, "I think you all have a point, and I don't know what to say." This attitude disappointed my friends.

6. Lack of sense of responsibility

Hao Chuan always evades responsibility when facing problems and does not dare to bear the consequences. Once, he was participating in a team event with a friend and the team failed due to his mistakes. Faced with this situation, he did not admit his mistake and take responsibility, but passed the blame on to others. This behavior caused the team members to lose trust in him.

Although Hao Chuan showed these "brainless and unassertive" performances on the streets, he was not useless. He has a kind heart and is willing to help others; He also has a motivated heart and a desire to change his destiny. By chance, Hao Chuan met a wise man. The wise man told him, "Life is like a journey, and each person is the master of his own destiny." If you want to get out of the predicament, you must learn to think independently, be firm in your beliefs, and have the courage to take responsibility. ”

After listening to the words of the wise man, Hao Chuan was deeply inspired. He began to reflect on his behavior and tried to change himself. He learned to think independently and no longer blindly follow trends; He has learned to be firm in his beliefs and is no longer easily swayed by others; He learned to take responsibility and face problems bravely. After a period of hard work, Hao Chuan gradually became mature.

Today's Hao Chuan is no longer the person who "has no brains and no opinions". He became a thoughtful, assertive, and responsible person. He excelled at his job and was recognized by his colleagues; He was helpful in life and earned the respect of his friends. His change not only allowed him to live a better life, but also brought positive energy to those around him.

This story tells us that life is like a journey, and we need to learn to think independently, be firm in our beliefs, and have the courage to take responsibility. Only in this way can we get out of this difficult situation and embrace a better future. At the same time, we should also learn to appreciate the strengths and strengths of others and help those in need. Because in this world, everyone is a unique existence and deserves to be respected and cared for.