
Post-retirement pensions should be introduced as soon as possible

author:Flying Fish Life

The undifferentiated pension after retirement shall be implemented as soon as possible

The implementation of undifferentiated pensions after retirement is a necessary measure for a public ownership country like ours. First of all, our country has always adhered to the purpose of serving the people, and the indiscriminate pension can better reflect this purpose. Secondly, as early as 2006, peasants made a great contribution to the stability and development of the motherland, they paid grain taxes, and laid the foundation for the country. Now, social security is also taxed, so they should be treated as they deserve.

Post-retirement pensions should be introduced as soon as possible

Thirdly, for more than 30 years, migrant workers and their families have made tremendous efforts for the construction and take-off of the motherland, receiving the lowest wages, eating the worst food, living in the worst houses, and almost no guarantee of medical care and education. Therefore, the implementation of undifferentiated pension is a kind of compensation for migrant workers and a kind of care for them.

Post-retirement pensions should be introduced as soon as possible

First of all, our country has always adhered to public ownership, which means that the country should distribute wealth more fairly and reasonably. The introduction of the undifferentiated pension after retirement is precisely aimed at achieving this goal. Whether it is an urban worker or a migrant worker, no matter where he was born, no matter how high or low his previous job income, he should enjoy fair treatment. Only in this way can we truly realize socialist fairness and justice.

Post-retirement pensions should be introduced as soon as possible

Secondly, if we look back at the past history, we will find that the peasants once made great contributions to the country. As early as 2006, farmers supported the country's development and stability by paying grain taxes. These grains have provided a stable economic foundation for the country and laid a solid foundation for our modernization drive. Nowadays, with the progress of society, social security has been completely collected by taxes, and migrant workers have begun to pay social security fees. Therefore, the implementation of undifferentiated pension after retirement is a kind of reward for farmers and a recognition of their efforts.

Post-retirement pensions should be introduced as soon as possible

Thirdly, migrant workers and their families have made tremendous sweat and efforts in national construction in recent decades. They worked silently on construction sites, business workshops, and farmlands, and made great contributions to the prosperity of the country. However, they have long been neglected, with a minimum wage, a hard life, and many problems such as health care and education, and they are not adequately protected. The implementation of non-discriminatory pensions can solve some of their living difficulties, so that they can live a decent life after retirement and enjoy their due rights.

Post-retirement pensions should be introduced as soon as possible

In short, the implementation of undifferentiated pensions after retirement is very necessary for a public ownership country like ours. It can embody fairness and justice, reward migrant workers who have contributed to the country, and give their labor due reward. At the same time, it will also promote the progress and development of our society and make our country more prosperous and powerful. Therefore, it is necessary for us to implement an undifferentiated pension after retirement as soon as possible to write a better future for our country and people.