
The drawbacks of the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants are becoming more and more obvious, and only brushing up on the examination questions is becoming more and more detached from reality

author:Flying Fish Life
Civil servants are the backbone of the development of the country's undertakings and are of great significance to ensure the normal operation of the government and serve the public. However, in recent years, the shortcomings of the current civil servant recruitment policy have become more and more obvious, and just looking at the mode of writing and examination, it is becoming more and more detached from reality, and there is an urgent need for reform.
The drawbacks of the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants are becoming more and more obvious, and only brushing up on the examination questions is becoming more and more detached from reality

First of all, the content of the current civil service examination focuses too much on theoretical knowledge and ignores the examination of practical work ability. The subjects of the examination include administrative law, political theory and other subjects on paper, and lack the examination of specific professional requirements and practical ability. As a result, many test takers have some book knowledge, but lack the ability to solve practical problems and adapt to the demands of the work environment and tasks.

The drawbacks of the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants are becoming more and more obvious, and only brushing up on the examination questions is becoming more and more detached from reality

Second, the current recruitment policy for civil servants is too focused on academic qualifications and fresh graduates. Among them, the existence of the academic threshold has led to the fact that many middle and senior positions only accept graduate degrees or above, while ignoring some talents who have accumulated rich experience and excellent ability in practice. In addition, the practice of giving priority to the recruitment of fresh graduates has also caused the loss of opportunities for some outstanding social talents, and limited the diversity and vitality of the civil service.

The drawbacks of the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants are becoming more and more obvious, and only brushing up on the examination questions is becoming more and more detached from reality

Third, there is a certain degree of subjectivity in the current civil service interview process, which can easily lead to the omission of outstanding talents. The subjective judgment and personal preferences of the interview judges may have an unfair impact on the candidates, resulting in the loss of excellent talents. In addition, the interview process is also susceptible to interference from other factors, such as interpersonal relationships, political background, etc., which further affect the fairness of the recruitment results.

The drawbacks of the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants are becoming more and more obvious, and only brushing up on the examination questions is becoming more and more detached from reality

Finally, the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants is not sufficiently tilted towards the frontline of the grassroots and the hardship and remote areas. The grassroots frontline is an important part of the civil service, but the current policy does not have a clear incentive mechanism, resulting in some outstanding talents are reluctant to go to the grassroots frontline. At the same time, hardship and remote areas are also facing the problem of talent shortage, but the current policy has not taken effective measures to attract and retain talent, resulting in increased personnel turnover and affecting local governance and development.

The drawbacks of the current policy on the recruitment of civil servants are becoming more and more obvious, and only brushing up on the examination questions is becoming more and more detached from reality

To sum up, there are many shortcomings in the current civil servant recruitment policy, and reform is urgently needed. We should pay more attention to the examination of practical work ability, and scientifically formulate the content and method of the examination; Introduce comprehensive quality evaluation to break through the academic threshold and the restriction of priority recruitment of graduates; Establish fair and transparent interview evaluation standards and procedures to prevent the interference of subjective factors; We will increase the tilt towards the frontline of the grassroots and the hardship and remote areas, and provide better incentives and development opportunities. Only by comprehensively optimizing the recruitment policy of civil servants can we truly select outstanding talents who can meet the requirements of practical work and have the ability to innovate on the basis of basic theoretical knowledge, so as to provide solid support for the construction of a service-oriented government and the modernization of national governance.

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