
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army

author:Wise Pencil S
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army
The article "Wife Goes Out to Collect Debts" is so exciting, it really accompanies his wife and breaks the army

In the early morning of the town, the mist is shrouded, and the willow trees by the creek gently sway in the breeze, like a tranquil ink painting. Li Xiaozhi stood by the river, looking into the distance, but his heart was turbulent. His wife, Lin Wan'er, went out early this morning to collect debts.

Li Xiaozhi and Lin Wan'er are a loving couple who run a small supermarket together. However, not long ago, the supermarket suffered heavy losses due to an accidental fire. In order to rebuild the supermarket, they borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends. But now, as the repayment deadline approaches, they are still short of a large amount of money.

Lin Wan'er is a woman with a tough personality, and she decides to collect debts herself. She believes that only by coming forward in person can they express their sincerity and determination. Although Li Xiaozhi was a little worried, looking at his wife's firm eyes, he still chose to support.

Lin Wan'er traveled to every corner of the town and explained the situation to those relatives and friends who had lent them money. Her words were sincere and touching, and many were moved. However, not everyone is willing to let go easily. Some people excused themselves because they were short of money, while others simply rejected her request.

At the end of this day, although Lin Wan'er received some money, she was still far from paying off her debts. Her heart grew heavy, and she knew that the road ahead was going to be even harder.

In the evening, Lin Wan'er returned home tired. She saw Li Xiaozhi standing by the river, looking into the distance in a daze. She walked over, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and said, "Ash, I'm back." ”

Li Xiaozhi turned around and looked at his wife's haggard face, and felt a sour feeling in his heart. He held Lin Wan'er's hand and said, "Wan'er, you have worked hard. ”

Lin Wan'er shook her head and said, "It's not hard, it's just a little disappointed." I didn't expect some people to be so untrustworthy. ”

Li Xiaozhi was silent for a while, and then said, "Wan'er, don't be too sad. I believe that as long as we work hard, we will be able to overcome this difficulty. ”

Lin Wan'er nodded, a hint of determination flashed in her eyes. She knew that her husband's words, although simple, gave her endless courage and strength.

In the following days, Li Xiaozhi and Lin Wan'er worked harder. Not only did they redecorate the supermarket, but they also introduced many new items. Their sincerity and diligence have won the trust and support of customers, and the supermarket's business has gradually improved.

Finally, one evening, they paid off all their debts. Li Xiaozhi and Lin Wan'er stood by the river, looking at the sparkling river in the sunset, their hearts were full of emotion and joy.

"Wan'er, we've finally succeeded." Li Xiaozhi held Lin Wan'er's hand tightly and said excitedly.

Lin Wan'er smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, we succeeded." All this is inseparable from your support and encouragement. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of anticipation and longing for the future. They know that as long as they work together, nothing can stop them from moving forward.