
"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

author:Xiaozo Naogon
"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?
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"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

In the entertainment industry, Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin have always been regarded as a model couple. However, the variety show "Happiness Trio" in which they participated revealed the unknown side of this marriage and surprised the audience.

In the show, Jiang Qinqin, who is 9 months pregnant, still takes on most of the housework. Every morning, she has to get up to prepare breakfast for her husband, but Chen Jianbin seems indifferent.

When Jiang Qinqin tried to discuss with her husband about sharing the housework, Chen Jianbin always prevaricated on various grounds, and even began to talk about topics such as "whether artists should keep a distance from life" to avoid responsibility.

What's even more shocking is the macho attitude shown by Chen Jianbin in the show. Not only was he unwilling to take on housework, but he also made Jiang Qinqin cry in public many times.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Some netizens pointed out sharply that in the show, when Jiang Qinqin was busy cleaning, Chen Jianbin leisurely tasted fruit and watched TV; While Jiang Qinqin was busy in the kitchen, Chen Jianbin was fiddling with photographic equipment; While Jiang Qinqin was washing the dishes, Chen Jianbin was resting on the bed.

Such a picture made many viewers feel angry and puzzled. Jiang Qinqin, who was once known as the "No. 1 beauty in ancient costumes", now seems to have become a "nanny" at home.

However, what is surprising is that despite the many problems exposed in the show, Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin are the only couple in that season of the show who have not divorced so far.

Does this mean that the way they get along with each other, which seems incomprehensible or even resonant to outsiders, is exactly what suits them best? The real life situation of the couple, and the nature of their marriage, seems to be much more complicated than we think.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Seventeen years ago, on the set of the TV series "Qiao's Courtyard", who would have thought that two actors who didn't like each other would finally join hands and enter the palace of marriage? At that time, Jiang Qinqin was already a well-known actress in China, and Chen Jianbin was on the rise in his career.

The first collaboration between the two was supposed to be a perfect match, but it unexpectedly sparked the smell of gunpowder.

Chen Jianbin has almost strict requirements for acting, and although Jiang Qinqin's acting skills are good, there are still deficiencies in his eyes. After Jiang Qinqin learned about it, he not only disagreed, but also complained about Chen Jianbin 's various requirements.

Almost everyone in the crew is aware of their contradictions, and every time they meet, they inevitably have a war of words, and the tense atmosphere gives the director a headache.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

However, it was in this dispute that Chen Jianbin was gradually attracted by Jiang Qinqin's beauty and intelligence. He began to notice that this seemingly irascible girl was actually smart, lively, and charismatic.

So, Chen Jianbin began to cautiously show favor to Jiang Qinqin.

The turning point came when the crew was about to finish. Knowing that Jiang Qinqin was planning a trip to Japan, Chen Jianbin had an idea and made a seemingly trivial request: "If you find a hat that suits me in Japan, please choose one for me."

This small request became a catalyst for their feelings.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Since then, Chen Jianbin has begun to show the gentle side of his suitors. He carefully selected small gifts for Jiang Qinqin and wrote romantic love poems to impress this beautiful actress with his heart.

Under his sincere offensive, Jiang Qinqin's mental defense gradually collapsed.

The relationship between the two burned like a fire. Just a year later, they decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand. The following year, they ushered in the crystallization of love.

This hard-won love seems to indicate that they will have a happy marriage.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

However, who would have thought that Years later, the Trio of Happiness would reveal a very different reality? The man who was once disliked by Jiang Qinqin is now her husband; And the once radiant female star is now busy with housework in front of the camera.

Seventeen years have changed so much. From the-for-tat confrontation of the crew to today's mutual affection, the story of Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin is like a romantic drama with ups and downs.

However, as with every real marriage, their story is far more complex than what we see on screen.

Behind the sweet story of Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin, there is a little-known past. Before meeting Jiang Qinqin, Chen Jianbin had a five-year relationship with another talented actress, Wu Yue.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

The origin of this relationship can be traced back to the filming set of the movie "Chrysanthemum Tea". Wu Yue came from a superior background, her parents were intellectuals, and she herself was also a leader in both character and learning.

On the set, Wu Yue's superb acting skills deeply moved Chen Jianbin who has high requirements for actors. The two sparked a spark of love in the tacit rivalry and soon fell in love.

However, love is not a fairy tale. After two years of falling in love, Chen Jianbin fell into a trough with a slow career, and Wu Yue at this time has become a hot and powerful actor.

Faced with her boyfriend's frustration, Wu Yue chose unconditional support and dedication. She silently used the contacts and resources she had accumulated in the entertainment industry to pave the way for Chen Jianbin to succeed.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

With Wu Yue's careful help, Chen Jianbin 's acting career finally improved. However, as their careers flourished, the two spent less and less time together.

Coupled with Wu Yue's natural introversion and lack of expressiveness, the emotional communication between the two has become more and more difficult. Wu Yue originally thought that as long as he survived this difficult period, he would be able to regain his sweetness, but this was not the case.

Just in the fifth year of their relationship, and the year Chen Jianbin began to pursue Jiang Qinqin, Wu Yue received a breakup letter in the apartment where the two lived together.

The lovers who once worked together to overcome difficulties eventually went their separate ways.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

The exposure of this past incident made many netizens feel sorry for Wu Yue's efforts. Some people accuse Chen Jianbin of being a ruthless and unrighteous negative man, thinking that he abandoned Wu Yue, who silently supported him, after his career was successful.

Some people also pointed the finger at Jiang Qinqin, criticizing her for being immoral, knowing that Chen Jianbin had a girlfriend but still developed a relationship with her.

However, there is no absolute right or wrong in the world of feelings. Everyone has the right to choose their own life partner, and perhaps there is indeed an irreconcilable contradiction between Chen Jianbin and Wu Yue.

And Jiang Qinqin may just follow his heart.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

No matter what the outside world says, Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin are still determined to this day. This dusty past may only become a chapter in their life journey, a memory worth recalling but unable to revisit.

In the world of feelings, no one can tell who is right and who is wrong. Everyone has their own choices, and every relationship has its own unique trajectory. The story of Chen Jianbin , Wu Yue and Jiang Qinqin may be a reminder to us that on the road of love, there is no eternal winner and no destined loser, the important thing is to cherish the moment and treat each other well.

Jiang Qinqin, a woman who was once known as the "No. 1 Beauty in Ancient Costumes", her acting career is like a bright meteor, leaving a deep imprint in the hearts of the audience.

Back then, Qiong Yao once used "A tear falls from the sky, and a star is born on the earth" to praise her beauty and talent, which shows her charm.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

However, after marriage, Jiang Qinqin gradually faded out of the public eye and focused on family life. used to be the actress who was radiant in front of the screen, but now she appears in front of the public more often as Chen Jianbin 's wife.

This kind of role change can't help but make people sigh at the ruthlessness of the years.

In the program "Happiness Trio", we see Jiang Qinqin as if she has become a full-time wife. Even when she was pregnant, she still took care of most of the housework.

From preparing breakfast in the morning, to tidying up the home, to taking care of her husband's daily life, Jiang Qinqin seems to have fully adapted to this life.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Jiang Qinqin's transformation may also reflect the dilemma that many women face in marriage: how to balance family and career? How do you find the right balance between giving and taking? These problems seem to have been most intuitively reflected in Jiang Qinqin.

From a much-anticipated actress to an unknown housewife, Jiang Qinqin's life trajectory is embarrassing. However, we can't tell if she regrets her choice.

Perhaps in her opinion, raising her husband and children and taking care of housework is the focus of her life at the moment. But it is undeniable that her talent and beauty seem to be buried because of this, which can't help but make people feel a little regretful.

Jiang Qinqin's story may be a reminder that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life, and true happiness should be defined by oneself.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin's married life was not all smooth sailing. In the 17 years of marriage, they have been caught in the whirlpool of public opinion many times and faced doubts and criticism from the public.

In the past, negative news such as "Little Three", "Domestic Violence" and "Splitting Legs" appeared one after another, and every turmoil was like a severe test of their marriage.

These rumors not only affected their public image, but also cast doubt on the authenticity of the relationship. In the face of overwhelming doubts, the couple has always chosen to walk hand in hand and respond to criticism from the outside world with practical actions.

Although Chen Jianbin disappointed many viewers with his performance in the "Happiness Trio", it is undeniable that they are still the only couple in that season of the show who have not divorced so far.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

This fact seems to be silently telling: the way of getting along with each other, which seems difficult to understand or even resonate with outsiders, may be the most suitable for them.

Every marriage has its own unique way of getting along, and others may never truly understand the sweetness and bitterness in it. The story of Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin may remind us that the true meaning of love does not lie in the judgment of the outside world, but in whether the two people are willing to continue to walk hand in hand.

Their marriage has gone through too many twists and turns that are unimaginable to outsiders, but they still stick together. This insistence may be the best interpretation of their feelings for each other.

In this rapidly changing entertainment industry, it is rare for couples to go through 17 spring and autumn together. Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin used their own way to interpret what it means to "get along with each other and never give up".

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Despite the controversy surrounding their married life, they still choose to trust each other and face life's challenges together. This kind of persistence may be the most precious appearance of love.

The story of Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin, from the crew meeting and falling in love with each other, to staying together today, has experienced too many twists and turns unimaginable to outsiders. Their relationship journey is like a romantic drama with ups and downs, full of dramatic twists.

From "the first beauty in ancient costumes" to a housewife, Jiang Qinqin's role change is embarrassing; From the trough of his career to the peak of acting, Chen Jianbin 's growth process is also emotional.

Although the mode of getting along shown in "Happiness Trio" makes many people feel uncomfortable, we can't deny that the couple still holds on to their love.

"The first beauty in ancient costumes" Jiang Qinqin, squeezed out his partner to marry Chen Jianbin , but now he is being used as a servant?

Perhaps, it is this kind of "unequal" contribution that seems to outsiders to make their 17-year marriage possible. The true meaning of love may be hidden in the firewood, rice, oil and salt day after day, and in the tolerance and understanding of each other.

For Chen Jianbin and Jiang Qinqin, being able to walk hand in hand all the time may be the greatest happiness.

Every marriage has its own unique way of getting along, and others may never truly understand the sweetness and bitterness in it. Let us bless this couple, and may their marriage path be wider and wider, and their lives will be more happy and happy.

At the same time, I also hope that every pair of lovers can find their own true meaning of love and write extraordinary stories in ordinary days.

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