
is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

author:Xiaoxiao chats about entertainment

Speaking of those big names in the film and television industry, the names of Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are absolutely well-known.

Especially Cao Cao, who they each performed, oops, it really has its own merits, which makes people have endless memories.

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Chen Jianbin in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the sentence "Cao Cao's rice bowl" is simply a stroke of genius, which amused the audience.

He portrays Cao Cao as a politician who is both humorous and serious, and this unique treatment makes the historical figure vivid and down-to-earth, as if he has traveled through time and space to talk to us.

I remember once, a fan said excitedly on Weibo: "Watching Chen Jianbin 's Cao Cao, I suddenly feel that history can be so fun and so close to life." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Speaking of Yu Hewei, his Cao Cao in "The Alliance of Military Divisions of Sima Yi", that is simply textbook-level acting skills! He digs deep into Cao Cao's complex inner world, and the expression of sad emotions makes the characters exude an indescribable charm.

After watching it, many viewers were full of emotion and said: "Yu Hewei's Cao Cao makes people see a real, three-dimensional, flesh-and-blood historical figure." ”

His performance is like planting a seed in the hearts of the audience, which slowly sprouts over time, making people have endless memories.

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Whether it is Chen Jianbin or Yu Hewei, their interpretations of Cao Cao are unique.

Chen Jianbin wraps history in comedy techniques, making the thick story a little more relaxed; And Yu Hewei shows the inner entanglements and struggles of the characters vividly, making Cao Cao's image more full.

A film critic once commented: "The performance of the two actors is like a wonderful symphony, with both passionate climaxes and delicate whispers, which together play a new chapter in the classic role of Cao Cao." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Speaking of Chen Jianbin , in addition to his wonderful performance on the screen, his environmental protection actions in real life are also amazing.

As the public welfare ambassador of Urumqi's ecological environment, he actively participates in various environmental protection activities, practices himself, and proves that he is not only a good actor, but also a responsible citizen with practical actions.

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

He launched a tree planting donation campaign on social media, calling on everyone to protect the green home, and this enthusiasm and sense of responsibility have infected countless people.

A fan shared: "Seeing that Chen Jianbin is so enthusiastic about environmental protection, I also began to learn garbage classification, hoping to bring big changes with small actions like him." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Chen Jianbin 's environmental protection concept is not only reflected in large-scale activities, but also penetrates into every detail of daily life.

He insists on garbage classification, advocates energy conservation and emission reduction, and influences the people around him with practical actions.

One netizen wrote on the forum: "Chen Jianbin 's environmental protection actions made me realize that everyone can contribute to the earth, even if it is just a small part. ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Of course, when it comes to Cao Cao, how can you not mention Bao Guoan? In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" directed by Wang Fulin, Cao Cao played by Bao Guoan is quite expressive.

He not only matches the historical record in appearance, but also interprets Cao Cao's resourcefulness and thoughtfulness to the fullest.

Some viewers left a message in the comment area: "Bao Guoan's Cao Cao is simply out of the history books, and the resourcefulness and calmness make me addicted." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

For this drama, some viewers pay more attention to its faithful restoration of history and deep excavation of the characters' emotions.

They believe that Cao Cao, portrayed by Bao Guoan, is not only a high-ranking politician, but also an ordinary person with complex emotions. The considerations behind each conspiracy make people feel a deep insight into human nature.

A fan sighed on the forum: "Bao Guoan's Cao Cao made me see a living person, not a symbol, this feeling is fantastic." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Having said that, each actor has injected a new soul into the role of Cao Cao in his own way.

Chen Jianbin 's humor, Yu Hewei's restraint, and Bao Guoan's expressiveness are like three different picture scrolls, each showing Cao Cao's multifaceted nature.

A veteran film critic wrote in the article: "It is precisely because of these different interpretations that the character of Cao Cao has taken root in the hearts of the audience and has become an eternal classic." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

In life, Chen Jianbin and Yu Hewei are also role models in the entertainment industry. They not only strive for excellence in the arts, but also pay more attention to personal conduct and social responsibility.

Chen Jianbin 's environmental protection actions demonstrate the responsibility of a public figure; Yu Hewei's low-key pragmatism reflects his sincerity and respect for art.

The two actors use their own ways to influence the people around them and transmit positive energy.

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Whenever Cao Cao is talked about, there will always be fans who have heated discussions on social media.

Some people prefer the humor and wit of Chen Jianbin Cao's version, while others are attracted by the depth and restraint of Yu Hewei's version of Cao Cao. This diversified interpretation makes the role of Cao Cao more three-dimensional and plump in our hearts.

A fan once left a message: "Each version of Cao Cao has its unique charm, and it is because of this that this character can shine in the long river of time." ”

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Whether it is Chen Jianbin 's humor, Yu Hewei's deep and introverted, or Bao Guoan's expressive realism, they are all using their own ways to rejuvenate the classic role of Cao Cao.

On and off the screen, they are also respectable artists, interpreting the responsibilities and responsibilities of a public figure with their actions.

is also playing Cao Cao, Yu Hewei and Chen Jianbin are competing! I just knew: what is God's appreciation to eat

Every time Cao Cao is mentioned, it is like opening a window to the depths of history, allowing us to re-understand this legendary figure in laughter and thinking.

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