
Walk into Minoru Hai Village and feel the different eel culture

author:Foshan News


At more than 8 o'clock in the morning of June 30th, the "fish" cultural market on the waterway of Nimhai Village, Leliu Street, Shunde District began to be lively, with eel cultural handicrafts, eel cultural calligraphy, eel delicacies, etc., attracting many neighbors to come to watch.

The lively bazaar also kicked off the prelude to this eel culture-themed activity in Nimhai Village. As the "Chinese Eel Village", Nimhai Village has carried out activities such as "fish" reading and sharing sessions and "fish" cultural tours, so that citizens and tourists can "eel" swim in Nimhai, further experience the rural new look of Nimhai Village, and show the phased achievements of the "Millions of Thousands Project" and urban and rural quality improvement.

Walk into Minoru Hai Village and feel the different eel culture

Group photo of the tour group.

Since the 80s of the last century, Nimhai Village has vigorously developed the eel breeding industry, and later gradually explored the method of excavating mud pond farming, thus becoming one of the largest eel breeding bases in Guangdong. The long history of the development of the eel farming industry has gradually derived a unique Nim Sea eel culture, and many eel farming stories and the eel spirit of eel farmers have been gradually excavated.

"We hope that through this project, more villagers can be encouraged to participate and enhance their sense of identity and cultural confidence in the rural culture of Nimhai." Zhou Jianpeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nimhai Village, said that in the future, he will continue to explore the cultural tourism planning of "eel life" for water town leisure, starting from the characteristics of eel, and form a comprehensive cultural and tourism industry integrating eel farming, cultural tourism and ecological leisure to drive rural development.

Walk into Minoru Hai Village and feel the different eel culture

The scene of the "fish" reading sharing meeting.

In the process of carrying out the Nim Moray Eel Culture Conservation Project, it also attracted the participation of citizens of multiple ages, forming a team of eel culture guides combining the old, middle and young. Talking about his story with eels, Liang Kaitong, a 13-year-old cultural guide of Nim Sea eel, told reporters about the story of his childhood, "When I was a child, I followed my grandparents to the eel pond to feed the fish, and I saw many eels eating feed together, and I ate it quickly, and I thought this scene was very interesting." "The eels are fatty, slippery, and fun."

Walk into Minoru Hai Village and feel the different eel culture

An eel swimming in the water.

At the "Fish" reading sharing meeting, Wang Maolang, chairman of the Shunde District Writers Association, took the new book "Fish in Shunde" as the starting point to talk about the origin of Shunde and aquatic products and the development path of "raising water with fish", "Nimhai Village is under the Chrysanthemum Bay Bridge, and Chrysanthemum Bay is like the tail of an eel." Wang Maolang shared many stories about Shunde and fish, and also introduced many traditional customs and delicacies related to fish in Shunde, showing the unique charm of eel culture.

Walk into Minoru Hai Village and feel the different eel culture

Stroll through the eel fry hatchery.

Under the guidance of the docent, visitors continued to stroll through the eel hatchery to watch the growth process of eels up close, check in the Nimhai Village History Museum, the "Baili Fanghua" Nim Hai section and the eel specialty restaurants, experience the original culture of Nimhai Village, harvest the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river, and taste the special food of Nimhai eel.

Text, photo/Peng Yichong, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

Video/Foshan News Media Center reporter Li Jinqiang

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