
Tell you, the next time you go to the hospital to visit a patient, don't go in the morning, only in the afternoon!



I am an ordinary driver, and on an ordinary afternoon, my wife called and asked me to visit her uncle who was hospitalized. Unexpectedly, this simple visit to the hospital unexpectedly revealed an unknown secret in the hospital. This secret is about life and death, about human nature, and about the life of each of us.
Tell you, the next time you go to the hospital to visit a patient, don't go in the morning, only in the afternoon!


That morning, I dropped my daughter off at school as usual and was ready to start the day. My wife suddenly called and said that she was going to work overtime today and asked me to visit her uncle who was hospitalized in the afternoon. I agreed, thinking to myself that it would be just right to go in the afternoon and not delay my work.

In the afternoon, I finished work early, bought some fruit and supplements, and went straight to the hospital. The hospital was full of people, and I followed the ward number given by my wife to find my uncle's ward. In the ward, my uncle seemed to be in good spirits, and after a while of chatting, he told me that his surgery was successful and that he would be discharged soon.

Tell you, the next time you go to the hospital to visit a patient, don't go in the morning, only in the afternoon!

Just as I was about to leave, I heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, followed by the nurse's voice: "Hurry, hurry, there's an emergency!" "I opened the door curiously and saw several nurses and doctors hurrying past with a patient pushing. I thought to myself, the hospital is such a busy place, and there are emergencies all the time.

The next day, I came to the hospital again, this time I deliberately came early to bring my uncle some breakfast. I walked into the ward with breakfast and found my uncle's face a little pale, and he told me that he suddenly felt unwell last night and that the doctors and nurses had been busy all night. I comforted him a few words, then walked out of the room to buy him some hot porridge.

Tell you, the next time you go to the hospital to visit a patient, don't go in the morning, only in the afternoon!

Just as I walked out of the room, I heard crying from the next room. Curious, I walked over and through the crack in the door, I saw a family gathered around the bed, the old man in the bed had died. I heard them talking about the fact that the old man had a sudden attack last night, and the doctors and nurses were busy dealing with my uncle's emergency and didn't arrive in time.

I was stunned, and I had mixed feelings. It dawned on me that if I had come yesterday morning, I might have been able to see this, and I might have understood why my wife had asked me to come in the afternoon.

I went back to my uncle's hospital room, handed him breakfast, and sat on the edge of the bed, silent for a long time. My uncle saw what was wrong with me and asked me what was wrong. I told him what had happened in the morning, and he sighed and said, "That's how it is in hospitals, sometimes one emergency can involve a lot of people. ”

Tell you, the next time you go to the hospital to visit a patient, don't go in the morning, only in the afternoon!

I asked him why his wife asked me to come in the afternoon, and he told me that there was an unwritten rule in the hospital that the morning was the time for doctors to make rounds and deal with emergencies, and that the ward would be more busy, while the afternoon would be quieter and more suitable for visits.

I listened to my uncle's words, and I felt a little uncomfortable. I decided to go to my wife and ask her why she didn't tell me about this rule. My wife listened to my questions and explained that she had just come to work in this hospital and was not very clear about this rule, but she had only heard from the old nurses.

I looked at my wife with a little guilt. I realized that I was wrong about her, and I was wrong about the hospital. I decided that I would learn more about the rules of the hospital in the future, and stop misunderstanding others because of my ignorance.

Tell you, the next time you go to the hospital to visit a patient, don't go in the morning, only in the afternoon!


Since then, every time I visit a patient in the hospital, I choose to go in the afternoon. I also began to care more about my wife's work and understand her hard work and dedication. I have found that many rules and habits in life have a reason behind their existence.

I learned a lot from this experience. I understand that whether it is work or life, we should have more understanding and respect. Only in this way can we get along better and live better.