
In 1985, Zhang Lingfu's family took a precious group photo, and his widow Wang Yuling hugged her grandson in full moon, showing love


On a summer afternoon in 1985, the Zhang family gathered at their former residence to take a precious group photo, showing the solemnity and tenacity of the family's warm moment of unity and historical inheritance. In the video, Zhang Lingfu's son Zhang Daoyu and his wife Fang Xiaomei stand side by side in the back, Zhang Daoyu hugs his wife tightly, and a happy smile appears on his face; On the left side of the foreground is Wang Yuling, the late wife of Zhang Lingfu. The 57-year-old holds her newborn grandson, Zhang Yunze, lovingly caressing the baby's face, exuding deep maternal love. Although time flies and vicissitudes of life, she still maintains her grace and calm posture. This photo has become a family heirloom of the Zhang family, carrying endless nostalgia for the past years.

The photograph shows Wang Yuling sitting in the front row with her children and grandchildren and two male elders of unknown age. Although their identities and backgrounds are not specified, the caring and congenial atmosphere revealed by their relaxed smiles is quite palpable. Whether it is Zhang Lingfu's relatives or old friends, their presence undoubtedly makes the images richer and more contemporary. Looking at this image is like stepping back in time and experiencing the atmosphere and emotions unique to that era.

Wang Yuling's Tenacity and Choice: The Struggle from Taipei to the United States
In 1985, Zhang Lingfu's family took a precious group photo, and his widow Wang Yuling hugged her grandson in full moon, showing love

In 1949, Wang Yuling's mother and daughter moved to Taiwan and settled here with their second son Zhang Daoyu. Unfortunately, due to the failure of Zhang Lingfu's compensation, the family is in financial difficulties. Wang Yuling decisively sold his property to subsidize his family. Despite the difficulties, Wang Yuling still made a resolute decision: let her mother raise her children, and she went to the United States to continue her studies and work, and worked hard to shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the family. This choice is a testament to her perseverance, courage and self-improvement. At the same time, it also indicates that she will write her own unique and colorful life chapter in the unknown journey.

Therefore, Zhang Daoyu was unfortunately framed as a left-behind child, lacking the time for his parents to take care of him, and his days could only be accompanied by his grandmother, sharing joys and sorrows. The simple living environment made the grandmother give everything she had, ensuring that Daoyu was well cared for and cared for, and carefully made an egg every day for him to replenish his necessary nutrients. However, luxury foods such as dim sum and meat are out of reach for them. Her mother, Wang Yuling, who was far away in the United States of America, also encountered difficulties. Despite her noble background, Yuling must go all out to face the challenges when adapting to the new environment. With perseverance and continuous learning of financial and accounting knowledge, Yuling finally successfully joined the airline. After living a stable life in the United States, in 1959, Yuling welcomed back her son to build a new home with him. This period of suffering from poverty and hardship demonstrates Yuling's indomitable spiritual strength, and the deep maternal love is where its bright light lies.

Wang Yuling's single motherhood: perseverance and sacrifice in a foreign land
In 1985, Zhang Lingfu's family took a precious group photo, and his widow Wang Yuling hugged her grandson in full moon, showing love

According to historical records, Wang Yuling, who is nearly forty years old, has always been pressured by relatives and friends to marry. However, among the many applicants, she was reprimanded only because she was not satisfied, insisting on relying on her own family responsibilities. As a single mother in a long distance, she carefully watched the growth of her only son, Zhang Daoyu, and this tenacity, perseverance and sense of loyalty and responsibility demonstrated her noble spirit of sticking to traditional values and dedicating herself to her family. Cultivating her son's patriotic feelings since childhood, when her son is marriageable, she expects her daughter-in-law to be an outstanding Chinese daughter.

Fang Xiaomei, a Chinese woman, married the son of Major General Zhang Daoyu by fate, and this journey made Fang Zhiji's queen Yuling feel deeply at ease. After growing up, Wang chose to return to his roots and moved to Shanghai, where he settled for the rest of his life in the 90s. This homecoming trip not only expressed her deep nostalgia for her hometown, but also showed her ardent feelings of returning to her motherland.

Jang Yoon-taek's growth and the family's hope

Zhang Yunze, who is now 14 years old, has gradually become the new sustenance and expectation of the Wang family, showing the bright future of the family with his brilliant growth process. Under the careful cultivation of his grandmother Wang Yuling, more and more knowledge and ability were led by Zhang, and he showed a strong sense of responsibility and benevolence.

On the road to success, the grandmother's meticulous care and the full support of family members gave him great confidence in the source of motivation. The illustrious family background makes Zhang Yunze's self-confidence and unswerving on the bumpy road. Every progress is not only the glory of the individual, but also the glory of the family. Therefore, Zhang Yunze's future not only carries personal expectations, but also shoulders the high hopes of the entire family.

Zhang Daoyu and Fang Xiaomei's marriage: family harmony and happiness
In 1985, Zhang Lingfu's family took a precious group photo, and his widow Wang Yuling hugged her grandson in full moon, showing love

The marriage between Mr. Zhang Daoyu and Ms. Fang Xiaomei can be called a model of national harmony, which is impressive. This thick relationship maintains their union, and the deep family concept and value concept bring them together. The two created a warm home with a broad mind. In the process, we have witnessed the firm confidence of helping each other in the same boat and sharing the future.

In their long married life, they have always been tolerant and supportive of each other; Face difficulties and challenges together, and pass on strength to each other. This deep-rooted emotion not only enriches the soul, but also brings peace and warmth to the family. The marriage of Zhang Jiayu and his wife is a model of perfect family relationship.

Wang Yuling's later life: Spend peace in the embrace of the motherland

Ms. Wang Yuling passed away in Shanghai at the age of 94, enjoying peace and happiness in her later years. Under the care of the country and family, she found her inner home. The fall of this wise man grieved the family and marked the end of a piece of history.

In her later years, Wang Yuling immersed herself in the love and warmth of the family, and witnessed the glorious continuation and vigorous development of the family. The trajectory of his life is not only full of deep nostalgia for the memories of the past, but also injects firm impetus into the prospect of a better tomorrow. Wang Yuling's later years can be called an outstanding chapter in the history of the family, vividly showing the deep imprint of that era.

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