
Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

author:Foreign French

04, 1938, left, Beijing city wall. Right, Xi'an City Wall.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

06. In 1912, Beijing mutinied. Related Background Links:

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

07. Militia training in 1972: fighting tanks, air defense ......

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

08, 1949, Nanjing, National Army. Look at the scene of the fall of a regime~~ Figures 1 and 2, the tanks are loaded with personal belongings. Pictures 3 and 4, the ignorant soldiers are smirking~~ Only the chief has a sad face. Figures 5 and 6, the refugees on the Pukou wharf and the ferry~~ are military and civilian, mixed together.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

10. The Story of Guangzhou (II). 1860s

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

11, Yadong Printing Album

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

12. Overview of Nanjing Municipal Government

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

14. In 1914, the Temple of Heaven worshiped the queen of heaven, and the officials took a group photo. This dress, this arrangement, looks like a group photo of leaders dressed in local costumes after some kind of international conference.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

15. In 1943, the Chinese naval academy Yuan was sent by the Nationalist Government to the Royal Naval College in Greenwich, England, to study seriously. All of them are heroic.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

16. 1860s. Humiliating cartoons published in France

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

17. Propaganda posters during the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. Peaceful!

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

19. Beijing North Hall, Xishiku Church. Stand on the roof of the church and take pictures in all directions. The captions were taken between 1936 and 1948.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

20. In 1913/1914, ethnic minority women in Xinjiang wore diagonal plackets, stand-up collars, piping, and embroidered cotton jackets. Uighur? Kazak?

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

21. In 1930, the traffic light intersection on the streets of Shanghai.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

22. Beijing, 1901. Rich and noble Manchu aristocrats.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

24. Chongqing, 1941. The children said "the best" to the American GIs

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

26. Guangdong, 1880. Portrait of a rich and noble old lady. Actually, it's not that old. Peaceful!

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

28. Late marriage for the revolution. Propaganda poster from the 1970s

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

29, Yang Zhenning and Lee Tsung-dao when they were young. The last three, Yang Zhenning. Middle 3, Lee Tsung-do. The next three, Yang and Li, former partners.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

33, Chu Yupu, Zhang Zongchang, Zhang Xueliang group photo. Left, 1927. Right, 1931. At this time, Zhang Xueliang's mental state was obviously not as good as in 1927.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

34, 1926~~1927, Datong Yungang Grottoes

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

35. Zhonghua Gate in the center of Tiananmen Square in the early years of the Republic of China

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

36. Old photo: Shanghai in the twenties of the last century, source: Charles

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

37. The streets of Beijing in 1987~~ were full of vitality.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

39、内蒙包头。 德国飞行员格拉夫·楚·卡斯特(Count of Castell)1933-1936 年拍摄 。

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

40. Old photos: rural images of Hui County, Henan Province in the 70s of the 20th century

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

41. In 1904, the Briton who interviewed the Russo-Japanese War photographed a young man with a sunny face in Lushun.

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

42. Old photo: Wutai Mountain, Shanxi, taken in 1906-1909, taken by Ernst Berschmann

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

43, 1897, Manchuria. Manchurian woman breastfeeding picture~~ That kid is still holding a string of sugar gourds in his hand~~ Sweet!

Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

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Old photos of the late Qing Dynasty: How beautiful is the "First Beauty of the Late Qing Dynasty"? Black and white photos can't hide their beauty

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