
5 things that were not charged in the past from July, but now they have to be charged, is it an exception or a common?

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

#长文创作激励计划#无论是城市还是农村, public facilities and public welfare undertakings are both necessary and serve the broad masses of the people, and are a kind of social welfare undertakings.

Now the situation has changed very much, some public welfare public facilities, but become non-free public services, such as going to the hospital to see a doctor, in the process of waiting, chairs now need to pay, go to shopping malls and supermarkets, need to pay temporary parking fees, go to restaurants to eat, need to pay for the use of dishes and chopsticks, and so on.

In the past, these public welfare things did not charge any economic fees, and they were dedicated to providing services to the public for free, why do they need to pay fees now, as ordinary residents, I don't understand why this is very much?

I don't know if these abnormal things are individual phenomena, they are cases, they are an accidental phenomenon, they are a temporary change, or whether the current rules have changed, and in order to strengthen management, they have to adopt paid services, which will become a normal state in the future, and I don't know.

5 things that were not charged in the past from July, but now they have to be charged, is it an exception or a common?

(1) There is a charge for replacing hospital seats with massage chairs. In the past, when I went to the hospital, there would be some double-row seats or multi-seat benches in the corridors, corridors, waiting rooms, and living rooms outside the clinic for patients and accompanying people, which was a kind of public welfare, and the hospital was a free service.

Recently, when I went to a hospital to see a doctor, these chairs for free service for patients and escorts are now replaced with high-end massage chairs.

I think that the hospital is really good now, the hospital is rich, there is money, it is taken from the people for the people, the "shotgun" in the past is now "replaced", and the public welfare services in the hospital have been upgraded, which are very humane and greatly convenient for the majority of patients and their families.

When I sit on such a high-end massage chair, I really feel much more comfortable than the plastic chair or metal chair in the past, and I have a feeling of enjoying it very much.

When you sit down for a short time, the massage chair will send out a voice reminder, and you can scan the QR code to provide various services for the person who sits, which turns out to be paid.

5 things that were not charged in the past from July, but now they have to be charged, is it an exception or a common?

As a patient, when entering the hospital for treatment, the wallet in the pocket is really not afraid of being stuffed with money, so ordinary patients need to save some money, and they are afraid that there will be no money to spend on treatment, so nine times out of ten people will not scan the QR code on the massage chair.

At that time, I thought so, even if I had to pay a fee, I really couldn't afford to come to the hospital to see a doctor, and I would rather not sit on this comfortable massage chair and stand and wait for the doctor, rather than pay this meaningless service fee.

I heard a patient tell me that since July, the massage chair service must be paid through the QR code on the chair on the mobile phone before the service can be provided, this kind of chair service upgrade, is really too "humane", for me such a moneyless suffering, even the qualification to sit is gone, it seems that in the future, the hospital can only bring its own folding chair, you can reduce the cost of seeing a doctor.

(2) There is a charge for parking in the mall. In the past, every large supermarket and shopping mall around where I lived had temporary free parking spaces, and there was no charge for them within the specified time, which greatly facilitated the shopping of customers.

5 things that were not charged in the past from July, but now they have to be charged, is it an exception or a common?

In recent days, the temporary free parking spaces of these supermarkets and shopping malls have to be charged according to the time, I don't know if this practice is a temporary or long-term one, supermarkets and shopping malls in other places or cities, and now this temporary free parking space is also beginning to charge? Anyway, this abnormal phenomenon appeared, which made me very uncomfortable.

If this parking rule is changed, can we consumers still stand it? It seems that it is not necessary in the future, and it is possible to reduce the number of visits to supermarkets and shopping malls, and to reduce the cost of unnecessary temporary parking fees for shopping.

(3) If you go to a restaurant to eat, you will be charged for dishes and chopsticks. Now the service rules of hotels and hotels seem to have changed, and the free services in the past are now like going to the hospital to pay for the use of instruments and checks, and you need to pay for the cost of dishes and chopsticks.

This practice is really incredible, who eats, do not use bowls and chopsticks, now the service rules have changed to charge, it seems that in the future in an ordinary small restaurant on the street, you need to pay for the cost of chopsticks, buy barbecue skewers on the side of the road to eat, you need to pay for bamboo sticks, which is the truth?

(4) There is a charge for watching TV. In the past, there was no charge for watching TV, but later there was closed-circuit television and cable TV, and you need to pay for TV channels.

5 things that were not charged in the past from July, but now they have to be charged, is it an exception or a common?

Later, I installed broadband at home and watched online TV, and as long as I paid the monthly rent of broadband, I could watch TV.

In the past, there were only a few channels on network TV that needed to be paid to watch,Now the payment rules have changed fundamentally,Ordinary TV channels used to be costly,Now you have to open a TV VIP account,You can watch it after paying。

For example, some children's TV programs, children don't like to watch programs are free to watch, the more they like to watch TV programs are all paid, no matter how unwilling parents are to let their children watch, under the noise of children, they have to pay for their children to watch programs, which greatly increases the economic burden of watching TV.

Now when I have free time, I want to relax my mood, listen to music and play songs, now there are a lot of places on my mobile phone, listening to songs are paid, to open VIP members, it is not easy to listen to songs now.

All in all, starting from July, these 5 things that were free of charge before are now going to start charging, whether this is some temporary charges, or permanent charges, is it an individual charge, or is it generally charged, it is not clear for the time being, no matter how it goes on, can ordinary people bear it?

If you have any different opinions on this, please exchange and discuss in the message area.