
This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

author:The food of the living home

In China, the beginning of autumn is often seen as a turning point when the heat fades and the coolness grows. But in fact, due to the difference in geographical location and climatic conditions, people in different regions have very different feelings about autumn. In the north, after the beginning of autumn, people may gradually feel the coolness of the autumn breeze and the openness of the sky with high clouds; In the south, the heat of summer is still lingering, and autumn always seems to be late.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

This difference in climate not only makes people feel different about the beginning of autumn, but also has a profound impact on agricultural production, people's daily life and even cultural customs. After the beginning of autumn, farmers in the north begin to prepare for harvest, while farmers in the south may still be busy irrigating their fields and caring for their crops. The beginning of autumn is not only a solar term, but also related to the rhythm of people's life and the harmony of natural laws.

The specific time of the beginning of autumn is 8:09 on August 7, which is a fairly accurate time. Why does the old man say that this year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary? It is also said that it is the late beginning of autumn, the mother autumn, what is going on? What do you say?

As the first solar term of autumn, the beginning of autumn is traditionally divided into three phases, each for five days, for a total of 15 days. These three phases represent the gradual change of climate during the beginning of autumn, and they are: cool breeze, white dew, and cold cicadas.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

"Cool breeze solstice" marks the beginning of autumn, and people begin to feel the coolness of the autumn breeze. The wind of this period is no longer as hot as in summer, but has a hint of coolness, bringing a touch of comfort to people. As the autumn breeze blows, the humidity in the air begins to decrease, and the temperature difference between morning and evening gradually increases.

"White dew" means that the weather is getting cooler, and dew begins to appear on the ground and plants in the early morning. The dew during this period is a clear sign of a cooler climate and an important part of the water cycle in nature. The appearance of white dew not only indicates the change of weather, but also reminds people to start preparing for the arrival of autumn.

The "chilling cicada chirping" is a climatic feature of the late autumn period, when the sound of cicadas becomes more poignant, as if telling the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The chirping of cicadas is a reaction of organisms in nature to seasonal changes, and it is also an important embodiment of the climate characteristics of the beginning of autumn.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

Climate change in these three weather conditions is not only the law of nature, but also closely related to people's lives and agricultural production. As the climate gradually cools, people begin to adjust their living habits, such as increasing clothing and diet. At the same time, farmers have begun to organize their agricultural activities according to climate changes, such as harvesting and sowing seeds.

The climate of the beginning of autumn in the south is very different from that in the north. In most areas south of the Yangtze River, the beginning of autumn is often still in the middle of the hot summer. The heat and humidity in the south often last until September or even October, so people in the south feel autumn later than in the north. This difference in climate makes the living habits and agricultural activities of people in the north and south regions also very different in the beginning of autumn.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

The beginning of autumn in 2024, according to the time of the lunar calendar, belongs to the "late beginning of autumn", and it is also the "mother autumn". This special vintage has different effects on climate and agricultural production.

First of all, "late beginning of autumn" means that the date of the beginning of autumn is later, and according to the calculation of the lunar calendar, the time of the beginning of autumn falls in the seventh month of the lunar calendar. The late onset of autumn usually means that the climate transition will be relatively slow in autumn, and the hot weather may last longer. For people in the north, this could mean that the cooler weather in autumn will come a little later; And for the southern region, the hot weather is likely to last longer, and the cool feeling of autumn will be more distant.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

Secondly, the concept of "mother autumn" comes from the traditional folk saying, which is distinguished according to the odd and even numbers of lunar days. In the year 2024, the date of the beginning of autumn is singular, hence the name "Mother Autumn". It is believed that the climate of the mother autumn is often hotter than the male autumn, which may affect the growth of crops and people's lives.

This particular vintage can present some challenges for agricultural production. The climatic characteristics of late onset and mother autumn may lead to longer growth cycles of some crops, requiring farmers to pay more attention to field management to ensure that crops can mature smoothly.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

In recent years, the impact of global warming on the climate of Liqiu has become increasingly significant. As global temperatures rise, we observe a decrease in the number of years that quickly turn cool after the beginning of autumn, and an increase in the number of years that continue to be hot. This climate change has a profound impact on agricultural production, ecosystems, and people's daily lives.

Seasonal climate change caused by global warming has led to changes in the growth cycle and maturity of crops. Some temperature-sensitive crops, such as rice, wheat, etc., may be affected by the continued high temperatures of the climate, resulting in lower yields or lower quality. At the same time, the continuous high temperature has also increased the demand for irrigation, which has put forward higher requirements for water management.

Global warming is also exacerbating the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heat waves. These extreme weather events not only pose a threat to crop growth, but can also adversely affect human health and ecosystem balance.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

In addition, global warming may also affect people's daily habits and social activities. For example, persistent hot weather may cause people to reduce outdoor activities and increase their reliance on air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, which can increase energy consumption and carbon emissions.

In the face of severe weather conditions, we must always be prepared, especially in such a hot and hot weather, we must choose evening or morning when we work, and avoid the time period of noon. At this time, there should be many people who hope that the autumn will start early, so that the hot weather can end early.

But judging from the current situation, the high temperature in the south has just begun, and it will be until the weather is cooler, at least after the National Day. This is quite a test for southerners. At this point in time, you can only hide in the countryside, or in an air-conditioned room. However, farmers may not have such a good life, and the agricultural operations that should be carried out must still be carried out, and the high temperature prevention measures for crops must be done to ensure the smooth growth of crops.

This year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say?

For southerners, early autumn, late autumn, or male autumn or female autumn, there is no great significance, can only hope that this summer can alternate rain and high temperature, to avoid long-term high temperature, or to avoid long-term rain flooding, this is the most comfortable summer.

For this year's beginning of autumn is not ordinary, the old man said that it was "late autumn" or "mother autumn", what do you say? What do you think? Feel free to leave a message and let us know what you think!
