
July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

author:Overnight Crossing

Xiaoyun broadcast: July 1, 2024, Monday, the twenty-sixth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar (Jiachen year Gengwu month Bingyin day), a legal working day. Today's founding day, let us take action to remember the martyrs and celebrate the birth of the party. Today, the anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, I wish the motherland eternal peaceful reunification.

Red list zodiac: pig, horse, dog

Need attention: dragons, snakes, monkeys

Location of the Joy God: Southwest

Fortuna Orientation: Southwest

Suitable: marriage, engagement, moving, traveling, banquet, opening, trading, signing, dissolution, home purchase, payment, population, groundbreaking, building, decoration, groundbreaking, and saving

Don't: None

Lucky numbers: 0, 7

Lucky colours: coffee, red, brown

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

TIPS: You can wear coffee, red, and brown clothes today to enhance your luck!


Hai pig

Partial to the wealth of the main business, "Liuhe" auspicious star into the fate

Pig people have many auspicious stars to protect the good days, all kinds of good things have come, lucky, super sense of responsibility, work twice the result with half the effort. There will be a lot of unexpected money in the account, the wallet is bulging, and the day is full of surprises.

It is conducive to harmonious communication, emotional exchange, and helps to give full play to talents, so it is advisable to pay attention to reality and plan in advance. It is suitable for meeting dredging, teamwork, dating negotiation, publicity and training, etc. The auspicious northeast and black or dark blue clothing are conducive to cooperation and expansion.


Afternoon horse

The main thing is to rob the wealth, and the "Sanhe" auspicious star is killed

Horse people today thinking active, energetic, maintain the spirit of hard work, is a good time for you to perform, and the noble luck is strong, hurry up and take action, it is easy to get the weight of the leader. With such a good mood, it is suitable for gathering with family and friends, and you can gain a lot from happy communication.

It is conducive to harmonious communication, gaining support, helping to overcome oneself, doing a good job of teamwork, and not going your own way. It is suitable for visiting and dredging, organizing cooperation, business development, learning planning, etc. The south is prone to contradictions, which should be avoided; The northeast with green or yellow clothing is conducive to progress.



Biased to print the principal, the "three-in-one" auspicious star into the fate

Dog people are in a good mood, everything goes well, rigorous and practical work attitude makes the performance outstanding, and the more difficult the work, the more you can stimulate your interest and shine in front of everyone. Today is also a good time to go fishing, and when you enjoy the thrill of joy, you can also develop patience.

It is conducive to harmony and integration, helps to improve oneself, overcome difficulties, and should be integrated into the overall situation and scientifically deployed. It is suitable for apprenticeship and friend visits, unity and cooperation, management planning, checking and filling gaps, etc. The northeast and south are conducive to cooperation and dredging and career progress; Bright green and red clothing can help with good luck.


Tiger Tiger

The god of food is in charge

It is an energetic day for Tiger people, with the opportunity to express themselves, easy to get a sense of satisfaction and pleasure, and there is more leisure and entertainment time, you can arrange party activities, and maybe you will have unexpected adventures. However, no matter how good you are, remember to go home early so as not to affect your mental state the next day.

It is conducive to communication and active expansion, and it is advisable to plan ahead according to local conditions. It is suitable for inspection and visits, exchange of existence, transaction negotiation, study and demonstration, etc. The northeast and the south are conducive to cooperation and business development; Red and green clothing can help with good luck.



Righteous wealth is in charge

The rat people have enhanced their learning ability today, their performance is remarkable, their luck is strong, and someone will help you, achieving excellent results and a full sense of achievement. It is also a good time to invest and manage your finances, and you are expected to have a bumper harvest.

It is advisable to be calm and restrained, to remain steady, to pay attention to reality, and to grasp the rhythm of action. It is suitable for visiting condolences, publicity and lectures, answering questions, etc. The south and the east are prone to right and wrong consumption, and try to avoid it; White or black clothing is available for harvesting.



Regular Secretary

It is a smooth and stable day for the Rooster, there will be no unexpected situations, full of energy, full of energy, easy to complete the work, and the efficiency is quite high. In addition, for friends who have not been in contact for a long time, you may wish to take advantage of this day to make a phone call or party, happy and full of harvest.

It is conducive to the implementation of specific projects, and it is advisable to focus on the goals and plan carefully. It is suitable for financial transactions, business negotiations, assessment management, planning and creativity, etc. The southeast and northeast are conducive to cooperation and dredging, wealth and expansion; Yellow or yellow-white with auspicious clothing.



Zhengyin is in charge, and "Tianxi" peach blossom is in his fate

The progress of the work of the sheep people is a little slow, and it is still necessary to adjust their emotions and maintain a positive attitude, which is expected to pass smoothly. However, love luck is excellent, and single people have the possibility of meeting their sweethearts; A partner is as cute as a child in the eyes of the other party, and even if he makes unreasonable requests, the other half can agree.

It is conducive to enlightenment, recognition of direction, peace of mind, and steady progress. Suitable for management and storage, learning planning, introspection, etc. There is a lot of pressure in the northeast, so you need to pay attention; The southeast and south are conducive to seeking help and dredging; Red, green and yellow clothing are all beneficial.


Ugly cow

Zhengyin is in charge, and the "Red Luan" peach blossom is in charge

Ox people's work luck is declining today, especially in the afternoon, it is best to put important things in the morning to complete, and check more to avoid mistakes. Love luck is better, and singles are easy to harvest wonderful, dry and rotten romances; Pay attention to your tone and attitude when discussing issues with your partner and significant other.

It is advisable to be peaceful and introverted, do a good job in internal affairs, go with the flow, and advance and retreat reasonably. It is suitable for organizing reserves, financial management, project planning, learning and meditation, etc. The South is prone to contradictions and needs to be avoided; Red, yellow, or yellow and white can be used with clothing.


Mao Rabbit

The wounded officer is in charge

Rabbit people are procrastinating, lazy, and negative today, and they always want to do the work that could have been done in the afternoon, which is extremely slow, and it is easy to cause dissatisfaction with their bosses, and even the possibility of working overtime. Procrastination is a serious source of productivity, wasting time and energy, and must be eliminated in any case, otherwise it will greatly jeopardize your work and life.

It is easy to get help from friends, which is conducive to broadening your horizons and seeking consensus. It is suitable for inspection and visits, solidarity and mutual assistance, transaction negotiations, learning and discussion, etc. The southeast and south are prone to right and wrong consumption and need to be avoided; The Northeast with black or teal clothing helps to win.



Biased Supervisor

The luck of the dragon people is not good, the work is not going well, especially the salesman is difficult to play persuasive, if the stalker will only backfire, and it will be even more annoying. If you are depressed and prone to quarrels with others, it is recommended to be more patient, and not to show bad emotions on your face.

It is conducive to sorting out ideas, self-improvement, and should be calm and reasonable. It is suitable for storage and sorting, management inspection, learning planning, etc. The east and southeast are prone to barriers and contradictions, which need to be avoided; The south and the bright red clothes are good for the harvest.



Compare with the main thing, and "commit" the declining star into fate

Snake people are not suitable for making decisions on a day, their judgment ability is reduced, and they are very easy to be affected by unfavorable factors in life and work, so that mistakes occur, and they can listen to the opinions of their elders. In addition, if someone borrows money from you, you must do what you can to avoid falling into an economic crisis.

It is advisable to follow the rules, be cautious and avoid, act calmly, do not blindly follow blind faith, and only look at the present. It is advisable to pay attention to the interior, and it is not appropriate to participate in cooperation, social gatherings, business development, etc. The northeast is prone to nuisance and should be avoided; Red, yellow, or yellow-white clothing is good for dredging.


Shen Monkey

Seven kills are the main thing, and the "offense" is fateful

Monkey people are very stressed today, all kinds of accidents are coming, making you extremely depressed, there may be spending money to buy happy things, but it is easy to be deceived by the salesperson under impulse, spend more money in vain, it is recommended to bring less money or no credit card. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to physical health, and it is best to avoid sports that you have not been exposed to, and be careful of injury.

It is advisable to be open-minded and introverted, cautious and defensive, in awe, think twice, and not be reckless and impulsive. It is advisable to do a good job of internal affairs, and it is not appropriate to participate in cooperation, celebration gatherings, transaction expansion, etc. The northeast is prone to contradictory damage and needs to be avoided; Yellow or yellow-white with clothing is good for dredging.

Don't do it today

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

Monkey (Gengshen, 45 years old)

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

The market is opened, the market is opened, the securities are opened, the plaques are hung, the lights are opened, the demolition is lifted, the ground is broken, the beds are built, the upper beams are purchased, the plants are planted, the ground is broken, and the burials are made

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

Make a stove, make a fire, sacrifice, marry, and enter the house

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar


July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

Son, ugly, Chen, and un

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

Yuede, Tianen, Mucang, Sanhe, Tianma, Tianxi, Tianyi, Yihou, Wuhe, Ming, Bark, Tiangui, Wangri, Gong

July 1, 2024 May 26 of the first year of the lunar calendar

The Great Evil, the White Tiger, the Yellow Sand, the God, the Yang General, the Heavenly Stick, the Knife Break, the Lei Gong, the Feilian, the Great Killing, the Earth Ban

【Ganzhi】Jiachen year, Gengwu month, Bingyin day

【Fetal God】Kitchen stove outside the south side

【Xiang Chong】Tiger Ri Chong (Gengshen) monkey

【Hundred taboos】C does not repair the stove and does not sacrifice

【Zodiac】White Tiger (Yakuza Day)

【Auspicious time】Wuzi (23:00-00:59)




 Huang Lixin said 

The fire is warm, born in the middle of the moon, and the internal qi is full, which is conducive to overcoming difficulties, military expeditions, punishment and law enforcement.

Today, it is advisable to cultivate rationality, wait for work with leisure, and strive for stability, and it is not suitable for friendship and dredging, financial management, project development, interpersonal communication, etc. We must learn from the past, think twice before acting, and do not act willfully. Beware of diseases and injuries, official and non-obstructions, and loss of wealth. On Bingyin Day, it is taboo to build or repair kitchens, stoves, etc.

Easy image interpretation: Geng Wuri, the stars of wealth are dry, fire and gold are fighting, and it is not suitable for friendship dredging, financial management, project development, etc. On Bingyin Day, wood and fire are born together, and the earth branch is in harmony at noon, so we must plan carefully to prevent diseases and injuries, official and non-obstructions, and loss of wealth.

When traveling to do errands, there are several time periods to pay attention to:

Auspicious time: 17 o'clock to 19 o'clock in the evening and 21 o'clock to 23 o'clock in the evening, these two periods are conducive to the help of nobles, safe and smooth.

Inauspicious times: 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 15 p.m. to 17 p.m., it is easy to have conflicts and injuries, and things are capricious, so you should try to avoid them.

The eastern direction is today's auspicious side, and this direction is chosen to be auspicious.