
【Red Pine Yellow Calendar】Zodiac Weekly Fortune (7.1-7.7)

author:Overnight Crossing

Jin Ming people

Jin Mingren is in charge of the Yin Star this week, the overall fortune ups and downs, you may encounter some small difficulties, you need to cheer up your spirit, keep serious and positive in your work, in order to deal with difficulties smoothly.

Lucky color: cyan, green (avoid white)

Lucky number: 3/8

Wood life people

Mu Ming people are in charge of wealth this week, their fortune is rising, they are doing things in a planned manner, everything is moving forward in a stable way, and the opportunities for making money are increasing. In addition, this week's popularity is good, and I have the opportunity to meet more friends, and maybe there will be nobles in the future.

Lucky color: brown, brown (avoid gold)

Lucky number: 2/6

Water Lifeman

The official star of the water life is in charge of this week, the luck is poor, and some unsatisfactory things may be encountered, so you must maintain an optimistic attitude, and many things can be solved smoothly. At the same time, this week is also more likely to provoke right and wrong, so don't meddle in your affairs to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Lucky colors: red, purple (avoid yellow)

Lucky number: 2/8

Fire Survivor

Fire people are bound by good luck this week, good luck is good, everything can be satisfied, and you may also meet noble people who are eager to help you. This week's interpersonal communication is good, you can communicate with people more and expand your network.

Lucky colors: red, purple (avoid blue)

Lucky number: 2/7


The people of the earth are more robbed of the main thing this week, the noble people are prosperous, and there are nobles to help them in everything, even if they encounter small troubles in work and life, they can be solved smoothly and are happy. However, when going out this week, you need to pay attention to the safety of your money, and there may be a risk of breaking your money.

Lucky color: brown, yellow (avoid green)

Lucky number: 1/6

· Zodiac Rat ·

Overall: A week of extraneous branches. Monday "offense", Tuesday "offense", Wednesday "three".

Wealth: Wealth is not satisfactory, be careful with financial problems with others, and control the impulse to spend on Mondays so as not to make ends meet.

Love: On Thursday, there is a "Tianxi" peach blossom into the fate, single people can meet a lot of the opposite sex, and the probability of falling in love is high; The road to the relationship between a partner and a lover is getting smoother and smoother.

Career: The career is average, and it is easy to have unexpected troubles, so be sure to keep a cool head at this time, otherwise it will be worse.

Health: Stress multiplies, overuse of the brain, prone to headaches and even indigestion.

· Zodiac Ox ·

Overall: A week of prudence in words and deeds. Monday "offense", Tuesday "offense", Thursday "three", Sunday "six".

Wealth: Wealth is high this week, the mind is clear, the analytical skills are enhanced, and it is easy to have enviable money in the account.

Love: On Monday, you need to guard against "rotten peach blossoms", there is less communication with partners, and the relationship is getting colder and colder, remember that marriage needs to be kept fresh; On Wednesday, there will be "Tianxi" peach blossoms into the fate, and singles will have a beautiful fate.

Career: Career is not good, mental state is not good, it is easy to make mistakes due to carelessness, cheer up and concentrate on work, so as not to be scolded.

Health: The body is not very good, the mood is low, depressed, you must relax and care more about your health.

· Tiger ·

Overall: A positive week. Monday and Friday "three-in-one", Wednesday "offense", Saturday "six-in-one". 、

Wealth: Wealth is abundant this week, as long as you take positive action, you will reap the rewards, and sales business owners are expected to sign large orders on Tuesday and Friday.

Love: On Tuesday, there is a "Tianxi" peach blossom into the fate, and the charm of singles is greatly increased, and love will follow; The relationship between the lover and the lover is heating up, and it is a good time to meet the parents of both parties and get engaged.

Career: The career is very good, work seriously and carefully on Wednesday, and even if you encounter difficulties on Thursday, you can spend time and patiently solve them, and get everyone's trust and praise.

Health: Relaxed and stress-free, if you do more sports, your luck and body will be better.

· Rabbit ·

Overall: A week of wealth and well-being. Tuesday and Saturday "three-in-one", Thursday "offense", Friday "six-in-one".

Wealth: Wealthy, highly motivated, able to seize the opportunity to make money, and there will be a windfall on Tuesday and Friday.

Love: On Monday, the peach blossom of "Tianxi" enters the fate, and single people are easy to meet their destined lover; On Sunday, there is a "red luan" peach blossom into the fate, and those who have a partner are emotionally unstable, easy to get angry, and lose the sweet taste.

Career: Career rise, like a fish in water, get praise from everyone on Wednesday, get along with colleagues friendly, suitable for expanding contacts.

Health: in good condition, energetic, in a good mood, with a good quality of sleep.

· Zodiac Dragon ·

Overall: A week of raising eyebrows. Wednesday and Sunday "three-in-one", Thursday "six-in-one", Friday "offense".

Money: Money is lucky, this week's money income can not only fill the holes in the past, but also have a lot left.

Love: On Thursday, the peach blossoms of the "salty pool" meet the "Liuhe", and the single person falls in love very smoothly because of the help of others; On Saturday, there is a "red luan" peach blossom into the fate, and those who have a partner have a bad life, so they should be more patient and considerate to their lovers.

Career: The career is very good, positive and serious, detail-oriented, efficient, trusted by everyone, and the status has been improved.

Health: Relaxed, healthy, go outdoors and see the scenery!

· Zodiac Snake ·

Overall: A week of waiting and seeing. Wednesday "Liuhe", Thursday "Sanhe", Saturday "Chong".

Wealth: Fortune is rising, seizing the opportunity will be rewarding, and there will be unexpected surprises on Wednesday and Thursday.

Love: On Friday, there is a "red luan" peach blossom into the fate, and singles are easy to meet people under the guidance of Eros; But on Monday, you should avoid "rotten peach blossoms", those who have a partner should not lose their temper willfully, and patient communication is conducive to the development of feelings.

Career: If your career is not good, your situation is frequent, and you are at a loss in the face of many problems, you may wish to ask a friend!

Health: Excessive use of the brain, serious physical overdraft, easy to cause discomfort, need to take appropriate rest.

· Zodiac Horse ·

Overall: A week of joy and sorrow. Tuesday "Liuhe", Friday "Sanhe", Sunday "Guilty Chong".

Wealth: Wealth has ups and downs, although there are entries on Wednesday and Thursday, but there are also things that damage money, be careful in everything.

Love: On Thursday, there is a "red luan" peach blossom into the fate, and singles are easy to meet the lover of their dreams when they go out; If there is a conflict between a partner and a lover, if there is a misunderstanding, it should be clarified in time.

Career: The career is not bad, serious and responsible, stick to their posts, and have noble people to help you in case of difficulties, everything goes well.

Health: Mood swings are high, which adversely affects health, and it needs to be quickly adjusted and relaxed.

· Zodiac Sheep ·

Overall: A week of gains and losses. Monday "Liuhe", Saturday "Sanhe", Sunday "Crime".

Wealth: Wealth is not very good, you must be more careful with money, think twice, so as not to have money gone and never returned.

Love: On Wednesday, there are "red luan" peach blossoms into life, and on Sunday there are "rotten peach blossoms", and there are partners and lovers who do not get along harmoniously, so we must cherish the feelings and be careful of the third party intervening.

Career: The business is on the rise, the imagination is rich, the energy is abundant, and the planned things are not only carried out smoothly, but also valuable experience can be gained from them.

Health: The body's resistance is weakened, and it is easy to get sick, so it is necessary to find time to strengthen exercise.

· Zodiac Monkey ·

Overall: An ordinary week. Saturday "offense", Sunday "triad".

Wealth: Wealth luck is ordinary, a week of living within your means, especially when you consume, you must first think about your ability, don't slap your swollen face and become fat.

Love: On Tuesday, there is a "red luan" peach blossom into the fate, and the single person is favored by the god of love, and it is expected to talk about a heart-warming love; But on Thursday, it is necessary to avoid "rotten peach blossoms", and those who have a partner are in a crisis of affection, and they need to clean themselves.

Career: Good luck in the workplace, conscientious, full of confidence, efficiency has been significantly improved, and can be praised by leaders on Monday.

Health: Being healthy, drinking water on time, and avoiding sitting for long periods of time can reduce the chance of getting sick.

· Zodiac Rooster ·

Overall: a sluggish week. Friday "Offense".

Wealth: Declining wealth index, poor judgment, missed opportunities, and maintaining a calm mind to avoid losing money.

Love: On Monday, there is a "Hongluan" peach blossom into the fate, and on Sunday, there is a "Tianxi" peach blossom into the fate, the single person is peach blossom, suitable for confessing to the opposite sex, and is expected to find a lifelong partner, sweet life.

Career: Career is not good, irritable, irresponsible and impatient at work, be careful of being criticized by the leader, and correct it as soon as possible.

Health: Busy and busy, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and maintain a good attitude to avoid physical discomfort.

· Zodiac Dog ·

Overall: a sluggish week. Friday "Offense".

Wealth: Declining wealth index, poor judgment, missed opportunities, and maintaining a calm mind to avoid losing money.

Love: On Monday, there is a "Hongluan" peach blossom into the fate, and on Sunday, there is a "Tianxi" peach blossom into the fate, the single person is peach blossom, suitable for confessing to the opposite sex, and is expected to find a lifelong partner, sweet life.

Career: Career is not good, irritable, irresponsible and impatient at work, be careful of being criticized by the leader, and correct it as soon as possible.

Health: Busy and busy, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and maintain a good attitude to avoid physical discomfort.

· Zodiac Pig ·

Overall: A week of good fortune. Tuesday "three-in-one", Wednesday "offense".

Wealth: Wealth is unimpeded, wealth comes from all directions, money bags are bulging, and there will be unexpected surprises on Monday.

Love: On Friday, there is a "Tianxi" peach blossom into the fate, and it is easy for single people to find an ideal partner; But on Sundays, it is necessary to avoid "rotten peach blossoms", and married people and lovers should listen more and argue less together, so as not to cause cracks in the relationship.

Career: The career is good, the work is easy to complete, the self can break through and make great progress, and the ability to improve is good for the future.

Health: Long-term large fish and meat will cause serious harm to the human body, so a balanced diet is required.

The solar term is an important time and space node, and July 6 ushers in the small summer solar term and enters the month of Xinwei. At the beginning of July, the main body was in the month of Gengwu, the noon fire was in power, and the fire contained in it became the core of power. After the summer heat, the land is not in power, and the kun corresponding to the gossip is the ground, and the humidity is aggravated, so it is necessary to calm the body and mind and advance steadily. So, what's the fortune for next week, July 1-7? Let's sort it out:

【Red Pine Yellow Calendar】Zodiac Weekly Fortune (7.1-7.7)

Monday, July 1, May 26, Jiachen year, Gengwu month, Bingyin day

It is warm, born in the middle of summer, full of internal qi, which is conducive to military conquest, punishment and law enforcement, etc., and is not suitable for friendship dredging, financial management, project development, etc. Beware of diseases and injuries, official and non-obstructions, and loss of wealth. On Bingyin Day, it is taboo to build or repair kitchens, stoves, etc.

The zodiac is the monkey and the snake, which is easy to be entangled, and it is not conducive to acting, so you should be more cautious.

Tuesday, July 2, May 27, Jiachen year, Gengwu month, Ding Mao day

Ding Huo is beautiful, born in the middle of the moon, the moon helps the body, it is easy to get the help of nobles, it is advisable to clarify the goal, plan carefully, and be suitable for visiting officials, cooperation and dredging, celebration gatherings, business development, publicity and training, etc. We must be self-reliant, open and inclusive, and strive for progress.

The zodiac signs are the rat, the dragon and the rooster, and they are prone to obstacles, so they should be cautious and not conducive to doing big things.

【Red Pine Yellow Calendar】Zodiac Weekly Fortune (7.1-7.7)

Wednesday, July 3, May 28, Jiachen year, Gengwu month, Wuchen day

Wu Tu is high-pitched, born in the middle moon, should be modest and cautious, low-key and peaceful, avoid blind and casual, and act publicly. It is suitable for organizing preparation, financial management, planning and planning, recuperation, etc. It is necessary to move in an orderly manner, and beware of lawsuits, rumors, and financial damage.

The genus is prone to the right and wrong obstacles of the rabbit, the dragon and the dog, and it is necessary to pay attention to the risk control.

Thursday, July 4, the twenty-ninth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the year of Jiachen, the month of Gengwu, the day of Jisi

Yin Xing is born, he must be bright and open, maintain stability, aim for the long term, and grasp the trade-offs. Avoid lawsuits and gambling, and beware of theft, deception, lawsuits, etc. It is forbidden to use capital and investment transactions, and it is not advisable to travel far and sign contract documents.

The phase of the tiger and the pig is easy to be troubled and entangled, which is not conducive to doing big things, so we should pay attention to prevention.

【Red Pine Yellow Calendar】Zodiac Weekly Fortune (7.1-7.7)

Friday, July 5, May 30, Jiachen year, Gengwu month, Gengwu day

The noon moon fire is easy to get the help of nobles, which is conducive to the implementation of the plan and progress. It is suitable for meeting and dredging, job application, transaction negotiation, career development, etc. Be open-minded and humble, be good at learning, grasp the timing of actions, and be cautious in the use of instruments and knives.

Those who are subordinate to the Rat, the Ugly Ox and the Afternoon Horse are prone to trouble and obstacles, which are not conducive to doing great things, so be cautious.

Saturday, July 6, the first day of the sixth month, the first day of the first month of the first month, the year of the first year, the month of Xinwei, the day of the month

Today's summer solar term (22:20), when the solar term is changing, pay attention to recuperation of body and mind. Be rational and prudent, stay away from right and wrong, follow the trend, do not be opportunistic, only for profit, and beware of theft, loss, deceived, lawsuits, etc.

Those who are subordinate to the rat and the ugly cow are prone to obstruction and are not conducive to acting, so they need to be more cautious.

【Red Pine Yellow Calendar】Zodiac Weekly Fortune (7.1-7.7)

Sunday, July 7, the second day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, the year of Jiachen, the day of the month of Xinwei, the day of Renshen

The official star is vigorous, and it is easy to get the help of nobles, which is conducive to the implementation of the plan and progress. It is suitable for meeting and dredging, job application, transaction negotiation, career development, learning planning, construction and construction, etc. Be open-minded and humble, be good at learning, and grasp the opportunity to act.

It is easy to have right and wrong entanglement for Yin Tiger and Hai Pig, which is not conducive to acting, so we must be cautious.

Note: The above content mostly focuses on the time of day, and the specific application must be combined with reality.